For "non-wingers', that means Linda has moved from a state of dispair and depression to one of confidence and positive outlooks...and that is good news....
Because of Linda's illness and folks wanting to know how things are going,I've decided to do a BLOG regarding her experience. Check in from time to time and I'll try to keep everyone posted as to how she's doing and what's going on.. PS...to leave a comment, click on the "comments" under the post....write your comment. Be sure to include your name. Be sure to click on "other" or "anonymous" ...either works...Linda loves to read the comments. Dave
What a beautiful family. Congrats on selling your home. Now you'll have another dollar for Colton's college fund. Thinking of you. Darrell and Shar
I beg to differ with your nurse. I skinny dip with my ileostomy (same as a colostomy, just in a differnt spot). I just choose who I do it with and where. They don't leak unless something is terribly wrong. In fact when you have gas it acts as a life preserver..built in bouyancy. I have 34 years of some hilarious stories with mine and I learned from all of them. Your bowels will come around in a few days as they are adjusting to the abrupt change. I'll be over soon to visit and chat about my experiences with living with mine.
Dave... you are my hero and role model when it comes to taking care of your loved ones and being fully present and focussed. Do please remember to take care of yourself during all of this too.
I love you both, John
Linda/Dave- So good to see you both yesterday! Please let us know if you need anything. We are all here to help you. Linda- I am so proud of you. You are simply amazing. Love you, Lindy
Love the picture of you and the kids!
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