Mrs. Wood at her "worst"....oops I mean "best"...tough day but she persevered....and she has been sipping drinks and soup continuously since she got home...except for the nap times. At her rate of "sipping" it's going to be tough to get the amount of calories and liquid volume needed per day. But she has to sip because of the esophagitis.
Below is an artists print (AP) by Nancy Arlington's daughter, Viza, for Linda....it is a wonderful reminder of Linda's belief..that is to BELIEVE.
Is Sadie a dependent and thereby on my health insurance? (Unfortunately..I think not).
I feel so badly for you and what you are goihg through. If only we all could give you an ounce of our health....We know you have the strength and you will prevail! Hopefully, today is a much better day and your weekend will be terrific. As always, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Julie and Bob Brown (Denver) Sadie too!
Even on your worst day, you are beautiful. It seems like what everyone is saying but you are in my thoughts constantly. Please take care of yourselves and of course Sadie as well. Love to all.
It really sounds like you have a great team at the hospital working with you. As a nurses for over 20 years, I have taken care of many different kinds of patients. I have always had the greatest respect for those patients fighting cancer. The ups and downs always came, with side effects, pain, dissapointments, and with successes. But they would rise to the challenges which made themselves stronger and the lows would not be as low and the highs would be higher.
We continue to keep you in our prayers and if there is anything I can do for you ,Please let me know.
Love Denise
Jim says that Sadie needs to give him back his sunglasses. He has been looking everywhere for them. Can't leave that dog alone for minute.
Love you
Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you and are so looking forward to the better days ahead so we can get together.
By the way - our dog Kye has had bladder stones most of his life - 11 years. We even have a number with Science Diet as they have worked with our vet trying to correct this problem. Has had surgery to remove the stones - last time had 8 of them. We have to feed him UD Science Diet dog food as they have come to the conclusion he cannot process minerals found in foods etc. He drinks only distilled water too. No treats - no goodies. Very strict diet - seems to help so he doesn't have as much problems but does get a urine test every other month. At which time if there is a problem we address it right away. Antibiotics and temporary change in dog food. It is an ongoing problem which we have learned to live with. It appears common in certain breeds. Lucky us. Hope this information helps.
We love you guys.
Terese and Neil
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