Because of Linda's illness and folks wanting to know how things are going,I've decided to do a BLOG regarding her experience. Check in from time to time and I'll try to keep everyone posted as to how she's doing and what's going on.. PS...to leave a comment, click on the "comments" under the post....write your comment. Be sure to include your name. Be sure to click on "other" or "anonymous" ...either works...Linda loves to read the comments. Dave
Linda and I agree that it shows we have aged a lot in a short period of time.....
It communicates a saddness and a quietness......
"It is what it is"....we'll get through it and 2008 will be a better year.
Below is a drive across the mountain pass...everyone made it safely and slowly
Son in law Chris and Granddaughter Taigen tried out the Children's Museum in Seattle...we got them season tickets for Christmas...Daughter Wendy is taking the picture.
Today was a good Christmas...we didn't allow our illnesses to get in the way...Linda really had a good day....tired tonight but felt the day was very fullfilling....her many faces:
And more:
Ginny, Grace, Bob, Mary, Darrell, Sallie, Dave, Joni, Ray, John, Kris, Kim, Darron, Kay, Claudia, Steve, Nancy, Meg, Andy, Sandy, Mike, Lisa, Mark, Jenn, Jim, Janine, Wendy, Chris, Mom, Jeff, Gene, Janet, Ken, Ruth, Rick, Mindy, Julie, Jack, Anne, Marlin, Ernie, Karen, Kim, Mick, Anita, LaVelle, Barb, Frank, Grace, Marilyn, Peter, Cheryl, Denise, Susie, Little Sis, Al, Norman, Deb, Bev, Shelly, Scott, Susan, Rick, Liz, Sean, Vicki, Vickie, Swee, Beth, Wayne and Virginia, Ethel.............and all others we forgot to mention.....
Thanks.....Thanks....For Caring so much.........Have a great Holidays!!!!!!!
Linda and Dave
ps..."YES"..the hair is coming out again...it was coming back nice and fuzzy...but the new chemo rounds are taking it away...good thing there is a "Cranial Prothesis"..aka a "Wig".
Linda wore her new socks to the infusion center,which say "BELIEVE"....her shirt as a gift from friend Judy said "BELIEVE"....friend and library head Beth created another prayer shawl which Lind wore today...with help like this, she was very prepaired to do well this round...thanks to you all.
Linda also took "goodies" to the infusion nurses....especially for liz who has been special and it was her birthday today.
My hypertention stated back up agan tonight...I am staying very calm and taking Ativan...it seems to be slowing down......slowly.......no trips to the ER if I can avoid it.
If you look closely just off Linda's right hand you'll see the ornament I hung (In the upper picture)(just kidding....it was a team effort)......
Thanks Ruth...very cool and appropriate!
Tonight our neighbor across the creek was having a surprise 70th birthday dinner and we were invited....it was held in the clubhouse in Tolgate. outside Sisters....where we lived years ago. We went back and forth whether to go because of all the above...and....and.....Linda decided she was up to it and we were glad we went. There were many, many wonderful people present and it was a lot of fun.....and Linda stayed for 3 hours.....all her choice. Jack...our neighbor...turned 70 and was very surprised.....it was well worth going just to hear folks talk about Jack and good things about him.....bravo to his wife Liz who put it all together....so nice it all was...gave Linda much energy just being there.
We feel as if we can make it through the weekend....we don't think the tests Monday will show anything (but we will still do them)....we now believe the blood pressue issues are due to the chemo....now that we believe that, the question is how can we avoid the frightful, dangerous blood pressure drops if they should happen again in the next cycle....or the cycle after that....that is what we will be pursuing in terms of answers next week.
And then the bad stuff.......
Linda awoke this morning with some "bone pain"...she had it most of the night and had gotten up for more pain medication....she spent 12 hours in bed...having gone to bed at 8 pm.
She appeared tired this morning and slept on and off...sitting next to me.....
And then.......
She seemed to fall away from me....and appeared very tired and worn down...Janine took her blood pressure and it was 55 over 35 with a pulse of 51....an unbelievable low set of "vitals".....and then she became unresponsive...she didn't pass out..but rather looked "glazed over" and "glassy eyed"...at one point her eyes rolled back.....I was unable to get her to respond...several times and efforts....Janine called 9-1-1 immediately.
The good news is that the fire and EMT folks were very close and there within minutes......Linda came back around and they immediately set up and IV and stabilized her. The hospital is very close also and Linda was transported there.....to make a long story short, it appears Linda had become dehydrated and this set up the above.....even though she had juice and all for breakfast...it wasn't enough.
After a long period in the ER, Linda was released....having had infusions of hydration. We have learned that she must really get the liquids down..much beyond what she had been doing...and "yes" she had been carrying a water bottle and drinking from it...still not enough....
We came home tonight...she is experiencing some more "bone pain" which we are trying to manage.....we hope the "scary times" are behind us...we have been through too much of that. This lady deserves better...we got two weeks of peace in Florida...we are looking for more.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone....
ps..Our luggage showed up at 1 am this morning..the dog heard the car show up and she woke us up...the guy delivering it then broke one of his car windows with our luggage.....it was none worse the wear and then he drove off...this morning there was a pile of car glass in the driveway...what a day it was....