Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday...February 28th...2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday ...February 27th...2009
We had accumulated a "potful" of questions for the oncologist today...and he, in his amazing way, was able to address all of them in a way that we clearly understood...some of the answers we didn't care for, but we understand where we stand.
In no particular order......
We saw the scan of the lungs last week at the pulmonologist...the tumor in the left lung seemed to us to be larger than before the treatment last year and the right lung seemed to have many small tumors...is this true we asked? And why with all the chemo and radiation was this possible?
He explained it this way.....many, if most all the cancer cells were killed by the radiation and chemo....not all were killed, and those that survived multiply at a rapid rate...and they spread. He said that it is not the size or number that is the critical thing at this point, but rather, can the cancer be controlled.....that is what his task is to do.....control the spread....and this control may involve shrinkage of the tumors.
We understood after questioning, that this is the "first line" of treatment of stage four cancer....."lines" will make sense to those who have read about treatments. If the treatment is having no effect on the cancer...and this is the best treatment, then the odds of the second line of treatment be effective are not good.
How do we know? He is scheduling a scan after the third cycle of treatment.
Will the cycles of chemo continue? Yes, if any impact is seen.
We asked about the many suggestions we have received about miracle cures and alternative treatments. He said the best that can be given to/for Linda is love and support.
Linda told him about how we wanted to move to Portland to be nearer to family once our house sold...she also talked about Oregon Heath Sciences University (OHSU)....we've had recommendations to go there for treatment. He supported doing treatment where patients live...trekking off to Seattle for treatment or wherever and living in Central Oregon is very difficult. he supported getting a second opinion at OHSU. It was clear in his discussion that he is in constant communication with OHSU......they are not doing anything different than he is doing...he is very much aware of the new lung cancer oncologist, who is said to be the best in the nation, coming to OHSU....he supported Linda seeing him for a second opinion.
We discussed clinical trials...first he explained clinical trials...they are experimental, when nothing else works...they are not that successful....but provide answers to what works and what doesn't. If there is a lung cancer clinical trial in Portland, he will know about it and can be involved.
Where are we....We feel very good about this oncologist....as he said...he doesn't "push" answers or information on us...when we want to know, he is very responsive. Linda has a lot of trust in him. He is not isolated from the "real world" or the "Bigger world". He knows what is going on. Linda has decided to have an appointment set up with the OHSU oncologist but not actually go up there until she has the upcoming scan in hand as there will be more information then as to where she is at. The Bend oncologist said he would have everything she needed to take with her for the OHSU oncologist to see.
She knows friends and all want to help. She wants you to know that she was very emotional today....she went to a negative place....and almost to a place of "resignation". She then began to gather an inner strength and focused on "believing" again..believing she can beat this. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes and the pain behind them. Now I see her determination back.
What does she "need"....."want" is a better word...continued love and support...recognize she is up against a tough situation and urge her on..and we know you are doing that now.
Linda's immune system is down....duh....the chemo does that...so today they had to modify the amounts given to her...as today was her big chemo day. She did well..and came home and napped well. We are in bed at 7:30 pm as we are both mentally, emotionally as well as physically tired. And then I realized we were going to do the Blog..doing the Blog is actually energizing...
We thank you...and GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!
ps...because of Linda's immunity drop, it is important to understand if you visit...be well....and limit your "touching".......and everyone wash their hands with soap and water before reading this Blog.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday...February 25th...2009
We spoke earlier of getting loans renewed on unsold properties and houses with a bank that closed its local commercial office, so we've had to deal with strangers in Portland. Even today they seemed to throw curves making things more difficult.....not deliberately but it is happening. If Linda was feeling bad, I am unsure how we would be able to complete the task....in all her years in property acquisitions and finance, this has been the toughest...and she thinks they still have it wrong.
We met with our broker and have some things squared away....another meeting is in order as we ran out of time...their changing brokerages in the middle of all this economic stuff has been a challenge to us.
We did get to interview the individual at St Charles Medical Center today, who provided us with much help during our darkest hours in the "cancer world". Rosemary Johnson has been a gift to us and to many others....to provide the emotional and spiritual support to go along with the clinical things doctors do to stop the cancer. I am writing an article on how her work lines up alongside the Wings work she did years ago.
By the way, my article for the National Smokejumper Association Magazine has been accepted and will be in the next quarterly issue.
Tomorrow Linda's dear friend and insurance agent Judy Baszniak and her husband Roman come for the day to visit, from Salem. The rumor is that cousin Dr. Ron will be stopping by Friday night on his way from Eugene to ski at Mt. Bachelor Saturday. Linda is eager to see these folks......they all are great support for her.
Is Linda in bed....nope....watching "Biggest Loser".....her favorite show....should she be in bed....yup....can I direct her otherwise...nope...she's been a bit "sassy" this week.....a sure sign she is feeling better....and that's the good news.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday....February 24th...2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday...February 23rd...2009
Where did the day go....where did Linda's cough go?
Linda starts the second cycle of treatment Friday....
That's about it....
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday....February 22nd....2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday...February 21st...2009
We have scheduled a flight to Florida on the 27th of March ...returning on the 9th of April...this is scheduled between treatments..our plan is to purchase a folding wheel chair and to use it even if she doesn't need it...we have asked to have it stowed in the cabin of each leg of the flights so it can be used at all times....of course all can change if she doesn't feel up to it...
Daughter Janine will just be ending a week at our place in Florida and daughter Wendy, son in law Chris and grand daughter Taigen will be arriving soon after us...
Son Jeff is doing the Wings Seminars Crossover Seminar this coming week..we are really excited...he attended 20 years ago but was a bit young...this should be an incredible experience for him....we will be his "cheerleaders".
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday....February 20th...2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday....February 19th....2009
Linda's medication....a low dose of morphine to ease the cough was hard to locate as the pulmonologist wanted a certain brand..we had to go back to Bend to get a "hard copy" of the prescription which is required of narcotics and then a pharmacy south of Bend to pick it up. Linda has taken it and as she says "the jury is still out".
Linda looks very tired today....she is dealing with several things including the cancer.....and it is showing on her....tomorrow I'm working on her getting more rest and letting the "outside world stay outside".
Thanks for the cards and the special little extras..we know many many people care and know she is fighting a tough battle...keep the comments coming...they give her strength.
Linda is starting acupunture again next week...tomorrow she is going to meet with a person locally to see if that's where she wants to go....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wednesday...February 18th...2008
I filed it in the back of my mind.....not knowing that today would come.....today is a day we mark down as one not to repeat....and it has nothing to do with the cancer and doctor visits and all...it is about the "real world" being a bit difficult to deal with today....with our energies focused on Linda's health issues.
First...the health stuff.....Linda had a pulmonary test yesterday at the Pulmonologist office...the results were good..we had wondered if the cancer had diminished her lung capacity..etc..etc..it appears not at this time. Today she was seen by the Pulmonologist. We spent a lot of time going over who had done what.....said what.....prescribed what......etc.....and looking at the latest scan of her lungs.....in the end, the explanation for what is going on appears quite simple. The cancer is causing the phlegm. The chemo treatments should reduce the cancer, therefore reducing the phlegm. In the short term, the doctor prescribed a low level narcotic to reduce the coughing..although it will not totally eliminate it. We discussed the "chicken and the egg"....will the coughing reduction create more phlegm and more problems or will more phlegm cause more coughing ...or...or. The doctor said there should not be a problem reducing the coughing. He also questioned the value of the Musinex...but told her to keep drinking water....
So we are on a plan for the cough....oh....we couldn't get the medication today as there was some confusion in the dosage..and..and. So tomorrow we can get Linda fixed up at the pharmacy (just another "thing" added to this "day of days".
So what is going on around us, in the "real world"?
A bunch of C-R-A-P....to put it in a printable form.
We were in the midst of re upping our financing on Linda's construction project which hasn't sold...something about a bad economy. Anyway, our banker who we have followed through three different banks has been let go..as have the entire commercial part of the bank, locally.....now Linda has to deal with people in Portland who do not know her..she doesn't know them....it is stressful and came to a head today.
Our broker was with Merrill Lynch...bought out by Bank of America...who imposed new rules...brokers bailed and went to Morgan Stanley ...easy?...nope...hard...today was just another bit of complications with that transfer to the day more forgettable.
And there was more today to make it a day to forget. Tomorrow we will wake up and address the day with new energy and a better attitude. Actually all in all, we did well today with all of the things that happened....we did remember to "breathe"...well, for the most part....
Tomorrow we will laugh.....and breathe.....
The above is a picture on the Wings-seminars web site....the personal growth seminars we have mentioned on this Blog....the picture has always intrigued me....and has had different meanings to me at different times...today it means we have crossed over a difficult day....it means we have to energy to meet any challenge....it means there is no mountain high enough or an issue difficult enough to stop us.
I am also reminded of a piece of music in the seminars that I want to find and play....I cannot remember the name but a line in the song goes like this: "may we find peace in our bodies".....did I mention we were going to breathe?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday...February 17th...2009
Always February 17th
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Today, do a few random acts of kindness. Almost any kind deed will do. And, it is highly recommend you perform kind acts on as many people as you can.
This is a favorite day of many people and groups. People like the idea of showing a little kindness to others. Its a fun and good thing to do. And, they like being on the receiving end of this day as well. It makes both the giver and the receiver feel good.
To receive everything, one must open one's hands and give. -- Taisen Deshimaru
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday....February 16th...2009
So last night I worked on the computer and Internet for hours researching Linda's cough and phlegm.....this is what I have come up with knowing that the Internet doesn't always have the right answers and one has to sort through things..
The phlegm is the body's production to rid the lung of "foreign" material...in this case the debris and all from the cancer and treatments.
The phlegm will not go away as long as the "stuff" is in the lung.
The use of a cough suppressant..ie cough syrup is not the right thing to do...the objective is to get rid of the phlegm....by coughing.
The impact of the phlegm can be reduced by using medication such as Musinex to "thin" the phlegm, allowing it to be coughed up easier.
Drinking lots of water will also reduce the thickness of the phlegm.
Swallowing the phlegm is not a good thing to do. .(....NOTE: Linda and I discussed this today....and felt that because cancer is non infectious, swallowing isn't a problem)
Agree or disagree.......
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sunday...February 15th....2009
Thank you for hanging in here with me. I feel like I've gone from a posse to an army. I didn't realize how many of you were still paying attention until the news of my cancer return was put on the blog and all the comments showed up. How happy I was, because do I ever need you all now!
Son Jim and wife Jenn volunteer time for a cancer fighting organization, and tonight they had a fund raising event at the pub that Jim manaages. We and daughter Janine went to it and played Bingo for cancer. I can't tell you how many games we played, but nary a Bingo. There were people there than won multiple games, but it wasn't our night. It was for a good cause, though.
Tomorrow is daughter Janine's birthday, which I rarely get to experience personally since I'm usually in Florida. It will be great to have the opportunity to take her to dinner this year and fix her a birthday dessert. She's a big cheerleader for me this round, working hard to keep my spirits up.
Long day, so bedtime for me!
Love and gratitude........Linda
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saturday...February 14th...2009
Linda didn't start coughing til evening...she actually thought maybe there was a reprieve...it still was better than most days.
We exchanged our personal valentines as we have in the past....Linda reflected on the day we got together in the beginning of our relationship and her appreciation for the time we have left together. I noted the "shift" in our lives and reflected on the new realities we face and the optimism I want to have for our future. I also reflected on Linda's strength and courage and how she looks for the good in life. I believe our best days in our relationship lie ahead.
We hope your Valentine's Day was as fullfilling as ours was....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday...February 13th...2009
Linda did her infusion today....somehow we misunderstood the chemical for today...it was the Gemzar....we thought it was the Avastin.....oh well..she did well...son Jim was there to support her. Now she has next week off....the biggest side effect seems to be the fatigue...she has limited resources in "her tank", we so have to be careful....
We had a discussion with the oncologist about the coughing which is not a side effect of the chemo but rather a direct effect of the cancer...he is scheduling Linda to see a pulmonologist who will start from the cancer as the base...not an infection (been there..done that..too many times...it is not bronchitis..it is not pneumonia...it is not TB).
We picked up grand daughter Jillian in Eugene and quizzed each other all the way to Portland...I mean, this kid is a straight "A" student..for the second time in a row....but she didn't know what happened 1 billion hours ago...answer..the stone age. She also didn't know it takes the US government a bit over 8 hours to spend a billion dollars.....but she nailed us on a few things too.
We stopped by the Wings Seminars building.....they are doing the couples seminar at this time...a seminar Linda and Dave have done many times....it was special for Linda to see Kris and Kyle King and to remember the special impacts these two people and the seminars have had on her as she shaped her life's direction and focus. It was where she owned her personal contract which is: I am an open , powerful and courageous woman. When I hear this, I am reminded how well this has served and will serve Linda in her life's journeys....and challenges.
Happy Valentines Day to all...Linda and I have agreed to do something each Valentine's Day..we write each other a "love letter"...a letter of what we mean to each other and our dreams of being together and...and. It has been a very moving experience...and "real".
Enough...we spend three days with family...keeping a low profile....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday....February 12th...2009
Linda also plans on discussing her cough in detail with the Oncologist as we mentioned....as it dampens her spirit...she had a better day today energy wise as she was much more conservative in her activities today....she remembers she "only has so much to spend".
Tomorrow we also leave for Eugene to pick up the number one grand daughter...the "Buzzard"....aka Jillian. Also we will drop in on the Wings couples seminar Listening Heart....to say hi. Then it's off to Portland to spend the three day weekend....it's also daughter Janine's birthday weekend. We also hope to see Nancy....Claudia...and anyone else giving us a call.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday...February 11...2008
Son Jim is here to visit for a couple of days .....maybe she will slow down.
Her cough and phlegm is starting to mess with her spirit and all....we hope Friday to get this taken care of....she has been taking Mucinex for over a month now.....her internist suggested it in December. She also has taken about every type of cough syrup prescribed with little success. One doctor wants her to cough....the next doesn't....the problem is it interferes with her breathing....so a "fix" is important.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday...February 10th....2009
When daughter Janine was here, she gave her mother a "rainbow box" with scraps of paper that started with "I am going to beat this because..." and the idea is that Linda is to complete the sentences as she feels ready and put them in the box...over and over as thoughts or feelings come to her about beating the cancer. Linda has called it her "reflection box" because of the tiny mirrors and that it allows her to reflect on where she has been and where she going with the cancer......
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday ....February 9th...2009
We walked a mile and two thirds today, stopping to talk with our neighbors across the creek....Jack and Liz (posters on this forum too!).....they brought over some delicious soup tonight and with Linda's scones and my (ok, mostly Linda's) salad and Liz's brownies, we had a great time catching up on the neighborhood news. They are a great supportive couple.
Tomorrow I thought about skiing ...but next week maybe...Tuesday's are "Tightwad Tuesdays" at our local ski area....can't wait to get back on the "boards". Tomorrow night we attend a Defeat Cancer dinner in Bend.....it is sponsored by the Lance Armstrong Foundation, LIVESTRONG. The guest speaker will be Barbara Buchan, two gold medal winner in the past Olympics...... her topic: Riding Down a Dream: Lessons For Cancer Survivorship.
When Linda was in treatment last winter, we attended several of the events like the above,through our local hospital....the events and ladies (Rosemary and Beth) have been very key to our mental and emotional health during all this....we appreciate them a lot.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday...February 8th...2009
My day has been kind of "funky" ie...a state of "funk"....
This three week period will be one of trial and error...seeing what the effects of the treatments will be....keeping Linda eating and drinking water...and resting.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Saturday....February 7th...2008
Carboplatin is a chemotherapy medication .
Carboplatin is a chemotherapy agent used for treatment of many types of cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved carboplatin for use treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
Carboplatin is a platinum organic compound. Plain carbolplain appears as white crystals or powder, but it is mixed into a saline solution and administered through an intravenous feed.
Carboplatin kills cancer cells by binding to DNA and interfering with the cell's repair mechanism, which eventually leads to cell death. It is classified as an alkylating agents. (Alkylating agents can be used for most types of cancer, but are usually considered of greatest value in treating slow-growing cancers.) The platinum agents form strong chemical bonds with thiol sulfurs and amino nitrogens in proteins and nucleic acids.
It is considered a "second-generation" platinum agent. The first generation, cisplatin, is often called the "penicillin of cancer drugs" because it is used so widely. Carboplatin differs chemically from cisplatin by being a bigger molecule, with a dicarboxylate ligand. This slows the metabolic breakdown of the agent (it stays in the body longer) and reduces the rate of formation of toxic by-products.Gemzar
Gemzar is used in combination with other types of chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic (stage IV or cancer that has spread) non-small cell lung cancer for whom surgery is not possible.
Gemzar belongs to the family of drugs called antimetabolites. Antimetabolites are very similar to normal substances within the cell. When the cells incorporate these substances into the cellular metabolism, they are unable to divide. Antimetabolites are cell-cycle specific. They attack cells at very specific phases in the cycle.
The ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells depends on its ability to halt cell division. Usually, the drugs work by damaging the RNA or DNA that tells the cell how to copy itself in division. If the cells are unable to divide, they die. The faster the cells are dividing, the more likely it is that chemotherapy will kill the cells, causing the tumor to shrink. They also induce cell suicide (self-death or apoptosis).
Saturday....February 7th...2009
Monoclonal antibodies and biologic therapy
You may also hear Avastin called a monoclonal antibody or a biologic therapy. Antibodies are proteins made naturally by the body's immune system that help identify and fight foreign substances. Scientists in a lab can make many copies of one kind of antibody. Because they are “clones” of a single type, these lab-made antibodies are described as “monoclonal antibodies.” In cancer therapy, monoclonal antibodies are used to target specific substances in the body that help cancer cells grow. Avastin targets a substance that is known to help tumors grow a new network of blood vessels. Because monoclonal antibodies (proteins) are made from natural substances in the body, they are also sometimes called biologic agents
Saturday...February 7th...2009
Now, Wings owner and seminar facilitator Kris King, has written a book and has a new personal web site.....http://www.krisking.org/....
We encourage you to take a look....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday....February 6th...2009
Today started with not hearing anything from the oncologist's office...we called a couple of times...got the report onto the doctor's desk..but nothing. In his defense, it was a busy day. So, we got in the car and drove to his office....and were ushered into an exam room...and "wah-la" ...the doctor appeared. He came in and in his unique style reported NO CANCER IN THE BRAIN, STOMACH OR ADRENALS.....to put it mildly, we were much, much relieved.
After talking it through, he talked about what the chemo program would look like and said "let's start Monday".....we started to say "Nooooooooo" and he immediately said, "I'll be right back" and soon we were ushered up stairs to the new infusion room to begin the chemo process.
What is the deal? A minimum of 4 three week sessions.....with three anticancer drugs on day 1 of the first week....one anticancer drug on day 1 of the second week and then the third week off. so today was day 1 with three drugs infused into Linda by IV.....the other "day1's" will be February 27, March 20 and April 10. At the end of that time, the sessions will stop, continue or a oral anticancer drug provided...that decision will be made at the end of the 4th session.
The drugs: Carboplatin, Gemzar and Avastin. Avastin is also the drug given at the beginning of the second week. It is particularly interesting in the fact that it is a new type of anticancer drug....it is a "targeted " drug which which halts blood vessel development in cancer tumors which are so critical to the growth of the cancer......remember cancer is growth (cell division) out of control, robbing the normal cells of nutrients..ie "life".
So that's about it..we have to be very much aware of nausea, nutrition, and other side effects. Linda has nausea medications, etc. etc.
More as things unfold.....
ps..we were to leave on a cruise to the Caribbean Sunday...and here we are in Oregon..the good news is we were able to "sell" our cabin and got most of our money back through some quick action today....now we are focused on selling our Daytona 500 tickets and our George Jones concert tickets (both in Florida if you are interested!).
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thursday....February 5th...2009
Today we met with the oncologist to begin treatment. He clarified what the scan results were.....new small cancerous masses (less than 1 cm and called micro...) in the right lung.....4 enlarged cancerous nodes under the right arm......and increase in mass in left lung meaning the cancer wasn't eradicated. He said Linda was in stage IV lung cancer. His efforts would be to control (new word) the cancer. There is no longer a "cure". The treatment would be four (4) three week sessions with a large dose of chemo the first day of the first week...a smaller dose the first day of the second week and then the third week off. At the end of the four session, they would either stop the chemo and wait for the cancer to reappear...continue the chemo in the same fashion or .......use an innovative pill for chemo...which can be done for non smokers only.....all would depend on how things look after the four sessions.
After hearing Linda describe her nausea , he decided to get to the bottom of things by putting off the chemo session until tomorrow and have a CT scan done of the stomach and also a MRI of the brain....which is where we went next and finished up early this evening.
Tomorrow morning Linda is to learn of the results of the scan and MRI ...and then will proceed with the plan A or a new plan B.
The oncologist attributed the cough and the pleuritic pain to the growing mass in the left lung.
Linda is pretty worn out...but ready to get started. We met with the ladies in the hospital support center who have been a blessing to us in the past, to continue the mental and emotional support programs. We talked about the experiences yesterday in getting to Oregon and how fear showed up in our "cancer journey" and how we were able to have humor as part of the experience now. Linda and I had an in depth discussion this morning about much the same and have a solid connection for getting started on this phase of our lives.
More tomorrow......
Thursday.....February 5th...2009
"You ain't gonna believe what happened!"
Linda-lou, now known as the "Drama Queen...scratch that...the "Dynamic Drama Queen" outdid herself today.....
Please understand what was very serious at the time....after all was said and done.....was something we could look back on and laugh a bit.
We got up very early today in Florida for a all day flight back to Oregon by way of Houston. when we got to the airport, Linda persisted in tussling with the luggage...rocked back on her heels.....hit her Butt hard on the cement...fell backwards and hit her back...luckily it stopped there and no head hit the pavement....but she was very sore...aggravating the pleuritic problems she's been having. This affair should have been my first clue.
She then made it into the airport..checked in..went through security..worked on a crossword puzzle..loaded on the airplane...conversed with the gentleman beside her...and..and....end of story?????? NOPE. Linda had something bigger in mind.
Linda had been careful not to turn on the air overhead because of contamination possibilities.....also she wore a mask because of her low immunity.
We taxied out to the runway and started down the runway for takeoff....It was dark inside the aircraft and all of a sudden I had a sense something was wrong with Linda. I asked her if she was ok and she mumbled something and was quite incoherent....and then she went silent and her head dropped...she was unconscious...I wasn't able to get anything out of her..I couldn't see what was going on..so I rang the flight attendant button.....an attendant came scurrying back and I said "she's unconscious".....he said "shall we abort"..ie the take off...mind you we are now about 100 mph hurtling down the runway...I said "WHAT?"...he said he had to get back to his seat.
The good news is Linda came back around and had no memory of the takeoff etc. etc. ...there happened to be a doctor in the seat behind her who came and sat with her, checking her blood pressure, pulse, and all. The flight attendant came back apologizing for having to leave but was required to be in his seat for take off.
Over the two hours to Houston, Linda was given large quantities of water as her blood pressure was low....also lots of orange juice...the nice lady doctor stayed with her and Linda was back to her "old self". It was decided that the fainting spell was cause by a multitude of factors, including the low blood pressure, no air because of the vents turned off....rebreathing CO2 because of the mask and later we were to learn she had low blood sugar ( but I'm getting ahead of myself). Also lack of sleep due to an early flight, cancer, plueritic pain...and who knows what else. They had Linda on a low flow of O2 to assist her...which is quite common practice.
Anyway things are going well as we get to Houston...THEN..as we turn towards the gate, I immediately notice several emergency vehicles...ambulance....fire truck...rescue truck.....lots of flashing red lights....now I'm no rocket scientist but 2 and 2 are 4....I said to Linda "I think those are for you".."no way" she said.....and at that moment an announcement was made in the airplane notifying all passengers to remain in their seats at the gate so EMT's could board and remove the "medical emergency" 2 plus 2 is still 4!
Six burly EMT's crowded onto the airplane to assist Miss Linda....and removed her carefully from the aircraft....they performed their system checks and all and found Linda to be in pretty good shape . Great! we thought as we had a tight connection for our next flight....but then Miss Continental Airlines showed up and informed us that she would have to check with the pilot of our connecting flight to see if he wanted to take us or whether Linda needed to be checked out by a doctor (read hospital and emergency room)....also if there would be the need for Linda to be on O2 all the way to Oregon....
We knew we were in trouble when Miss Continental said in her cell phone..."I don't recommend allowing her to fly"....of course we knew the saga was not over...and of course we were told "no flying without a doctor's ok"....of course, who's to blamb Continental...protecting themselves in this crazy "sue world".
So off to the hospital we went to be diagnosed as having a "fainting spell".....
We did get the permission slip to fly...as well as undoubtedly a big..big bill......but it was assuring to get a doctor to say all was ok...as had the EMT's etc.
One problem..the next flight was 6 hours away...so we had a long long wait in the airport as well as a late late drive home.
This was a serious situation but you would have had to have been there to have heard the flight attendant say "shall we abort" (I mean, how many fields would we have plowed through before we would have come to a stop)....and then all those red flashing lights..for Miss Linda.....priceless. .
Tomorrow Linda's appointment is at 1 pm....we will want to get a full briefing on what is going on with the cancer recurrence...what the chemo program will be..how to deal with the nausea Linda is experiencing....how to stabilize the blood pressure.....which has been a constant problem when the cancer and treatment is involved...as well as several other questions we have...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tuesday...February 3rd....2008
The pulmonologist called yesterday and explained to Linda he hadn't called because he wanted to see the scan first....he was very suprised Linda had already discussed everything with her oncologist and everything was ready to go for treatment in Oregon. Brother Darron is picking up a disc of the scan for us to take back to Oregon...from the diagnostics clinic .....after his golf game this morning.
We have everything we are taking back to Oregon in one palce....will pack today and clean the house....tickets are printed....
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Sunday....February 1st....2009
Linda's very concerned as when the cancer was first discovered a year and a half ago, she felt fine...with a pesky cough......she always said the treatment made her sick not the cancer...and that was a relieving thought. Now she doesn't feel good...the cancer is making her feel sick and the treatment will make her sick also.
The comment sections have been inspiring to her......we say that over and over...even above emails...she takes inspiration from the comments....you look at the blog to see how she's doing...she looks at the blog for the comments....keep them coming...they are good therapy.
We are tidying up around here....finishing a few projects...we fly out early Wednesday and arrive in Portland at 11:30 PDT. All rides have been worked out and we should have our car and heading to Sisters in the afternoon.