Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday...November 30th...2009

Hockey tonight....

Linda had a horrible night last night.....up most of the night....weird dreams....we have no clue about what set that psychodelic pills....who knows...she is sleeping now to have enough energy for tonight....

Linda talked with Jinny at the Thanksgiving dinner last week...and the talk about cold feet and all....and Jinny sent her some special socks...thanks so much! Pictures below.....

Nice day at the 70's and very pleasant during the a little over a week....reality sets in as we return to the cold Central Oregon days and nights....hard to believe Dave will be skiing in a little over a week..

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday...November 28th...2009

Unbelievable that we will be leaving for Oregon in little over a week....we are not ready....the cold weather will be a shock for sure...and then Linda goes nuts with decorating, baking for Christmas, etc., etc..

Linda did well for her second round of infusion according to her Oncologist yesterday....and she received her third infusion of Alimta yesterday...she is a bit tired, but today we dedicated to cleaning....not too tough in a 1400 sq. ft. place.....

When we return on the 8th of December, Linda has some dental cosmetic work done on the 9th...and a scan and Oregon Oncologist visit on the 10th....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday...November 26th....2009

Here's Linda....

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone....
I got up early and started baking. We were invited to Stu and Beth's house (they live in Wilderness Lake Preserve like us) along with 40 other people. I didn't want there to be a lack of desserts, so I went a little crazy, and as it turned out there was enough for 80 people at least!
We had a delightful time and were introduced to a new couple, where she had just been diagnosed this year with lung cancer. Hopefully, I can inspire her to embrace where she is on her journey and learn to live her life to the fullest.
We came home early so I can get a good rest tonight as I have a 10:00 am chemo tomorrow. I'm content having talked by phone to all of the kids to make sure they are having a good Thanksgiving. Hopefully you all have also.
Love and gratitude.......Linda

ps...Stu at the piano with me and Beth

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday....November 24th...2009

OK..the anniversary is over...on to the 30th!

The news:

Linda is doing pretty good...she is feeling a bit more fatigue than in the past....more than likely the Alimta is impacting her more as time goes along....Friday will be infusion cycle number 3....her blood tests have been ok/good to this point so it seems like fatigue is the only thing holding her back...she sleeps a lot..and it is deep sleep.

We are praying the insurance works more hassles!!!!!!!!!

Sunday we went to dinner with friends Bob and Anita and then played cards....Bob won below.

We went down and got a new plant....a new replace the plant growing out of control in our Lanai....the hibiscus is our favorite plant....maybe because of our Tahiti travels....anyway we woke the day after planting it to find 7 blooms!!!! A beautiful yellow....our red hibiscus presented us with two beautiful blooms also as you can see below...

Today we had lunch with Frank and Grace ......and Dick and Ann...the latter we hadn't seen since last was a fun lunch....everyone picked on Dave....

Tomorrow night we have tickets to the Lightning hockey game with the Toronto Maple Leafs......Linda will sleep in....then we will have a great evening.....

Thursday Thanksgiving will be at Stuart and Beth's in another part of Wilderness Lake Preserve where we live.....they have been very supportive of Linda as Beth went through cancer and treatment....

Friday we will watch hockey on TV rather than going to the game as Linda will have her infusion....we do have tickets for Monday's game.

That's about what we remember...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday....November 20th...2009

29 years ago we got married....the following are our letters to the "world" on what this 29 years and marriage have meant:

Linda's Story:

Today is our 29th anniversary! I am grateful that I am still here to celebrate with my wonderful husband and plan on still being here for the big 30.

I was remembering earlier back to our wedding day when Dave took the big step to marry this widow with four young children and add him to his family of two. To think we made that Brady Bunch of six kids work. We definitely had our share of problems raising them up and getting them through college, but they are a testament to our love and strength. The children get a lot of credit, too, for not being a bunch of rebellious teenagers!

I know how fortunate I was to find David and pick him as my soulmate, because he has certainly been that. No matter what life throws at us, we find our way through the hurdles and come out stronger that before. Every day I count my blessings in having such a terrific husband and family. I still feel like his bride and know how fortunate I am to have him by my side through this journey.

I love him so!

Dave's Story:

29 Years With My “Bride” AKA Mrs. Linda Wood

First the facts…….by my interpretation….

I first met Linda during a presentation for Senator Cliff Trow….in which I was between two meetings and stopped to make a “show” and then be gone….yes it is I was introduced I said “Hmmmmmmmm

Yes it is true we were spotted together in Nendels bar two weeks later and yes she played “footsie” with me during the local teacher leader picnic soon thereafter.

Yes it is true I lied and said I was out of gas and needed a ride home when I ran into her in a Salem nightclub weeks later..Yes it is true Mary..Linda’s friend said “don’t trust him”..and Yes..she was right….and No..I didn’t get a ride.

Yes it is true 6 weeks later Linda asked me “what were my plans”….a strong suggestion I get on the ball and get engaged…and Yes..I did…. is not true she hid her 4 kids until after we were married and then told me…but it made a good story…

Yes it is true we made it clear to the kids that every Friday night was ours and every three months we were going off together (sans kids)…and they had better not mess this up…and they didn’t (for the most part)…

Yes we have argued a few times…some times more than others…but we have learned to listen to each other, to respect each other and each be committed 100% to the’s not a 50/50 deal.

Yes we have learned to be current with each other and not have withholds.

Yes we have had and do have an incredible relationship…(I knew immediately this was a special person)……see above…

The rest of the story…again my interpretation…

Linda is an incredible lady…I am lucky beyond anything I could imagine….she is powerful,truthful, current, honest, vulnerable, trusting, brave, strong and more.

Linda is “one in a million”…..a lucky guy I am…I am fearful and reluctant to say “deserving”.

We have been through a lot together…many highs and many lows….the loss of a son….two failed business attempts…an incredible open wheel racing career people would “kill” to do….30 plus cruises….5 trips to Tahiti…two motorhomes….and on and on.

We have had an incredible life together…and it continues.

Linda has stage 4 lung cancer..never smoked..never around second hand smoke…not curable…perhaps controllable. And yet we are living a prosperous in living “current”…not worrying about the future….not letting our sadness destroy what time we have…it is what it is….

We take pride in our work together in the Wings seminars…specifically the couples seminars …we look forward to modeling and being our respect and love for each other…and yet show our “moles” and “birthmarks”.

Have I ever faltered in my love for Mrs. Wood..nope….I’m too lucky a guy…

The end of the story….again my interpretation….

I love you Mrs. Wood…..

I look forward to our 30th anniversary

Ps…Yes it is true we have threatened our kids if they don’t throw one hell of a party to celebrate their parents life together…no expense is to be spared…


Grateful Prayer

Let us be grateful
for the capacity to see, feel, hear, and understand.
Let us be grateful for this incredible gift of life.
Let us be especially grateful
for the ties of love which bind us together,
giving dignity, meaning, worth and joy to all our days

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday...November 20th...2009

It looks like the Insurance problems are resolved again. Thank Goodness.
We were able to get Linda's tests done today...had to drive 70 miles round trip to get it done but it is a relief.

It seems the insurance carrier failed to follow through with the benefits we were to be provided which put us at risk....we were not able to get the treatments done as a result.....thanks to Nancy again, the fires were lit and the problems resolved...thanks to Christine at OEA for her persistence and finally to ODS which admitted it was wrong and has assigned a care consultant to us for this journey.

We were to spend the day at Busch Gardens wandering among the colorful flowers and animals but Linda developed nausea and headaches shortly after arriving....she received a swine flu shot yesterday as she is "high risk"....she believes that is the source of the condition so we came home and she is resting. We hope to go to dinner and dancing tonight..we shall see.......

Thursday....November 19th....2009

Crappy day today..what started out as a casual, easy day turned into a bad, bad day.....

We "wandered" down to Brandon for Linda's medical our amazement we were asked to meet with the financial person first.....and we found that our insurance coverage was still not straightened out by my previous employer the Oregon Education Association....even after assuring me 2 weeks ago it would be taken care of has to do with out of state costs being dealt with as "in network" coverage. So its either the OEA or ODS (the insurance carrier).

The net result is that Linda was unable to get her critical tests done today....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday...November 18th....2009

It has not been a very productive day. I didn't wake up until 11:30 this morning, and after having my breakfast and doing the newspaper crossword puzzle, I found myself feeling very tired and wanting to go back to bed. So I did. When I woke up an hour and a half later, I checked my blood pressure which was much lower than ever. DUH! I started drinking a lot of water which helped lower it. I did feel well enough to get a good walk in and a soak in the hot tub (which probably wasn't a good idea) with low blood pressure, but I'm finally back to normal.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow; getting my blood test done and going to Moffitt Cancer Center to learn whatever is new with lung cancer. I know there WILL be something out there for me and hopefully sooner rather than later.

My good friend Claudia has a sister who went through breast cancer nine years ago and beat it. It has now metastasised to her lung, so say a prayer with us for Nedora. We all wish her well in whatever journey she has ahead of her.

Love and gratitude......Linda

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday....November 17th....2009

Today we went to the Senior affair built up big in the press and ads....but was a bit less than we was mostly a "senior grab" for anything they could find that was not nailed down. We did get some interesting stuff and it was somewhat worth driving down to. We have 30 plus free pens which should last us a year or two or more.
The picture was taken by a senior at the Expo....we had to resort to a second senior as the first one's hands shook so much the pictures were blurred....the second wasn't much better as you can see!!!!!!
Linda is feeling well today....the next week should be great in terms of her energy and health.
Tomorrow Mrs. Wood will be the "featured writer" on the blog.....Thursday we will take the day off as we are going to the Moffitt Cancer Center for a program on chemoprevention in lung cancer and other activities....and then the celebration of our 29th wedding anniversary....each of us will be expressing through the BLOG our commitment to each other and what being married for 29 years to each other has meant to each of us.....bold huh?????? Normally we write to each other what the other has meant to us....but we will be bolder this year and speak to the world through the BLOG...

By the way, we have communicated to our children that...if we make it to our 30th anniversary....and we will....we expect a big "children sponsored and initiated" wedding anniversary expenses spared. We suggested they forgot our 25th celebration and they said they thought couples only celebrate their 50th! We set that straight quickly.....and all will be ok if the 30th celebration is BIG!

Best saying of the day....."Her honesty is Palin' ".....yuk yuk.......

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday....November 16th...2009

NOVEMBER.....Lung Cancer Awareness Month

More people will die this year from lung cancer than breast, prostate and colon cancers combined.


• According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 215,000 Americans will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2008; this year alone, more than 161,800 will die from the disease.

• Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women, responsible for almost 30% of the total cancer deaths every year.

• Lung cancer is the second-most diagnosed cancer in both men and women.

• Since 1987, more women have died from lung cancer that from breast cancer.

• The one-year relative survival rate for lung cancer has slightly increased from 35% to 41% from 1979 to 2003.

• More than 60% of new lung cancer patients are non-smokers or former smokers who quit decades ago.

Sources: Moffitt Cancer Center; American Cancer Society

I added this after a question was asked in the comments section.....

Cheryl asked about detecting lung her comment...below are cancer Linda's case it started with a persistent hacky cough...An xray showed "something" in the lung....which was intitially treated as pneumonia.....a scan followed by a lung biopsy determined it was lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Up to one-fourth of all people with lung cancer may have no symptoms when the cancer is diagnosed. These cancers usually are identified incidentally when a chest x-ray is performed for another reason. The majority of people, however, develop symptoms. The symptoms are due to direct effects of the primary tumor, to effects of metastatic tumors in other parts of the body, or to disturbances of hormones, blood, or other systems caused by the cancer.

Symptoms of primary lung cancers include cough, coughing up blood, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

•A new cough in a smoker or a former smoker should raise concern for lung cancer.

•A cough that does not go away or gets worse over time should be evaluated by a health-care provider.

•Coughing up blood (hemoptysis) occurs in a significant number of people who have lung cancer. Any amount of coughed-up blood is cause for concern.

•Chest pain is a symptom in about one-fourth of people with lung cancer. The pain is dull, aching, and persistent and may involve other structures surrounding the lung.

•Shortness of breath usually results from a blockage to the flow of air in part of the lung, collection of fluid around the lung (pleural effusion), or the spread of tumor throughout the lungs.
•Wheezing or hoarseness may signal blockage or inflammation in the lungs that may go along with cancer.

•Repeated respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can be a sign of lung cancer.

Symptoms of metastatic lung tumors depend on the location and size. About 30%-40% of people with lung cancer have some symptoms or signs of metastatic disease.

•Lung cancer most often spreads to the liver, the adrenal glands, the bones, and the brain.

•Metastatic lung cancer in the liver usually does not cause symptoms, at least by the time of diagnosis.

•Metastatic lung cancer in the adrenal glands also typically causes no symptoms by the time of diagnosis.

•Metastasis to the bones is most common with small cell cancers but also occurs with other lung cancer types. Lung cancer that has metastasized to the bone causes bone pain, usually in the backbone (vertebrae), the thighbones, and the ribs.

•Lung cancer that spreads to the brain can cause difficulties with vision, weakness on one side of the body, and/or seizures.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday....November 14th....2009

Linda felt great today....her best day of this "chemo cycle"....and then we got haircuts....and then we went by the pool....and then Linda got no nap....and then we went to dinner before hockey....and then we went to the hockey game...and then we yelled throughout the game...and then she came home tired...go figure!
Tomorrow is a day off...sleep..nap...sleep...nap...
PS..we tied the hockey game with LA in regular time..and then scored a goal that was disallowed in overtime....which all.... including the announcers said we were "hosed"....bad bad call....and then we lost the "shootout"!!!!!!
No home games till the day before Thanksgiving......our throats need a break!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday....November 12th....2009

Bits and Pieces.....

Linda felt pretty good today....we went to Brandon for her blood tests....her WBC (White blood cells) count was down but the doctor said things were good after one long as she continues to drink water she should do fine....another blood test next Thursday.... Linda had her flu shot and pneumonia shot weeks ago but no swine flu shots available yet...

After a good long nap for Linda, we set out for dinner with friends Brian and Susan and then the hockey game....dinner wasn't the more calzone for me....and the game sucked ....until the last 15 seconds of the third (last) period where the Lightning tied the game and won in a "shoot out".....we have tickets for Saturday night also....great prices on EBAY for tickets....a salad for me Saturday calzone....

Linda held up fact when we got home she wanted top watch Survivor (it's after mid night) that's what we are doing....we get to sleep in as we have nothing to do until dinner tomorrow night....

Various pictures....some from the cruise I just found....etc...etc......

The first pictures are tonight's dinner with Linda and our favorite waitress/manager....then friends Brian and Susan...
Who are the two guys chummy with Miss Linda???? First, it was on the cruise....the first is a Brit....every time we see him we yell "the British are coming.....the British are coming"....a grand fellow... ..the second is friend Frank....a very energetic..and an eye for the ladies at 76.....I hope to have half that energy if I last that long....

Hey ....didn't we say Taylor Swift would win it all on the CMA awards last night....She did! She Did! Linda was less than impressed ....Dave was totally impressed as "Fearless" is one of his favorite albums...

The flower is one of our first in our shrub garden.....a beautiful hibiscus....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday....November 11th....2009

Not a bad day today...Linda is not back to 100% but much better than a couple of days ago....good enough to walk again....about a mile and a half...with a gentle rain towards the end.....

Electrical project done today....Oncology appointment (for blood check) in the am tomorrow so Linda went to bed early....even though the CMA awards go for another 2 for Taylor Swift to win Entertainer of the Year (Linda's not a big fan...Dave is)....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday....November 10th....2009

She's Back!!!!!!

Mrs. Wood woke with low blood pressure but feeling a bit the mid day, she was feeling much much better she took the long walk in late afternoon with energy left over....

Linda describes it as "3 times better than yesterday" and tomorrow she thinks she will be back "on top" again....good for her.

As we finished our walk, the remnants or side impact of former hurricane Ida what a bunch of water in short time! If we wanted to be ducks, we would live in western Oregon ...yuk yuk!

Tomorrow is a "project day" having bought the supplies today for some electrical and outdoor plumbing work.

Thursday we go to Brandon for a check up with the Oncology clinic...then home...then dinner at
Channelside (downtown Tampa) with a Lightning Hockey game......a nap in between for Mrs. Wood. Friday dinner at friends with a "blue ray" movie...Saturday hockey again!....and Mrs. Wood assures us she is up to it with late arising and naps....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday....November 9th...2009

Well...side effects have set in...Missy Wood is not feeling well...flu like symptoms....bloated.... etc...etc. These are the side effects stated on the information sheet for Alimta. Linda thought last night it was something she it is coming clear that it is the infusion side effects....

Hopefully this will not last more than a day or two......she doesn't remember feeling this way the first time although I remember things not being quite right until about the 8th day...and today is the 4th day....

The "good news" is that it is overcast with windy conditions...with rain tonight and tomorrow.... side effects of the storm down south.....we need the rain so no big deal to be out of the sun for a day or two....

Dave has a couple of projects to complete so a day or two of "down time" isn't so bad...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday....November 7th....2009

Linda here....... to give Dave a break, and tell you about my day. I had my usual 12 hour sleep last night ( I really need my rest), and spent the morning doing my checking accounts and making sure I had enough money to pay all the property taxes on the various real estate we own. I was afraid I'd have to sell more IRAs to pay them all, but I squeaked through which made me happy.

We went to the pool this afternoon and visited with friends. We got two invitations for Thanksgiving dinner, so we won't have to be alone. It was a beautiful day. I started back on weight training today, which I had been anxious to start. My body tone is sadly lacking and I know I always feel better and healthier with a little muscle tone. We came back home and took a two mile walk around the neighborhood. I'm definitely worn out now, but still proud of what I've accomplished.

So far I've had no bad side effects from my recent infusion and hoping it stays that way. I'm loving being here at our Florida home among great friends and great weather.

Love and gratitude.....Linda

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday....November 6th....2009

Insurance issue fixed....thanks Nancy....and Sandy for your concern....hopefully by next week all will be recomputed.....looking at a $2000 plus bill was scary....

Linda is doing well in her first day after chemo....we are by the pool this afternoon, taking it has to rest up after an arduous cruise (humor).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday...November 5th....2009

Linda had her first "Florida infusion" today...we wish it had all gone well...BUT...well, the infusion and all went was the insurance that became a BIG issue.

The Oregon Education Association...for which I worked....closed it's insurance Trust October 1....the company ...Oregon Dental Service....has become the direct insurer for problem? wasn't supposed to be...BUT....

We had been talked into a PPO copay a few years ago even though anything out of Oregon was out of "network"...but the bills from out of state were considered in state to the extent of the rates paid within the network....AND we have had no problem with many in Florida over the past few years.

Now ODS says we are out of network and must pay 30% of the bills...and a copay ....and...and....

With an $8,000 bill for today's infusion and all, the costs are significant.....

The problem seems be be with the OEA who recently bargained an agreement with the staff (which we retirees are covered under) and said the switchover to ODS directly would not change any it seems like OEA has a problem....

We only hope it gets resolved soon as the Oncology company we are working with will bill our credit card and then we understand it is nearly impossible to get the money back.....

Linda had a good visit with the doctor and the infusion went well. We are going to continue to go down the Brandon as it is a newer office and things including people are very is a bit further but worth it...

Another difference is Linda has to go to the doctor every week to get her blood checked...even though the next infusion is in three weeks...they are very serious about keeping track of the blood work.

The Oncologist said the Alimta is a great drug.....fewer side effects....and can be used for a long time if it is effective.....he has a patient who has been on it for a year....the scans tell whether it is maintaining or improving the situation...and it is used till things go "south". He said Linda's nerve pain last infusion was not a side effect that should be attributed to the he is going to monitor it closely.

That's about it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday....November 4th....2009

Back home again.....285 mile drive today from Fort Lauderdale....yuk!
Linda is doing well...tomorrow we go to Brandon...south of Tampa for an infusion treatment..... we've yet to talk about it but the costs of "out of network" are significant...according to a call from the clinic today.....we shall see.

We got back to our newly arrived Dish doesn't work 5 more days without satellite.....they are now sending out a technician to help....

Some pictures from Cozumel.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday....November 2nd...2009

We are in Cozumel...for the umpteenth time.....

Linda is in the cabin resting as she feels a bit quessy..said it was something at breakfast...other than that, she is doing well.

What about those Yankees...tonight could be it...... We have one more day at seas tomorrow and dock Wednesday am in Fort Lauderdale.......

Linda has her chemo appointment Thursday...the Oncologist has emailed us that all is ready.....

Some pictures from the last couple days including the crazy parade and all in Key West..