Both Linda and I wrestled with high blood pressure issues we started out pretty slow...her doctor wanted to let things be for a couple of days...mine immediately put me back on one of my previous blood pressure medicines...mine was a bit higher and not influenced by cancer.
The good news today is we tackled the medical bills....and got most all handled....we have good insurance but still there are co pays and this got paid wrong...and...and.
Tonight we went to Bend and St. Charles hospital for the dinner presentation on diet and cancer. We almost stayed home as the weather report in Bend was bad...but we had "good" weather in we decided to was a bit dicey in Bend itself...but with a little care it was alright.
The dinner was very nutritious....a good chili and a good salad with plenty of fixings.....that was the idea. A nationally known nutritionist spoke and presented some very interesting stuff...even for non cancer folks....
Such as......
3/4 of your plate should be covered with plant food.
Eat a "rainbow" of plant food.
Focus on adding healthy foods rather than cutting out unhealthy foods.
Be creative in adding plant foods...vegetables....fruit...whole grains....legumes (beans)....nuts...seeds.
Take it one step at a time...don't try to change it all overnight.
Choose foods that nourish both your body and your spirit.
And there is much more...we did enjoy the presentation and plan on following up on the many web sites for recipes, etc etc.
This is Linda being very "studious" at the presentation.
Linda got a bit tired tonight so we got home and immediately to bed. I found this picture in my camera of granddaughter Jillian and Grandma Linda taken just before Jillian left after Christmas...Jillian turned 10 yesterday...Happy Birthday to you!
Thinking of both of you! I love you!
P.S. CNN has been VERY interesting as of late....
Just checking in. Thanks for the tips on healthier eating, Dave. I'm sure that's something we should all heed.
I hope the next few days find you both in more stable health and in high spirits!
shelly & jason paul
Hi guys,
Glad to hear that you feel the help you are getting will be beneficial and that you are working on it together. Sorry about Linda's brother. Unfortunately, he is probably right about "living long enough and getting something". We went to Kay's aunt's funeral yesterday, had a heart attack at 80. She left behind two brothers, both in their mid-80s and Both with Alzthemiers.
Love to you both, Kay and John
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