What a difference a couple of weeks made....she looked healthy and then quickly things turned........
Because of Linda's illness and folks wanting to know how things are going,I've decided to do a BLOG regarding her experience. Check in from time to time and I'll try to keep everyone posted as to how she's doing and what's going on.. PS...to leave a comment, click on the "comments" under the post....write your comment. Be sure to include your name. Be sure to click on "other" or "anonymous" ...either works...Linda loves to read the comments. Dave
Thank you Dave for posting these pictures. I tried to upload one of my favorite pictures of Linda and Jillian but it would not work. It was one of them from when she was first brought home (Jillian) It is one of my favorites. They bonded in just a few moments, I sware she new Linda was her grandma and she just loved her, which is not hard to do.
I love you both, Julie
Linda - Karen send me the blog that Dave set up for Linda so I am keeping up with her progress. A blog is a wonderful idea and helps us keep up on how to pray for her. I have a suggestion that has helped me many times when I needed to find peace in a situation. Read the book of Psalms in the Bible. I also have CD's of old time gospel hymns - listening to them makes my spirit soar - you can get them at christian book stores and then when you pray claim Phillipians 4:6 & 7. Keep your focus on God - He loves you! Janet Taylor Chubb
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