Today we tried to use the maximum amount of pain medication on a prescribed schedule along with the magic mouthwash and link food intake in with the schedule....
The net effect is that the pain medication just doesn't do the job....even when taken in the maximum schedule and amounts suggested.....
And there just isn't enough food intake for the effort....not that Linda hasn't been trying......
She wants the feeding tube.....
So Monday I believe we will find out the time for the insertion of the tube..as we were told Friday it was being put on a schedule......
The good news is that Linda walked to the mail box....sloooowwww but determined (with a bottle of Ensure in her hand).
ps...we have a Monday 8:20 meeting with the nurse practitioner to do the regular blood tests as well as discuss where things are at..most likely we will find out about the tube implant at that time...we also had a message on our machine telling us that the 9:15 radiation session will be changed to 12:45 monday to recheck all the calibrations, etc.. Our expectation is that this is the time things will be recalculated for a differerant angle of approach as the radiation oncologist warned us that after day 26 the beam had to be changed because the spinal cord cannot be included anymore......
Linda, I know each step you take towards that mailbox was a real effort, but remember that each step you take, gets you one step closer to beating this desease. You are doing all the right things, it just happens to be a very tough, wearisome opponnent, You will win. Stay positive...we are all praying for you and sending positive vibes your way..Love you..
Linda and Dave,
Claudia gave me the Blog and I have been following your journey. I want you to know that I am praying for you and sending you positive thoughts. The two of you are a great team and that will help Linda to believe in her recovery. Stay positive. Love Marilyn Davis-Wernli
Linda, I heard about you on ChampCarFanatics.com. I wish and pray for your best possible success fighting, beating, and holding off this bastard condition.
We're all behind you!!!
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