Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Evening......November 30th
Linda and I went to her new internist to see about the rapid heart rate and all.....suprise...the internist was worried about the low blood pressure and all....particularly the incident last Friday where Linda had to be rushed to the hospital. The internist has scheduled two tests for where Linda wears a monitor for 24 hours showing what her heart is doing and a test involving the endocrine glands (I think).....where blood is drawn at different times under different circumstances (I think)...we will know Monday for sure.
The internist arranged for a blood test also to check Linda's counts..we went over to the main clinic to have it done as we wanted Susie the nurse practitioner to see it also....the counts were down..not dangerously so as during earlier treatments ..but numbers to watch....Linda was predicted to have her low count point on Wednesday (the 10th day)...but it happened last night or early today (day 11 or 12) Linda has to be somewhat careful until Sunday and go on antibiotics if her temperature goes up...(so we canceled a trip to Costco today!).....actually we are told that open shopping sites are not a concern as much as smaller closed rooms...but we aren't taking a chance and came home to lie low for the's cold out there anyway.
Linda feels stronger today..she ate well yesterday ...she is doing even better our hope is that next week will be her "feel good" (great?) week. She has a good attitude and is eager to do some "strength" exercises to get some muscle back.....supported by the doctors. She has gained two pounds this week.
It will be interesting to see how Linda does when she feels better near the end of this cycle..whether the heart stuff goes away....and no side effects....I think what we will try to do is "sneak away" for a couple of days before the next cycle starts on the 11th. I know of a couple of places on rivers on the west side of the mountains where we could hide out and breathe and relax.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thursday Evening.......November 30th
Towards the end of today she started to feel weaker and generally not too hot....perhaps a sign that she is heading downhill into neutropenia. Yesterday her counts were such that being around people was not a problem......but if she feels poorly tomorrow we will most likely head back to the clinic to get another blood test and a booster if needed. If she is neutropenic we will avoid the crowds etc....the numbers give those clues.
Linda is eating pretty good...mindful that it translates to good health....she ate about 5 times today in moderate amounts and will have some ice cream later tonight before retiring. The doctor said yesterday they were not concerned about her eating.....the concern was during the time when the chemo and radiation were together....and they indicated at that time that Linda's weight loss was less than most....anyway I am still reminding her to keep the nourishment going in...and she is doing that. They also supported the exercise program she is doing.
Notes about "Sadie the Lady"...Sadie had her 60 day followup appointment with the vet today...and the good news is the stones are gone...a $1,400 savings....last year the vet (another one) operated to get rid of the stones....this vet used an antibiotic and special food to do the trick...we are aware that this will be a life long problem so continued monitoring and testing will be necessary. She is continuing on the antibiotics for another 30 days to make sure all the bacteria is gone.....she has acted normal for quite a while so the clues were there that there wasn't a problem continuing.
Final note......Linda has been slowly decorating for of her favorite things to do....son Jim is coming over Monday and he and friends will set up the Christmas tree and decorate it as that is a big task and Linda is limited to smaller tasks over a longer period of time.....Jim had one question.."how are they going to get the tree" response: "it's in a box in the garage"...his response: "oh".......
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday Evening......November 28th
Today Linda went to the clinic for a "mid term" check up...half way through the first cycle of 21 days. Prior to that we met with Pastor Paul in the hospital and spent some very quality and inspirational time.
We met with Susie the nurse practitioner...and went over the events of the past 10 days..including the trip to the Emergency Room by ambulance...the high blood pressure and particularly the high pulse....and the extreme pain in the joints and bones that occurred for 3-4 days. Susie prescribed a steroid to deal with the will be taken at specific days and in specific amounts according to the days the "bone pain" is predicted to show up again in the next cycles.
Susie felt that the blood pulse/pressure stuff should be dealt with by a specialist....particularly when Linda has had trouble in the past (she was on medication prior to the cancer) appears the cancer and treatments have made things more on the edge. Susie also wanted us to come back when the doctor came in to review all that (and he had indicated yesterday he wanted to see Linda).
So we went to COSTCO for pizza and a bit of shopping and then came back...the doctor concurred with Susie about Linda seeing the Friday morning she will meet with the internist to review everything relating to the blood pressure/pulse.
Linda maintained quite well today...she is doing remarkably well in spite of a somewhat elevated heartbeat. She feels good that the pain will be diminished next round.....and that the heart stuff is going to be addressed.
Linda's blood test showed a reduction in red blood cells and a drop in the white cell numbers..but not enough to be neutropenic.....Susie was unsure as to whether Linda has "hit the bottom" and "is on the way back up" or "still heading down" with the counts...the next day or so should tell the story. nothing special is needed now..unless Linda has something happen like a fever or....
That's about things in a short piece...Linda is doing well...has a great attitude today...and looks forward to the rest of the week and next week where she is predicted to do well and end up feeling well.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday Evening.....November 27th
Linda woke this morning and discovered she had lost two more pounds....which resulted in a tearful...anxiety filled hour before things calmed was fear based.....actually she is doing well on the weight but her being more focused on it cannot hurt...
And then.......
Linda's pulse was elevated again today....128.....not good..we were told to call in if it was over 100 so the call went in....but Susie has Tuesdays off so we didn't get any response until this evening....hence a lot of stress.
We are not sure what is causing the elevation but the doctor said he would get involved tomorrow.. (Linda has a scheduled appointment with nurse practitioner Susie to do blood counts etc) is our hope (big time) to figure out these blood pressure and pulse swings...last week she was in the emergency room with a low pulse and pressure..this week the pulse is high.
Son Jeff came over for dinner tonight...visitors are invaluable..Linda changes her focus and is "uplifted"....more visits and comments in the BLOG are keys to helping her out.....she gets much from both...
Thanks for every one's support.....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday Evening...November 26th
Linda's blood pressure and pulse went up for while..maybe due to the moving around in the morning or the seems to be up one day...down the next.....
She is drinking a lot of fluids..not leaving that to chance....
Linda suggested we do our Christmas letter today...we not only did it but mailed it too.......and I got all the bills paid (which might not sound like much in this day and age of automatic payments)....but these doctor and hospital and...and..bills go on forever ...even with insurance.....anyway it was a productive day.
We watched a lot of Garth Brooks concerts today .....he has a set of five published together....I find his music very meaningful and touching as we go though this cancer process.
Linda is working on her Christmas decorations..which is not a small task..but she is limited to one plastic storage bin a day (she's just started her second one of the you know she has a mind of her own...and says she feel a bit more energetic).....much of her day was resting on the couch so a energy burst "ain't" bad.
Anyway we hope tomorrow goes easy on Linda and the next day is a check in with the doctor so we can discuss what the past week plus has been like.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday Evening...November 25th
I'm sorry for scaring you guys with my drama this week, especially my David. It's not easy for him to accompany me on this journey with all it's scary moments. I'll try to take better care of myself from now on.
My pain has finally let up today, so that I didn't need to take any pain meds. It's been a tough week and hopefully before my next treatment, we can figure how to make it a little easier. I might have decided not to sign up for it had I known it would be so hard. No, that's not true. I'm willing to go through whatever I have to to beat this disease. I'm so lucky to have so many people rooting for me. It definitely helps me get through the hard times. Thanks again for hanging in there with me.
Love and gratitude.....Linda
Dave again.....
I find my self very sensitive to music these days...some Garth Brooks stuff as well as Vince Gill and Trisha I was thinking of Linda and I attending many Listening Heart seminars for couples in Wings (which many of you know we support and partipate in)....couples are given a song which in part represents much about them as seen by others....Linda and I have had a few songs over time as we have worked with this seminar many times.
Anyway, the one that sticks out today was a song by Placido Domingo called "Time After Time" (Carly Simon has done it too) which was given to us a number of goes like this:
Time after Time
I tell myself that I'm
So lucky to be loving you
So lucky to be the one you run to see
In the evening, when the day is through
I only know, what I know
the passing years will show
you kept my love so young
so new and Time after Time
You'll hear me say that I'm
So lucky, to be loving you
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Saturday Evening...November 24th
The pain in her legs was quite significant during the night and has tapered off a bit during the day today but still present.
Lastly, she threw up pretty forcefully after dinner tonight.....she wasn't on the nausea medication but will now return to it as it indicates to go back on it if the nausea returns.
We did go to the library for a short exercise stint..but not much else to report...watched the Oregon Ducks for the first time...they were awful!....surely not a top ten team....surely they will disappear from the charts now...and my alma mater Oregon State will handle them next!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday After Turkey Day...November 23rd
And then the bad stuff.......
Linda awoke this morning with some "bone pain"...she had it most of the night and had gotten up for more pain medication....she spent 12 hours in bed...having gone to bed at 8 pm.
She appeared tired this morning and slept on and off...sitting next to me.....
And then.......
She seemed to fall away from me....and appeared very tired and worn down...Janine took her blood pressure and it was 55 over 35 with a pulse of unbelievable low set of "vitals".....and then she became unresponsive...she didn't pass out..but rather looked "glazed over" and "glassy eyed" one point her eyes rolled back.....I was unable to get her to respond...several times and efforts....Janine called 9-1-1 immediately.
The good news is that the fire and EMT folks were very close and there within minutes......Linda came back around and they immediately set up and IV and stabilized her. The hospital is very close also and Linda was transported make a long story short, it appears Linda had become dehydrated and this set up the above.....even though she had juice and all for wasn't enough.
After a long period in the ER, Linda was released....having had infusions of hydration. We have learned that she must really get the liquids down..much beyond what she had been doing...and "yes" she had been carrying a water bottle and drinking from it...still not enough....
We came home tonight...she is experiencing some more "bone pain" which we are trying to manage.....we hope the "scary times" are behind us...we have been through too much of that. This lady deserves better...we got two weeks of peace in Florida...we are looking for more.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday...Turkey Day.....November 23rd, 2007
Linda has had a mixed day of symptoms......during the night the "bone pain" set in...and this late morning she lost everything with little notice. We have been using a mixture of meds to get things under control. She's doing pretty good this evening although very tired...
Tomorrow will be interesting to see if the "bone pain" "peaked" this late morning and will now ease off....and maybe the nausea is gone ....we think it was brought on by the pain medication...we've had that trouble before.
We had turkey with family today.....Jim and Jenn and Jillian.....Janine....Chris and Wendy and Taigen....and us. Linda did a pretty good job eating.
Tonight Linda is wearing down fast...I'm going to get her to bed early....she was able to meet the goal she set quite a while ago..that was to be with family on Thanksgiving and to eat a real meal...she accomplished both.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday In the Valley......November 21st
Linda hasn't experienced any nausea....but....the bone pain showed up this afternoon...crampy feeling...followed by pain behind the knees and then pain in the elbows. we quickly started the pain meds and things seem under control. We shall see what tomorrow brings. as Linda says, if this is the worse it's manageable.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tuesday Evening....November 20th
Linda woke this morning...went to the kitchen and started baking for the holidays......
Two problems: she had chemo yesterday and is supposed to feel "bad" today and also she hasn't the energy to be a busy baker......did I mention she also was on the tread mill for 14 minutes and did weight exercises prior to that......
She did "calm" down a little and took a big nap......and no signs of nausea yet....we remember each individual reacts differently.....but again this is pretty early in the 21 day cycle.
Now she wants to go out to dinner to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary today......will someone calm this woman down! (the bad news is I thought it was our 29th and we'd already done the 27th...oh well).
Glad to hear from all on the "comments section" in this Blog...happy holidays to all.....hug the one close to is not predictable.....
We most likely will leave tomorrow for the "valley" (west side of the mountains..we live on the east side) to see Linda's brother and sister in law and celebrate the holidays with the kids in Portland.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday In Oregon...November 19th
Linda was a bit nervous after what she has gone through..then feeling finally much better and now back in to "feel worse to get better".....
It actually went "ok"....we first met with the nurse practitioner ..."Suzie"....who went though what things would look like....there are 4 cycles to this round of chemo...each 21 days....there are two "chemos" given on day 1 after some preliminary medicines (all intravenously).....on days 2 and 3 Linda should expect nausea...on days 3 through 5 it looks like "bone pain"....on days 9 through 12 low immunity and she should feel at her best on days 17 though 21......and then it all starts again (for 4 cycles of 21 days).
We went through other side effects including loss of hair again and the medications Linda will need to take.
We also discussed the possibility of finishing things in Florida if the side effects were manageable..everyone has a different we have a "green light" if all goes well....we shall see.
So Linda proceeded with her first took a total of 6 and a half hours....she approached things with great confidence and sense is she will be on top of all this...this time around.....look to the following pictures for a sense of how her day went.....
ps..Our luggage showed up at 1 am this morning..the dog heard the car show up and she woke us up...the guy delivering it then broke one of his car windows with our was none worse the wear and then he drove off...this morning there was a pile of car glass in the driveway...what a day it was....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday Eveing In Cold Central Oregon.....November 18th
We are home but no luggage.
We had the shock of our lives to hit a white out snowstorm in the mountains on the way home...what a shock...driving a day ago in flip flops and shorts...and now wrestling with a snowbound highway with a whiteout...but we made it.
Linda is a bit tired and we both have a bit of a "reality check" in that tomorrow the chemo starts has been so nice to have her back to a semi normal state...a reminder of our good times....we have to remind ourselves tomorrow: "it is what it is" and we will make the best of it.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday....Last Evening in Warm Florida....November 17th
Tomorrow we leave at 4 am to catch the airplane home (groan).
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday Evening (Still In Florida)....November 16th
Actually today is a cold day in Florida...a cold front came in for a day and lowered the temperatures into the lower 60's...tomorrow back up to the 70's again........
Linda was a bit tired all day today...we went to see some friends' new home and had lunch with them and another set of friends....and then back for Linda to take a nap (she hasn't had one in days)....
Tonight we start packing for a return home.....the flight home starts with a 4 am Sunday morning trip to the airport....we will leave our car at the airport for friends to pick up later and drive to our home and garage.
I want to say clearly this trip has been a good one ....good for Linda and her health....she has improved "hundreds of percents".....folks who see her for the first time say she looks "fabulous".... (perhaps they wonder if what they were reading previously about Linda's condition was "real" was).
Of course staring Monday, the "journey" will take a different direction with new chemo.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday Evening In Florida.....November 15th
He explained how the research is proceeding...getting a bit technical but he talked about how bad proteins are formed that cause the ultimate cancer cells and how the right medications can "turn off" the protein formations. They are getting to the point where they can identify which proteins a patient has and then prescribe the right medications...
There were two testimonials by two lung cancer a stage IIIB (like Linda) and a stage IV).....very heart felt and perhaps inspirational.
A panel of doctors and nurses then answered questions and were most informative. One doctor talked about how his patients played better golf after lung removal surgery.......when pressed about why he said the patients no longer had what it took to "kill the ball"...therefore playing better.
We were glad we is a very large complex.....we believe Linda's doctors in Bend are benefiting from this complex and its research.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday Florida Evening....November 14th
After a sunny morning and lunch, we went to downtown Tampa with friends to wander a bit in "Channelside" and to have dinner.....Channelside is where the cruise ships dock (none today) and Tampa Bay Lightning Hockey Team fans gather prior to a game....
Linda did a bit of walking and held up really well.....
Tomorrow we go to the Moffit Institute which is a cancer center for Tampa. To commemorate November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Moffits invited cancer patients and family and friends to a Forum. The topic will be Personalized Therapy for Lung Cancer Patients....which is followed by a panel discussion. There will be a reception following with the Faces of Lung Cancer Exhibit....a collection of photographs and personal care stories of lung cancer patients, their caregivers and health care professionals.
Linda is looking forward to this Forum as a vehicle for collection of more information and also this might be where she continues her treatments after Christmas.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tuesday Evening In Florida...November 13th
Linda seems more in charge and involved in more "detail things" like the bank accounts, home sales, etc....etc.....
Tomorrow we are heading to downtown Tampa for an afternoon...watching the cruise ships leave the docks...and more. With Linda's energy level up we are able to do more.
We'll do some more pictures......Below are some pictures taken last spring at the Rolex 24 Hours with Helio of "Dancing With the Stars"
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday Afternoon in Florida.....November 12th
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday Evening in Florida......November 11th
We are having a great visit enjoying good food and great company. Rachel, Clark and I went kayaking in the lake while Linda took a good nap. She is tolerating more foods today and taking in more calories.
Disappointing day with Jeff Gordon losing the race today at Phoenix . Dave is in a deep depression. This is short and sweet . We have to go play Apples-to-Apples. Pictures tomorrow.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday Evening In Florida....November 10th
We're sitting in front of the TV now looking for something interesting to watch. I'm hoping to go to bed fairly early as I'm expecting niece Denise tomorrow. They were expected today, but daughter Rachel wasn't feeling well, so they put it off a day.
I'm feeling pretty much the same today, grateful to be sharing the day with Dave and hoping tomorrow I may feel just a little better. Thanksgiving is coming and I want to be able to eat with gusto, and not just mashed potatoes and gravy!
Hope all of you out there are enjoying your weekends, and know that I hold you all in my heart.
Love and gratatude.......Linda
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday Evening In Florida....November 9th
We went for dinner at friends which was great...good food and a good TV concert.
We had a good day by the pool too.
Tomorrow niece Denise and family arrive for a two day visit...Linda looks forward to comparing notes and getting some more clues to her journey to health.
Someone is in the home next to has been vacant for months and is for sale...we never saw the man who owned it we are a bit nervous...with the housing market "dead" down here, people are renting their places they can't sell for cheap rent and renters move in who don't respect anything...and have kids....and .....and. So we are a bit nervous...."there goes the neighborhood". Others down the block are experiencing the same sort of problem as are other neighborhoods.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday Forida Evening......November 8th
Tonight friends brought dinner over and we shared a movie that was fun. Earlier today we sold a property we owned RV lot...made some good money in a short period of ownership. We had to get in the car and begrudgingly leave the pool and sun and go quite a ways to sign papers.
Tomorrow we plan on some more "pool time"...the rest and sun are good remedies for Linda.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday Evening....In Florida....November 7th
Linda on our back lanai....
Our back pond with an alligator on the far bank ("Lidi" "lidi-gator"...named by the attorney two doors down ("litigator"..."lidi-gator"...get it?)
Linda continues to improve (my observation)...we are heading out to dinner with friends....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday Evening In Florida....... Nov. 6, 2007
Last night ended up being a tough night for me with more than usual bloating and belching. I have been working today being really careful what I eat to try to figure out if certain foods are setting it off. I seem to be doing better tonight, even though I'm stuffed from my small portion of baked chicken I had for dinner. I'm so impatient to get my appetite back.
It was really warm today, so we spent a lot of time by the pool and in the pool. I'm getting some of my color back, but being careful with lots of sunscreen, especially on my radiation areas. Tomorrow, it'll be a bit cooler but still nice.
Love and Gratitude......Linda
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monday Evening......A Florida Evening.....November 5th
I'm impatient to feel well again, especially appetite wise. That is the hardest part for me, not wanting to eat, but needing to so badly to put some meat back on my bones. My neighbor here brought me some custard pudding today to entice me. Full of whole milk and eggs, it should help. I'll have some soon for my evening dessert.
Thanks for your continued caring.
Love and gratitude.....Linda
Linda reminded me to report in on my MRI.....the Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor had ordered it to see if there was a tumor causing the great loss of hearing in my left ear...the short answer tumor...(phewwwww). He called today today and said they had to do the scan to rule this out as it is a real possibility and they needed to eliminate it right off the bat.
Now he said for me to go ahead and get tested again for a hearing aid. This will keep me from turning my head to the left when someone is talking on my left side. I don't know why these doctors have been coming up with stressful things for me to do (like the phantom heart murmur last month) with everything Linda has going on....enough!
ps...the other good news is that the loss is not due to the Champ Cars....the doctor said both ears would have loss if this was the case...he thinks it is a virus caused loss...just like Linda suffered years ago (she lost most all her hearing though in the left ear...and it is not correctable by a hearing aid).
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday Evening...(Florida Evening)....November 4th
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Saturday Evening (Florida Time)......November 3rd
It took us all day to get here....but well worth it.....warm.....warm.....warm!
Linda says to tell everybody she feels great! She is loving the warmth and the bright colors and all. She even ate pretty good on the airplane getting here. I think this two weeks "off" will be wonderful for her.....seeing old friends...sitting by the pool....going to the beaches...maybe a hockey game or two...
Linda said to tell everyone that we were on vacation and the Blog would be on vacation too...but I said "no way"...look for some pictures. and stuff daily.....
Our villa looked as if we had never left it.....the water tastes a bit sulfurous...but everything else looks in good shape.
More tomorrow....
Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday Evening....November 2nd
Things are looking a bit better today...Linda actually drove the car and was active in a lot of the day's decisions. She submitted her samples for the GI test...of course, things being Friday...she should hear Monday....But my sense is that she is getting better each day and the doctor has said it will take time to be back to "normal".
I did my MRI on my left ear today....took two Ativans as I have extreme seems I went to sleep a few times which is not what they moves while sleeping..anyway it was finally done but Monday till i hear the results.
We are excited to be heading to our Florida home in the morning...we are in Portland now as the flight is early. We will be in warm weather...poolside....for two weeks.....we can't wait.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday Evening....November 1st
Linda had another healing day...I think there is some improvement but hard to convince her....since she is completely off pain medication, she feels a slight pain in the left lung...the Oncologist said there was some scarring there from the radiation...the good news is there is no esophogus pain.
She still has discomfort in her gut. The Clinic is having her do a sample to see if there is any infection...we take it in tomorrow....if not it is something that will get better over time, we hope. She continues to eat in small amounts ...many times a day.
I have an MRI tomorrow as I have lost much hearing in my left ear....I thought it was being around Champ Car too much but the Doctor says it is too unequal a loss from the left to the right they are testing tomorrow to identify, if possible, the problem. Linda had the same thing years ago in her left ear...she actually went deaf....they determined it was virus caused.....strange I have a problem with the same ear.
We leave for Portland tomorrow and fly to Florida early Saturday....we look forward to the warm weather and to see friends...we have had many phone calls from Florida friends once the word was out we were heading that direction.....bless them all. We will see you soon.