Grand daughter Jillian is visiting and staying over night...so no mid night work schedule..
Because of Linda's illness and folks wanting to know how things are going,I've decided to do a BLOG regarding her experience. Check in from time to time and I'll try to keep everyone posted as to how she's doing and what's going on.. PS...to leave a comment, click on the "comments" under the post....write your comment. Be sure to include your name. Be sure to click on "other" or "anonymous" ...either works...Linda loves to read the comments. Dave
The pictures tell a big story! You two have been working your A-- off..We will need to connect next week as I need a Linda fix...BADLY.
The house is staring to come around...great job! Dave I'm assuming your liquid diet soda comment was for me to get, and I did get it...I'm so happy your dumping all those chemical down your throat! What happened to one glass of diet coke, one glass of water? Linda, slap him aside the head for me. You look great and happy!!!! Take care and get some rest.
What a happy face. What a gorgeous house. The two seem made for each other. Is it too early to ask about the house warming? I can bring peanuts.
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