Linda's appointment at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) was at 2:30 with a leading lung cancer specialist...
What did we learn.....
Linda's treatment was progressing quite well...they were very pleased with her progress ...and said they wouldn't have done anything different.
They are getting everything together should we relocate to Portland and said it would be easy to transition.....
There were no clinical trials coming up that would fit her case...and they described for us how the trials worked and the different types.
They answered questions about diet and anything special which would enhance recovery or make things work better. They said keeping a positive attitude, exercise and keeping weight were the most important...they said there was no scientific evidence that a certain diet or regimen or...other than the above would help cure/control the cancer.
They talked about how this cancer will progress in answer to Linda's question.....emphasizing each person is unique and there is no way to predict how and when things will happen. Linda is in the first "line of defense"...with the effort being to control the the end of the 6th cycle (she is in 4 now), the Oncologist will continue perhaps two more cycles, use one of the chemos in a maintenance program, stop all together with a scan every three months ...or...or.
Eventually there will be a move to a second line of defense and then a third as the cancer overcomes the is not a matter of "if" is "when".
Again, they were very pleased with her progress to this point.
They said eventually the cancer will be in a different place like the brain or the bone and that will be the critical Linda is committed to a good attitude, exercise and diet and will do her part to control this cancer...
The Oncologist suggested that your part is to provide love and support and understand there is no "magic" to make things special special place to go for treatment...or..or...
Linda was quite satisfied with the meeting as were the two Oncologists...I forgot to mention we actually saw two Oncologists..the first one reviewed his findings with the second who talked with Linda also.
We had dinner with Linda's dear friend Claudia, who is a sweet lady. We had lots of fun at PF Chang's and only quit early as Linda and Dave drive to Eugene early in the am for an all day Wings Seminar. Sunday we head to the beach at Seaside with two friends, Steve and Nancy, to spend a few days telling old stories and lies....
Thank you, Dave, for the honest and informative update. It is important to us at this end of the monitor to read what "our part" is in this journey. There are so many times that I wish I could do more to help (I guess I mean make IT go away). As always, you two keep me on track as far as being hopeful yet realistic.
Linda, your smile always lights up my office. No wonder you have so many friends to visit and to tell lies to (as per Dave's comment.)
John and I are leaving in a few minutes to attend a wedding. I see he has his dancing shoes on....I am in trouble now!
Dave - it must be you telling "lies" and not Linda, right??! :) Can't picture her doing that!!
We went to the Grand Am Rolex race at VIR and got home late last night... it's the only race we can drive to, and it gave us a chance to catch up with all the ex-Champ Car drivers like Scott Pruett, Memo Gidley, Darren Manning, etc. Ryan Dalziel (who's newly wed) was there too (his team was not racing)as he was a driver coach for one of the Formula BMW drivers. It was awesome to see him! It was an exciting finish between Alex Gurney and Michael Valiante, that's for sure.
By the way... great pic of you, Linda. :) Love your smile. :)
Take care, and have a great week!
Jim and Swee
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