Pictures below include Linda pointing at the condo from the beach..view of the condo...and views from the condo...trying to get a bus ride to town (we learned to "flag' them down)...and linda making new friends on the bus....
Because of Linda's illness and folks wanting to know how things are going,I've decided to do a BLOG regarding her experience. Check in from time to time and I'll try to keep everyone posted as to how she's doing and what's going on.. leave a comment, click on the "comments" under the post....write your comment. Be sure to include your name. Be sure to click on "other" or "anonymous" ...either works...Linda loves to read the comments. Dave
Below ...good times at the track and RVing in the infield...
Linda during the Nationwide race on Saturday night...not very happy that "bad boy" Kyle Busch led most all the laps and won (boring!).
A couple of Champ Car fans who got lost and ended up at a NASCAR race..."Dave99" and "Manic"
The "woman" out of control..and with a cold besides.....
Sunday's main race was better..with Jimmy Johnson winning to Linda's delite..but not very exciting for a race.....oh well....