Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Yesterday was an "ah-hah" day for me and I definitely had to do an emotional change for myself, or I'd have started slipping fast. I was looking too closely at my mortality and how quick it could all end. I didn't have that "I believe" spirit going, but it's back in full spirit now. I had forgotten how much in control of my health I am, so I'm back to reading the health chapter of "The Secret" daily, being constantly grateful for all the great things in my life, and working hard to keep my self-talk positive. I try to spend each day now living my life as if I don't have cancer. Of course, I still take my naps and limit my activities, but still try to do a lot of the daily things I have always done.
One thing I am asking of those of you who call, is to try to limit our conversations to daily goings on of your lives and just fun things of mine rather than discussing cancer. The more conversations I have about my cancer is in a way inviting more in. The Blog should give you everything you need to know cancer wise.
Thank you all for being here and believing in me. You are definitely a part of my grateful thoughts every day.
Love and gratitude........Linda
PS..Cousin Dr. Ron came by tonight with son Jacob after a day of skiing at Mt. Bachelor. Ron is a wonderful addition to Linda's journey....Jacob was pretty cool too.
Great picture of Linda with brother Ron and nephew Jacob! We just got home from a week in Arizona, overlapping with Dave and Sharron for a few days. A fun relaxing time except the golf cart batteries weren't running right (your cousin Darrell still managed to plan 7 rounds of golf in 8 days), the garage door springs crashed so we have to replace the door, etc. etc...all normal! We think of you all often. Continue to BELIEVE. Love, Darrell and Shar
Hello from Seattle! We are settling down after returning from our trip to Mexico. This was a crazy busy week, probably to make up for the week we took off. Taigen loved our trip to Mexico and wants to move there but her condition is that all of her family and friends move there too. She said the same thing about Los Angeles last year - said she likes the sunshine better than all of the rain in Seattle. How does a four year old pick up on that? She had her third week of swimming lessons this week and is being moved up to the next level - she rocks in the pool. No fear of doing what the instructors are teaching her to do.
Chris just celebrated the 100 day mark of his first school year as a teacher. We can't believe he is already at this point, although some days he probably wishes the first year was behind him, but we feel so blessed to be still employed and working where we want to be working.
We also had snow that day (lots of snow this year for Seattle!) so he got to sleep in and start two hours late. Luckily the snow melted as the day warmed up and turned sunny.
We are focusing on getting more fit and today was fun as we worked out together as a family. I know you love Biggest Loser (so do we and look forward to Tuesdays to watch the show), and today we did a kick butt kickboxing video by Jillian from Biggest Loser. Even Taigen got into it, although she said it was hard and sat out the second half. She was practicing her 'punching' moves tonight as she was going to bed. It was so cute!
So, I haven't written on the blog for a while and haven't talked to either of you for a few days therefore this long 'comment'. Have a great day tomorrow and we are all thinking positive thoughts.
Love you, Wendy
You go, girl. I am in lockstep with you re: this post. I've got your back and will be just one more breath of air beneath your wings as you soar to perfect health and a glorious NOW.
Today for me? Waiting for the snow; watching a chick flick, hockey, and racing(:-0); and quilting. Oh, and trying to convince the dog she needs to do her fair share of work around the house. Think I can train her to do laundry?
Wrapping you in that golden glow of healing love!!!!
Hi, Linda. As always, great to hear from you. I have been keeping John entertained this month. I have had this exercise tape (The Hula Workout) sitting around the house for at least 4 years. As a goal, I dusted it off, and decided to do the tape each day for a month before we depart for Maui. To quote John, "I think you are more suited for the Electic Slide routine." I certainly have a better appreciation for those hula dancers on stage at the luau! By the time my brain registers where my feet, hands and hips should be going, she is on to the next movement.
Was that Saide's head in the picture? Tell her next time to turn around for the camera.
Sending positive thoughts your way...keep reading/believing the Secret girl.
Linda- You are amazing and you give all of us strength! We are praying for you each and everyday. God will take care of you.
You look great, Linda!! :) Hope your weekend's been a good one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the snow that we're suppose to get tonight - haven't seen any yet this winter. It's just cold and rainy... and I'd rather it snow if it's going to be this cold!
I'm assuming Dave's watching the Nascar race... we watched the start, and are now watching a movie... we'll just go back to the race right before it ends. Good way to watch a Nascar race, I think. (ha! ha!)
Anyway, hope your week is an awesome one! Keep believing as we definitely believe in you! :)
Love ya,
Jim and Swee
Once again, your spirit amazes me and I can feel your positive vibes all the way here in the valley.
I haven't done anything of excitment lately. I will have to think of something to do just so I have something to write about. I am going to Southern Ca. next weekend for a bridal shower so maybe that will be a good topic. Just know that you and Dave are in my constant prayers..I BELIEVE!
Great picture. Not to much going on here. Rain and then more rain. But I should be use to it since I grew up in the rain capitol of the US. Anyway, I am really grateful and amazed at how God is working in my life. I have my family and they are all doing well. Eight kids are quite a handful. So there is always some drama going on, but today is a good day. As long as I Let go and Let God, things run alot smoother. I dont have my wants, but my needs are taken care of on a daily basis, And for this I am blessed. Love You, Both, Vicky
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