We spoke earlier of getting loans renewed on unsold properties and houses with a bank that closed its local commercial office, so we've had to deal with strangers in Portland. Even today they seemed to throw curves making things more difficult.....not deliberately but it is happening. If Linda was feeling bad, I am unsure how we would be able to complete the task....in all her years in property acquisitions and finance, this has been the toughest...and she thinks they still have it wrong.
We met with our broker and have some things squared away....another meeting is in order as we ran out of time...their changing brokerages in the middle of all this economic stuff has been a challenge to us.
We did get to interview the individual at St Charles Medical Center today, who provided us with much help during our darkest hours in the "cancer world". Rosemary Johnson has been a gift to us and to many others....to provide the emotional and spiritual support to go along with the clinical things doctors do to stop the cancer. I am writing an article on how her work lines up alongside the Wings work she did years ago.
By the way, my article for the National Smokejumper Association Magazine has been accepted and will be in the next quarterly issue.
Tomorrow Linda's dear friend and insurance agent Judy Baszniak and her husband Roman come for the day to visit, from Salem. The rumor is that cousin Dr. Ron will be stopping by Friday night on his way from Eugene to ski at Mt. Bachelor Saturday. Linda is eager to see these folks......they all are great support for her.
Is Linda in bed....nope....watching "Biggest Loser".....her favorite show....should she be in bed....yup....can I direct her otherwise...nope...she's been a bit "sassy" this week.....a sure sign she is feeling better....and that's the good news.
It's great to hear that Linda's being a little sassy and feeling much better... someone needs to keep you (Dave) on your toes, right??! :)
Hope the rest of your week is peaceful and relaxing.
Always thinking of you,
Jim and Swee
p/s: Dave - we would love to read your article when it's published.
It's a dreary day in Illinois, so your sunshiny news was quite welcome. Good to hear that you are feeling better, Linda, as you gear up for the next round. Sending positive engery your way.
I agree with Jim & Swee - we want to read your Smokejumper article, Dave!
Glad you're both feeling good, in spite of all the financial hoops you're being made to jump through. Hopefully, you'll get all the loans, etc squared away soon and can put that stress behind you.
Love to you both, as always.
Hi Linda,
I am so very glad to hear that the morphine is helping your coughing & that you are getting more energy & being fiesty again. That after all is what everyone loves about you.
I read your blog every 2-3 days & catch up on the days in between, when I am busy babysitting, & don't get to read. I just read that Judy & Roman should be there visiting today with you. Tell Judy hi, & I am glad that she made it over to see you this week. I would love to come over to visit you with Judy sometime in the near future. We talked about that last week, so hopefully we can do that sometime.
We are sending you & Dave good thoughts & prayers for continued strength & energy as you go through these treatments. You both are an inspiration in your attitudes! God Bless you both
Love, Rhody
Hey You two, isnt life a trip? As if there arent enough things going on, life has to pop up and add more to the stress level. Hate it when that happens. LOL.. I love you guys, such inspiration, for so many. I pray for peace in your lives, cuz Lord knows you two deserve it. Just some still moments, to breathe, and know that everything is going to be ok.
With all the prayers from all over the United States, God has his hands on you two. How could he not?
Love Ya, Vicky
Sassy Linda? We wouldn't have her any other way!
Have a wonderful weekend with friends and family.
shelly & jason paul
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