Saturday, June 30, 2007

Granddaughter Jillian

I was asked to post this newborn picture of granddaughter Jillian with Linda.......expresses what a loving person she is......Jillian is now 9.....Linda also has a second granddaughter....Taigen....who is 3......and that's it......with 5 children you'd think there would be more...but that's it for now.


Saturday Evening June 30th..A Dip.....

Linda started experiencing some depression this early evening.........a result of a bit too much information regarding lung cancers.........we decided that this process is a series of steps........taking it all at once is too overwhelming.......something both of us have experienced.

We want to remain strong........yes realistic.......and determined.......

One step at a time.........

Tuesday is coming............


Saturday Morning June 30th

We're feeling a bit strange today as we're supposed to be in Montreal working a Grand Prix...we look forward to getting back with some great folks and some exciting racing is greatful to know there are folks who are stepping forward for us this weekend and next weekend in Toronto..Thank You to those folks. We will be back.

Linda and I decided to plant some beautiful flowers in the planters out on the back patio next to the creek..a place for her to rest and enjoy. It took all her energy to accomplish the task..nap time now.

An email from Roger Traweek...who I used to work with....had the following message:

Look to This Day

Look to this day, for it is Life;
It is the very life of Life.
For in its brief course
Lie all the varieties and realities
Of your existence:
The wonder of Growth.....
The splendor of Beauty....
The glory of Action....
This day, lived well
Will make every yesterday
A dream of Happiness
And every tomorrow
A vision of Hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day.

- Anonymous (from Sanskrit) –

Roger's words have brought comfort to Linda in the past.

Thank you to all of you who have sent messages of encouragement..too many to mention here.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Folks Asked For Some Recent "Linda" Pictures

Linda and Her New RV...She Won and Got the "Big" One Again! May 26th
Dave's Birthday Dinner In Sisters..They Made me Wear the Hat! ..June 17th
Hiking in Camp Sherman, Oregon.....June 13th
Mario Andretti Sat Down With Us At the Portland Grand Prix....June 9th
With My Aunt Pat...Puyallup, Washington .....May 19th

What a difference a couple of weeks made....she looked healthy and then quickly things turned........

Friday Evening June 29

Not much new to report as we are in a waiting period till next week's medical appointments.......for sure the positive attitude, support of friends and neighbors and relatives, and naps (and a good night's sleep) are producing good results.....Linda does continue to tire quickly so we have to be careful.

Linda is reading the Secret which is much of what she has learned in Wings Seminars over the past several years.......and provides her reminders of staying positive and stating winning intentions.

She is also reading Peace, Love and Healing by Bernie Siegel, which is a book on Bodymind Communication and the Path to Self-Healing: An Exploration.

A passage from this book has special meaning to her......where a patient with cancer taped this to his door after continually getting negatives form doctors and nurses: Good thoughts, friendship, advice, encouragement, hope, love, energy, smiles are all gratefully accepted. Please leave pessimism, downers, bitterness, pity and negative preachiness at the door, without of course being dishonest.

Again..thank you so much for your prayers and support.........


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday Evening June 28th

Last night I took Linda to dinner...our favorite Chinese fortune cookie said "Flowers would brighten the day of your close friend tomorrow" some flowers came and then some more.....and the fortune was most correct....

Much better day today...much rest and some attitude of "I AM going to beat this..."

Thank you for your prayers and is showing ......


Thursday Morning June 28th

Today Linda got a call from her doctor (lung)..the nurse indicated they had scheduled a Bronchoscopy for next Thursday (July 5)'s to be done at the hospital in involves a tube put down the airway where things can be looked at and tissue samples taken. I looked it up and it said:

Bronchoscopy may be used to:

  • Identify the cause of airway problems, such as bleeding, difficulty breathing, or inflammation from other lung diseases.
  • Take tissue samples when other tests show areas of the lung that may have problems.
  • Diagnose lung diseases by collecting tissue or mucus (sputum) samples for biopsy.
  • Diagnose and determine the extent of lung cancer.
Scared...yes......Glad to be moving on to something....yes

Yesterday we figured out what happened with the cough medication...the doctor's office sent it to the wrong was nice to know it wasn't a case of being forgotten.

Linda yesterday visited with neighbors who practice clairvoyant healing........she did a two hour healing....she believes she gained confidence in herself....more empowered to help heal herself. She also let go of a lot of negatives and sadness. Centered is the word she uses to describe her experience

We (I was there too) gained great insights into what may have set this up....more on that later.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thanks to you all!

I just want to say thanks to all of you for all your kind words and the prayers in my behalf. Sometimes I forget how many loved ones I have to come to my support in times of need. I want you to know that none of it is in vain as I believe in miracles and I WILL beat this cancer. I know that I am still needed on this earth, and though I do not fear death, I don't believe it is my time. Keep the prayers coming, and we will get through this together........Love, Linda

Wednesday June 27


Linda called yesterday to get something to deal with the cough...the problem seems to be she is between two doctors..the kidney doctor and the lung doctor...the lung doctor won't do anything until he sees her next week...the kidney doctor seems to have passed her along...

We are trying again today to get her some relief.

We are not going to the next two Champ Car events (Mont Tremblant (Montreal) and Toronto)...duh.....the good thing is that we have two good people who can step in and replace us and Champ Car is very supportive. I remain very involved by computer and phone..a good diversion...and allows the program to continue without a "miss". Edmonton is in about 4 weeks..we shall see...depends on the program Linda will be on...see biopsy and all above.

Today Linda will start daily naps....2 hours in bed..1pm -3 pm...get her plenty of rest.

A very touching note.....a friend of one of our sons took time to call today..he lives in bend....he was across the states dealing with his Mother's illness and decline..and took the time to call and offer support! How can Linda not win with support like that!


Today and How we Got Here

About eight weeks ago, Linda started a hacky cough. We didn't think much of it as there seemed to be something going around.....there was a lot of coughing. As it continued, she attributed it to allergies...lot of plants start late here in Central Oregon. So Linda continued acting as if it wasn't a big fact the coughing was all the symptoms exhibited. We went to the Beach for two weeks...worked a Champ Car event in Portland and camped in Camp Sherman in the Metolius area with her Brother Marlin and Sister in Law Joanie.

One day Linda decided to have the cough looked at and scheduled an appointment with a lung physician at the medical clinic in Bend, Oregon. This was June 11th. 15 minutes before the appointment, the Clinic called to say the doctor was ill. Linda then went in and saw a physician's aide who had an Xray done and said he thought it was pneumonia. He gave her antibiotics and cough medication.

The following Monday ...the 18th, she called in and said she had joint aches and swelling...also the cough medicine was ineffective and she still had the original symptoms.....the Clinic referred her to a kidney physician as these signs were of kidney problems....having been on vioxx for her back was a concern earlier as to kidney difficulties.

The kidney physician met with her that same day and was very concerned about the original Xray and wanted a Cat scan done..which was scheduled for Friday the 22nd. She saw the doctor in the hall after the scan and she indicated to him that she wanted to know the results even if it meant calling her....he said "even if it's bad news"...she said "yes".

Of course that set off our imaginations...worse case the time Saturday rolled around, I had already imagined myself as a widower.....I was clearly "reading the last chapter of the novel first"...and the story had the possibility of many different endings. Linda's emotions were all over the place.

On Sunday we received the call...lung cancer.

We cried.....we were strong....we were all over the was very much a roller coaster ride.

The physician assured us he would do some "arm twisting" to get her a Pulmonologist (a lung doctor) of course we expected Linda to be rushed right in Monday morning and get going with the cures.

Sadly Linda's appointment is not until Tuesday the 3rd of July. Many calls..many efforts to have the next test done right away were unsuccessful...they have a way they want to do it and that's the way it will be.

What we have learned is that Linda will meet with the doctor and he will then schedule a test based on what he sees from the cat scan and meeting with her.....One test is done in the hospital and involves a biopsy...we think it involves a surgery. The other test is an outpatient involving a needle biopsy.....more than that we don't know..about the particulars.

What the biopsy is supposed to do is provide a road map as to the type of cancer and the course of action. We are so anxious to get to that point...

Right now Linda has two symptoms..cough and no energy...she has moments of normalcy but lots of tiredness...I'm trying to get her to take naps..sleep in..etc etc. She has no appetite...slimfasts every couple of hours has been helpful.

Son Jim came from Portland with granddaughter number visit overnight...son Jeff came over from Bend and spent the night also....clearly it was a blessing and gave much energy to Linda...Jim said she looked 5 years older when he walked in...the next day she looked herself.

Her cousin, Ron, a doctor in Eugene offered her much insight and information which gave her hope and much peace of mind.

Many, many people..friends..acquaintances...etc etc have called and sent many in fact that I decided to do this Linda Blog .... a place folks could turn to for information and updates on Linda.....a comments section is also provided and encouraged...she will read them as she is able.

Thank you for your support and prayers..there are prayer chains all over the U.S. for her...we thank you for that. Hopefully this Blog will also provide a map for others who may unfortunately follow this path ....

Linda is strong and determined..none of this remission..but rather a cure is her goal...and we all know she sets a intention and makes it happen.
