Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday PM....July 31st

Today Linda had a scare.....her "new" sympotoms were getting more pronounced (tenderness in the midline area, dificulty swallowing, etc.)...so she called into the doctor as they had directed. The doctor's office was concerned about a blood clot...so they had her come in immediately for another CTscan..a different one that would detect problems associated with her symptoms.

The good news is there was no clot...or other problem associated with the cancer...they believe it has to do with her digestive system..a reflux or...or... If it doesn't clear up in the near future she is supposed to go to a primary physician. Linda was clearly scared with these new symptoms but relaxed once she found the cancer hadn't grown or...or..or. Perhaps it has to do with the stress..

Linda still hasn't found out her treatment start date..but at the Cancer Treatement Center believe it will be Monday..

Tomorrow we head out with the motorhome for a few days of country music at the Oregon Jamboree...a chance to "escape" and be focused on some music.


ps....Linda bought herself a dozen roses today....if I had done so, she'd chewed me out...but the girl knows a deal when she sees one...feeling good about roses costing her a grand total of $5.95!....

ps. ..some friends from Florida have stopped by for dinner...and Linda is actually sharing a bottle of wine as I write this....

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday PM....July 30th

Today Linda had her second CT scan and was "mapped" for the radiation treatments.....she was told that the treatments would begin soon but she has yet to get the exact time and date..... she found the session today not as bad as the nurse indicated it would...so she was thankful for that.

Linda is getting a pain in her chest in addition to the pressure and cough and will discuss it with the doctor tomorrow....

While waiting for Linda today I read quite a bit about cancer in the waiting room.

I learned....the four stages of cancer are broken down into the spreading of the cancer...it is Stage I if the primary tumor is small but has not spread.....Stage II if the primary tumor is large but no evidence of spreading.....Stage III of the tumor has spread to the lymph glands in that region of the body and Stage IV if the cancer has spread to another region to a tissue or organ. Linda has Stage III as it is in 4 lymph nodes between the lungs.

About 12 million people worldwide are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. It is one of the most common cancers..much more than breast, colorectal, prostate, etc.

Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common lung cancer and accounts for 85% of the lung cancers.

More information can be found at The American Lung Association ( http://www.lungusa.org/ ) and It's Time To Focus On Lung Cancer ( http://www.lungcancer.org/ )

Linda was also provided with a free magazine subscription to CURE, a magazine on cancer updates, research and education by her cousin Doris...the is summer's issue features "Solving the Mystery...Why People Who Never Smoke Get Lung Cancer"...so more on that later.

Linda cut her blood pressure medication to zero and finally got it to go back up again....blood pressure is very critical to her well being in terms of energy....depression....etc...etc. Linda has scheduled an appointment with another doctor to start dealing again with the blood pressure issues...as I said much earlier.....her primary physician had a baby and quit being a doctor.....which we never knew.....as we were in Florida (most likely the notices went out mass mailing and were not forwarded as a result). So we're getting on top of that..as it is critical to her well being.

Next Thursday I've scheduled her with a dermotologist to deal with some skin issues..why not? Let's see how many different doctors we can see in this period of time.

Today we picked up the motorhome and will use that at the hospital if the treatment schedule is too much for travel .....we live 25 miles from the hospital....

More later


Late..Late...or Early...Early....Sunday/Monday...July 30th

Made it home at 2 am...from San Jose

But...what a weekend..so many...many..many well wishers for Linda....and she took it all in.

Thank you Champ Car folks and fans.....the best.

Tomorrow the process starts.......


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday...PM...July 28th

Today was a busy day for us at the track with everything from a dinner..a tour...a forum..pace cars...invites to hand out..etc etc. . The good news is Linda got some rest in the morning and this afternoon...with the hotel in the middle of the track..it sure makes it nice for her....and the hotel is allowing her to keep the room till 6 pm tomorrow.....well after the race is over and we head to the airport and home....so she can rest tomorrow.

We don't have many duties tomorrow so it will be nice to relax back a bit after two days of pretty constant work.

The fans here have been great for and to Linda as have the Champ Car folks....it was a good decision to come and for her to experience everyone...I believe she believes there are a lot of folks on her team...

Yes..she has been eating ok...we have stockpiled some things in the room for her including some nutitional drinks.....which she has been drinking.....so that has gone well.

Except for Friday morning when her blood pressure was low and her feelings followed in the same direction....Linda has done quite well.....

We get home late tomorrow night..I'll do the driving after we land in Portland so she can rest....as she has been warned that the day being"mapped" for radiation will be most uncomforatable.....the table she is to lay on has no pad and she will remain in one spot for a half hour or more...the total time will be an hour and a half or more. Linda was actually advised by the doctor to take pain killers before she arrives. What a delightful experience this should be.

It's late......


Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Morning, July 27

Dave and I are at the San Jose Grand Prix, ready for our first day of the race weekend. Our hotel is in the middle of the track, so I am able to take a rest when needed. It is quite hot here, but most of our duties put us inside the air conditioned buildings. I am definitely changing my work regimen for this race. No ten miles a day walking the track as per usual!

It is great to get hugs from my champ car friends, and I look forward to seeing all the fans who show up today. I brought all my medications with me, but believe me, the fans will be the best medicine.

Thanks for continuing to check in. I'm sure I'll get to see many of you today.

Love and gratitude........Linda

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday...July 25th

Today we met with the radiologist…he is actually a Radiation Oncologist….the chemo doctor we last met with is called a Medical Oncologist.

The doctors had met this morning as part of the tumor board I talked about yesterday. The Oncologist said the Thoracic Surgeon wanted to do a biopsy called a media stinoscopy. The short story on this as we understand it is that Linda has a node on the right side of the center that has a 95% of being cancerous…the affected lung and three cancerous nodes are on the left. So with a less than 5% chance that it is non cancerous, we agreed with the two oncologists that we would consider the node cancerous and not go forward with the biopsy…this means no invasive surgery and we can get on with the chemo and radiation. (If the node was found to be noncancerous, then the regimen would be totally changed to surgery on the left lung and left nodes…..followed by chemo).

The Oncologist said Linda will have 35 sessions of radiation….5 times per week for 7 weeks. (Remember the chemo will be the first 6 days and the 21st-26th days of radiation). What surprised us was that another CTscan is to be done…and the radiation treatments will start 7 to 10 days after this scan. The scan allows the doctor to map out the areas to radiate….he actually will tattoo Linda’s chest (yes permanently....but the tattoos look like freckles). This way each time she has a treatment they can line her up properly. The 7 to 10 days is needed then to formulate the “plan”

The nurse met with us prior to the doctor and she gave us a bunch of material to read….on top of yesterday’s material. She said “each person is different”….we hear that over and over…she said side effects of the radiation will include “Esophogitis”….a painful throat…because the esophagus is in the radiation area and will be impacted. Linda will also lose weight…suffer some radiation burning….etc. etc….

The bottom line continues to be ATTITUDE….DIET… and EXERCISE….with Linda we have a winner in all three…..she has a 100% commitment. The doctor assured her she can win this.

Anyway…..that’s about it for today. We are heading to Portland to catch a plane in the am to San Jose to work the Grand Prix for Champ Car. Next weekend we are at the Oregon Jamboree with the RV…then it’s full time commitment to the radiation..…the chemo…..and the cure.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Future Commitments....Evening..July 24, 2007

With Linda's impending chemo and radiation schedule, we are doing/not doing the following:

San Jose Grand Prix........July 26-29.... we will be there....

Oregon Jamboree.....August 3-5.... we will be there....

Guests....August 6th and 7th....we will be here....

Road America....August 10-12....Marilyn and John Sara already scheduled...we will not be there..

Dave....Wings Seminar ...Crossover....August 21-26.....he will be there....

NASCAR....California 500....August 31-September 2.....we will not be there.....

Arizona...Motor Home...September 5-17.....we will not be there....

Dave and Linda...Wings Seminar..Listening Heart.. September 26-30....we are planning on it...

Jim and Jenn Wedding.....PuertoVallarta.....October 8-14....we will be there.....

Florida....October 21...we are planning on it....

Windjammer Cruise....Grenada.....November 9-17.....we hope to be there.....

2008 Champ Car Season....We're planning on it....

Tahiti....Clipper Cruise....May 11-25....we're planning on it.


Tuesday Afternoon, Linda's take

Dave did a pretty good job, so there is not much for me to add. He did forget to add chemo-brain. Apparently, I should expect to have some short term memory loss, even before the treatments start, so not to be worried if people tell me I also have alzheimers. I told her I do my crosswords religiously so that should help.

It was pretty scary to hear everything today. I have tried not to dwell on all that, so as not to become depressed. The time has come to just buck up and deal with it, so that is just what I shall do. That's when I am glad I have you all on my team!

Love and gratitude.....Linda

Tuesday....Afternoon......July 24th

Today we met with the nurse practitioner who coordinates the chemo department for the oncologist in the clinic......what was to be a 45 minute meeting actually took 2 and a half hours....the contents were quite detailed....

It looks like from now on they are where Linda goes for help..including the cough....blood pressure issues etc. Linda did get medication though this morning from the previous doctor...and it should help. She also was told today to cut her blood pressure medications in half again as it will lower on its own as she goes through this process...which it already has been doing....and that has been part of the problem.

Today we learned.....

The tumor board will meet in the morning and go over Linda's case...it is quite the affair with all kinds of doctors involved and her tests will all be shown to everyone...what a gift this is...everyone involved to double check things to make sure the direction is correct.

Linda meets for 2 hours tomorrow with the radiation people..which is in the hospital..the result of the tumor board will be known by then and shared with us. I understand they will be calibrating her for the radiation and determining the start time of the entire process...which could be another week to two weeks..

Once Linda begins radiation..it continues daily for 30 to 35 days..not counting weekends..it takes 15 minutes per treatment.

On the same start day she will begin chemotherapy..there are two drugs involved which are given intravenously....there are two cycles initially...the first is starting at the same time as the radiology and continues for 6 days ...not counting the weekend..then there is about three weeks of radiology only and then the second cycle of six days of chemo continues.

One of the drugs is given on the first and sixth day of each cycle..it is the nastier of the two...the other is given all six days...the first and 6th days are much longer for the chemo as she has to be hydrated because of the first drug.

A concern is that the initial drug can affect kidneys and hearing..many of you know Linda has had kidney problems due to vioxx which is now off the market...although her kidney function is rated good now...also she is deaf in the left ear and losing mid range sounds in her right ear...so they might change the above chemicals initially or monitor things and change mid stream if they have to...we shall know soon.

Even while she is off the chemo she is tested by the chemo folks as the effects on the blood and..and are pretty severe..sometimes things have to stop because the body can't take it...then it starts again.

Linda then is given 2-4 weeks off at the end of the radiology and chemo and then she goes on 3 to 4 cycles of a different chemo which is given once every three weeks...some can tolerate three ..others four....

Yes..she will lose some or all of her hair...yes ..she could have several different nasty side effects...but we were told to remember..everyone is different. What the nurse said is critical about this is that the symptoms are ones she has had and dealt with separately in her life...and she can again...

And we were clearly told......diet is critical......attitude is critical..and exercise is critical...and Linda is committed to all three.....we will visit a dietitian at the hospital this week or next to assist her.

We were also told to ignore other people's stories..I forgot what she called them..Linda might remember..the essence is that everyone does it differently..and stories do not help.

We were also told to treat a lot of the reading material we received today with a grain of salt..as every one's experience is different.

What was most comforting was the statement that said clearly by the nurse .....that they were there because of Linda and Linda was to contact them at any time with any problem and they would respond (most critical patients first within the day).....she was not to hold off until things got bad.

That's about what I remember...reality was fully present today...since we determined that Linda was going to survive..we eased back a bit...today the reality of what she is set to go through was frightening.....but again..she is determined..to be mentally well...dietarily strong and bodily fit through exercise.

I am committed too..and will share my IPOD with her for the treatments as well as my BOSE headphones....(what a guy!).


Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday AM...July 23rd

Got home from the Champ Car race in Edmonton at 1am ...so somewhat of a late start today...pretty exhausted.... especially not having Linda there...others pitched in and it was a good event all the way around.

Linda is coughing a lot..we're trying to get a hold of the new doctor...the Oncologist....to see if he can prescribe something that will work...Linda has gone through bottles of the cough medication the other doctors prescribed..without much relief. We hope to get a call back soon.

Linda also has yet to hear when her treatments start...so she is in a bit of a holding pattern......wanting to get on with it.

Tomorrow we go into the Clinic where the chemo is done to learn how the process occurs and what the regemin will be.

Linda is also still struggling with blood pressure issues....this whole thing is causing broad fluctuations in her blood pressure...sometimes very low...which results in low energy ...which she doesn't need right now....she's been chasing this pressure thing all over the place..it seems time to get a grip on it...so she can focus on the main medical issues.

Many many wishes of success and good health continue to come her way....and she is very appreciative....daughter Janine was here this weekend as was Linda's friend Judy...good supporters. This afternoon..after her nap....we go to Black Butte Resort to visit with her niece and have dinner....it is such a beautiful place ...and will be good for her.

Thank you for visiting this site and supporting Linda

Below was taken last week..so she is looking pretty good (amazingly good that day)

Above is Linda's million and a half dollar project just completed and on the market...at Brasada Ranch in Central Oregon..an equestrian and golf community.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday Evening, July 21

What a great day I've had! The weather was beautiful, my blood pressure was perfect, I didn't cough much, and I had great company. What more could I ask for ( except Dave of course)? Judy, Janine and I watched the DVD "The Secret" this morning. Niece Susan and husband Steve arrived from Black Butte, and we all went to Brasada Ranch where we toured six homes on tour. My spec home there was the least expensive at 1.5 million. It was a delightful afternoon, and Brasada Ranch put on a barbecue afterward, so we even got fed.

I'm writing this earlier this pm, so that we can put on a funny movie, laugh a lot, and I can go right off to bed. I should sleep well tonight.

I had some great comments to read today which always puts me in a good mood, too. I hope I can have more days like today. Thank you all for your help towards these good days.

Love and gratitude......Linda

Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Evening, July 20

It was good to read Dave's post. I miss him more than I thought I would. This also hasn't been the easiest day. My neighbor told me it is because my lungs can't deal well with the weather today. It is very overcast and moist, lots of molds in the air he said. I've been coughing more than ever. I was glad to talk to the neighbor, as I was getting scared than my cancer was getting worse.

Took a walk into town with Janine and she cooked a great meal tonight after friend Judy arrived. I must admit I'm ready for bed though. We have big plans for tomorrow, so I want a good night's rest.

Love and gratitude......Linda

Friday Evening (Edmonton Time)....July 20th

Well..here I am in Edmonton...kind of wishing I was home or better still, had my "right hand" next to me here.....

My plane broke in Seattle so I made it to bed at 2:30 am (Edmonton time) and up at 6:30...busy..busy day...didn't realize how valuable Linda is as a partner in this racing stuff.

Many, many folks asked about her and wished her well...and were excited to hear she might be in San Jose...some even offered use of their RV's for her to rest there...so people here are definitely thinking of you..Linda.

Hope all is going well...and I know you are in good hands.

As a side note, please tape the F1 race Sunday early..thanks much......

Thanks to all of you for your support..it is critical that we all support this next stage which Linda described last evening.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Evening, July 19, 2007

Today was a busy day. I got a call from the doctor's office setting me up for my chemotherepy instructions next Tuesday at 11:00 am and my radiation consultation on Wednesday at 1:00 pm.

Dave got packed and off to Edmonton for the Grand Prix. I had to nudge him a little, as he hated to leave me, but I think it will be good for him to get away and take his mind of of me for at least a little while. Son Jeff, with Cindy and Abby came to visit and daughter Janine came for the duration. She's my "babysitter" while Dave is gone. She brought me a special gift from her neighbor Danielle. It's a wonderful wood cut-out of guess what? BELIEVE! Just in case I forget. Thank you, Danielle. It's a great reminder.

Dave is going to read when I wrote this blog and think I'm up too late, so I'd better sign off and hit the hay. Good-night!

Love and Gratitude......Linda

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday evening....Linda's take

Dave pretty much covered it. I just want to say how much better I feel after visiting with the oncologist. He seems to have a sense of humor which is important to me. I told him I was looking for a Bernie Seagel ( a doctor and author famous for teaching self-healing to patients) but he had a little too much hair (Bernie is bald).

I better do any playing around the next two weeks, because the fun will end once I start treatment. Gone are the trips we planned to California and Arizona in the motor coach.

If I haven't said it enough lately, thanks for all you do for me. My victories feel like your victories and my fears, your fears. I feel so connected to you all via this blog which I am so grateful to David for thinking of. I feel so fortunate.

Love and gratitude......Linda

The Oncologist Visit...Wednesday evening...July 18th

Late this afternoon we finally met with the Oncologist......the facts as, we understand them, in no particular order:

Linda's cancer started three to five years ago.

He asked the same question each doctor has asked.......did you smoke.

He said it was 90% an environmental cause..10% a hereditary cause.

The cancer grows not by the day or week but by the months...what this means is that even though it was caught by chance, her cough would have eventually sent her to the doctor and there would have been no additional damage....and she wouldn't have known to have caught it earlier.

The doctor said her age and health work in her favor.

The doctor said she has stage 3-B cancer but he is going to consult with a thoracic surgeon to evaluate the situation...there is a chance still of surgery but it is the differerence between a 95% diagnosis and a 100%. And the surgery is invasive.

The doctor plans on being very aggressive in treatment....it is about curing her.

The doctor said it is curable without her attitiude, etc etc but he was very impressed with her attitude and determination.

Linda will begin radiation treatment and chemotherapy in two weeks.

The radiation treatments will be daily (except weekends) for 6 to 7 weeks. Chemotherapy will take place on the same schedule.

At the end of that time, the radtiation is done..no more forever.

There is then a three to four week gap with no treatment.

Then there is chemotherapy one day every three weeks.

The doctor considers her very curable.

The doctor believes the tumor will go into remission quickly.

The doctor is more than willing to set up a second opinion.

Linda warmed up to the doctor pretty fast...he said the treatment is pretty straight forward no matter where she goes.

The doctor said he can set up treatments in Florida so we can go there this winter.

Linda's information will go before a tumor board of doctors next week for review.

What now:

Linda is going to go wig hunting..I personally prefer red.

Linda and I will be at the San Jose Champ Car Grand Prix in a week.

Linda and I will not be at the California NASCAR race the end of August.

I will be doing the Wings Crossover Seminar in August.

Linda and I will be at Jim's and Jenn's wedding in Mexico the middle of October.

Linda and I will be in Florida the end of October.

Linda and I will be on the Grenada Windjammer cruise the last of November.

Linda and I will be at the Phoenix Grand Prix the first of December.

I plan on getting an RV spot at the hospital in Bend as soon as possible...so Linda doesn't have to travel everyday 25+ miles each way to do treatments.

Linda thanks each of you for your support and love...she loves the comments section in this BLOG particularly.....if she hasn't thanked you personally for whatever..please do understand that she is very appreciative.....all of this is part of the cure.

And I thank each of you too.


ps..yes..I am going on blood pressure medicine as soon as the pharmacy opens....no sense in busting a vessel....this is very stressful...and my focus needs to be on "my bride"

ps..Linda might add to the above as she understood things..we shall see..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Evening.....July 17th

Linda went to bed early tonight...then got back up....

Linda had an active day on top of getting up early today.........so she went to bed

Linda has a lot of anxiety about tomorrow...so back up

I took my stress test today..in better shape than 7 years ago they said......blood pressure way up though....going to deal with that tomorrow

Tomorrow is the meeting with the Oncologist...more on that tomorrow

That's about it for today.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday PM....July 16th

The cough came back tonight after having been absent for a few days...back on the cough syrup.


Monday...July 16th

Not much new to report as we are waiting for Wednesday...the day we meet with the Oncologist and know the treatment and extent of everything......

Today linda is a bit more tired.....she had high energy for the weekend....today a bit slower.....she slept in and then conked out on the couch already a couple of times.

This weekend I am going to fly to Edmonton, Canada for a Champ Car race event.....Linda is staying home but hoping to make the San Jose event the next weekend (the hotel is right on the track so she can rest..etc). Daughter Janine is coming to be with her mom while I am gone...and Linda's friend Judy is also coming...so there will be a lot of female bonding that doesn't need to include me..

More later....


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday PM......July 15th

Not much new today....

Another "Linda Day"......

Good Blood Pressure.....
Good Attitude....
Good Sleep....
Good Nap....
Good Appetite....
Tony Stewart Won the NASCAR Race.....


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday....Late....July 14th

Today was a "Linda Day".......good energy......good attitude.....the Linda we know. That dream did wonders for her..the word B..E..L..I..E..V..E was at the front of her mind all day. I've worried about her pushing things too far ....energy wise....The doctor says, though........"her body will tell her".

I went to the doctor yesterday.....it was important to get myself checked out so my attention was totally outward. The short of things...my lungs are clear....I am having sinus drainge which is causing the cough and mucus in the throat....they are doing a stress test next Wednesday....and I have "severe hypertention"...which has his attention...I am monitoring it daily and report to him Monday....it seems to have eased a bit. Enough on that....

When Linda and I were married she sang a song to me..I wanted to share it...it says a lot about who we are with each other:

Peaches & Herb - I Pledge My Love

Always together, together forever
Always together forever
I will love you till the day I die
I know this now and my love won't run dry
You came along my life has begun
Two hearts are now beating as though they were one
Like the stars that make the night so bright
You shine on me with a love that's so right
A love that is lasting
A love that's so pure
Each time I feel itIt makes me more sure
Like a flower in a fairy tale I blossomed out
From a source that won't fall, love that is lasting
And love that is pure and each time I feel it
It makes me more sure
I know with all my heart we'll never part
For this is the day when our love comes alive
And I mean what I say as I stand here sayin
I pledge my love to you
I pledge my love is true
I pledge my life to you
I do my dear
I do my dear

Good night


Friday, July 13, 2007


Good News! I heard that there are no cancer cells in my brain. It's nice to get good news on Friday the 13th.

I want to share with you an incredible dream I had the other night. I have been thinking a lot about it and it gives me great peace and a belief that I will be cured. I dreamt that I was in Jurassic Park.... that seemed strange to me as there were no dinosaurs but I believe it was because I was on an island full of danger and peril. Everywhere I looked there were wild animals waiting to attack me. I didn't know what to do. Then I heard this voice that said, "Believe and you will get through this". I believed and I walked through to safety (I'll admit I did it with my eyes closed). I've never had a dream before that actually had meaning to me, but I have had great peace since then, so my word to myself now is "BELIEVE".

Thank you all again for everything you do to build me up. Last night I had 14 comments to read. I felt so "cradled in love". You are all so beautiful to me. God bless you!

Love and gratitude.......Linda

Friday AM...July 13, 2007

I know it's actually afternoon...a bit behind today..

Linda did her brain MRI today..the doctor should have it by the end of the day..of course we are doing our "biggies" on Friday throughout this journey so it most likely be Monday before the results are known.

Linda is in great spirits today..not quite enough energy as she isn't napping much today...she's "flitting " around the house...doing this and that...I might have to tackle her...but it is great to see her spirit in a great place.

Roger Traweek sent the following..it brought tears ...it is so powerful:

I Wish You Enough

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.

It is said it takes a minute to find a special person.
An hour to appreciate them.
A day to love them.
And an entire life to forget


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday Evening...July 12th

I mentioned a while back that Linda and I have done a significant amount of personal growth work with a company called Wings based in Eugene, Oregon.....as part of the growth work, a song is given to each participant saying something about that participant in their process..not every word is that important but rather key words within the song...

I bring this up to share, as Linda's song says a lot about her and her values and her commitments. I also understand that this song has been used only once! If this is true ....wow. .....what signifigance to this incredible woman.

Say/sing these words and create her image in your mind:

Maureen McGovern - I Could Have Been a Sailor

I'm a happy woman
I made my choice in life
I chose to settle down
I chose to be a wife
And I take pleasure in my quiet hearth
And happy home

I could have been a sailor
And sailed the seven seas
The wind in my face all day
Can you taste the salty breeze?
I could have been a dreamer
But dreams just fall apart
So, I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart


Thursday Afternoon...July 12th

Today we met with the Pulmonologist.....he reviewed the PET scan by showing it on his laptop...starting at the head and moving section by section down the body...the "hot spots" showed up red....where the cancer was....

To get to the point..we didn't get what we wanted..it has advanced to Stage 3.

What this means...to what we understand....is that surgery will not help...so no surgery....the cancer has advanced beyond the lungs......Chemotherapy and radiation are now the primary treatments....

Linda is scheduled with an Oncologist on the 18th or 19th (they're trying to arrange time)....what we understand is that he will review the situation with us and then tell us what the course of treatment will be....and we understand is that he will be wanting to get going right away.

Tomorrow morning Linda has a scheduled MRI of the brain..the Pulmonologist wants to make sure there is nothing up there...I guess we understand the cancer can head that direction.

The Pulmonologist also indicated he then is out of the picture....done....nothing more he can do...as he is the diagnoser.....and since no surgery will be done.

He also assured us that he was getting her the best Oncologist...one who also supported self healing and wouldn't be a "doom and gloom" doctor...one that would be truthful but understands "she does not intend to be a statistic" (her words).

My words "It's time to go to war"...take this thing on..we now know what it is...it's time to go after it.

I am also having an examination by an internist tomorrow..the Pulmonologist agrees that it makes sense and is a good idea...check me over ..make sure nothing is in me..so my full attention is on Linda.

I'm about run out of things to say here..I believe I've put out what we know.....a final word from Linda....."Tell everyone I am up to the task". "Tell everyone I've done everything in my life I intended to and I intend to do this too."

Peace be with you...and us


Wednesday Late..July 11th

Just got this picture from daughter-in-law-to-be Jenn for the BLOG. It has sons Jim and Jeff as well as daughter Janine along with Linda and Dave. This was a trip we took down the wild scenic Rogue River in southwestern Oregon a couple of years ago. Even Sadie got to go on this trip.....

I indicated late Wednesday on the title above..it's actually early Thursday....hard time sleeping.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday Evening...July 11, 2007

I can't express to you enough how much all of your e-mails, calls, comments, cards, flowers, and prayers have meant to me and how up-lifting they have all been. To think, I even have a dog praying for me now! How can I lose!

The first thing I do in the morning is check the blog to see if I have any comments to read. It really helps to know that I am not alone with this. What wonderful friends and family I have.

Thank you ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!

Love........... Linda

Wednesday AM..July 11, 2007

Linda's in the testing unit now...she has to lie for 45 minutes without moving and then the scan for 30 minutes...we should be gone by 10 am. Tomorrow the doctor will go over the test at 9:15 am with both of us.

Both of us were apprehensive this morning...

I think we'll be kind to ourselves today..

We watched a good movie last night I think it was called Gray Matters. I am very careful to have funny humerous movies at night..no need for anything stressful. Linda's dreams are a bit much for her as it is...she is going to ask the doctor for some sleep aides for the times when she is needing help.

Again..thank you for the cards..flowers..emails..calls...comments on the BLOG.....we want you to know Linda reads them all and although she might not respond personally..she does thank you....they are powerful in assisting her in this journey.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday Evening...July 10th

Snoqualamine Falls in Washington in May
Cultus Lake in Central Oregon in May
Linda and Sadie at Pacific City in May
Pacific City in May
I thought you might enjoy some more "Linda shots".... a little more than a month ago...little did we know what we would be doing in the near future.

Not much new for news..tomorrow, Linda's test starts at 8:15 am at the Bend hospital...they inject her with something (probably the radioactive stuff) and then she has to lay down for a hour without moving...then they do the scan...it takes a total of 2 and a half hours....

We're both ansy today in anticipation of tomorrow..even though it is actually Thursday before we know what is what....we want so much to get on with it.


Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday PM...July 9th

Wednesday is officially the big day...the PET scan is going to happen...the exact time we're not sure. We have found out that only 4 tests can be done in a day...so Linda was very lucky to get that day (we didn't want to sit until next Monday!). They say it could be as early as 7 am...Linda's response "NO PROBLEM"

The scan will determine if the cancer is limited to the lung area or has spread..it eastablishes the "stage " the cancer is in and dictates the course of action regarding surgery, chemo and radiation....Linda has very positive beliefs that she found it early and that it is in stage 1 within the lung.

The doctor's office called and set up an appointment for Thursday morning. At that time he will review the results of the scan with her and discuss the course of action from that point on.

That is about what we know at this point...the hospital is to call tomorrow with the details as to timing of the test as well as pre test requirements.


Monday Morning July 9, 2007

Well...good news this am.

Linda called her doctor's office and was initially told it would be most likely next Monday when the scan would take place....and "NO" it couldn't be done in Portland (connection issues with the data). Then...she got a call back telling her most likely Wednesday...then another call telling her "YES"......Wednesday...and that the hospital would call tomorrow with the details (Tuesday)...and that the doctor would meet with her Thursday to go over everything.......

So she is pretty "UP".

We are visiting at Janine's (youngest daughter) who just returned from the NEA convention in Philadelphia...she is going to monitor and be able to stay and be with her Mother as needed over the next steps...got a call from oldest daughter , Wendy...this am also......the kids have been great.

So a good day......Linda has a positive attitude and is getting rest though all these visits with folks...adds to her healing.


Sunday, July 8, 2007

Not much new to report today.

Linda's energy is good...the support of family and friends around her is much helpful. she is resting.

Tomorrow we hope to hear from the doctor to see if the scan has been scheduled..if no appointments available we will try here in the valley.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday July 6th

We're in Portland visiting with relatives...a nice escape.

Linda stopped in Salem to visit with her sister who is in the hospital having back surgery...then on to Portland to visit/stay with son Jim....daughter-in-law-to-be Jen and granddaughter Jillian. Early Monday daughter Janine arrives back from New York.

Linda plans on calling the doctor early Monday to see if the PET scan was scheduled...and if not then it if could be done in Portland as she is already there....we shall see.

Today both of us were just plain worn out...things were catching up with us...rest is what we're looking for...

We are blown away by the folks we are hearing from by phone...email...and in the BLOG....Linda says she hears there are gifts in each illness and hearing from all these incredible people might be one of those (she then clarified that she's not saying it's worth getting sick for though (she still has a bit of humor)). Seriously she does thank each of you for your kind thoughts...prayers...and comments.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday Late July 5th

Today Linda got an email from her cousin Ruth Ann that was so impactful..she wanted to share it.....

I am certainly sorry to hear about your diagnosis of lung cancer, Linda. I pray that the biopsy will show it to be one of those that can be treated successfully. I know of many of the emotions that you are experiencing, and I have personally experienced many of the emotions, Dave, that you are experiencing. Although each cancer is so different and although each of us deals differently with the diagnosis and treatments, there are many common threads. One is that in a good marriage, the spouse (usually the primary caregiver) suffers the illness as deeply as the afflicted. I can tell from reading the blog entries that this is true in your case. When someone would ask Skip how many treatments HE had left, he would respond with “WE have ___left”.

And, the waiting is so hard. We would always want the day of the test to come, but at the same time, we were apprehensive about hearing the results.

A concept with which to familiarize yourselves, is “establishing a new normal”. You make adjustments to the changes so that the adjustments become the new “normal” rather than an inconvenience or something that you despise. For example, Skip never drove a car again after hearing the results of his MRI---the new “normal” was that I was the full-time chauffer. When it was too difficult to sit in just any chair, the new “normal” was to always sit in a chair with arms.

“The Lord will give strength to His people….the Lord will bless His people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

She is thankful for all the calls, emails, notes on the BLOG, etc., etc.....this one just caught her "head on" in a time of full vulnerability....thank you


The News Friday Afternoon July 5th

Linda was called this afternoon just before 5 pm...by her doctor..who confirmed the tests showed cancer in her upper left lung. He had just gotten the tests and thought it better to call her rather than having her worry all weekend.

The cancer, we understand is non small cell cancer....not that we understand what that means, other than it is the most common.

Now Linda has another test...a PET scan...which we understand uses atomic particles and a scan to identify if the cancer has moved elsewhere in the body. This machine which does the test is in Bend on Monday and Wednesdays..the doctor didn't know if he could schedule her in Monday at this late time..or Wednsday..Linda assured him she was willing to travel to Portland or wherever to have the test done......she also assured him she was going to be very aggressive in beating this cancer.

I understand there are 4 levels to this type of cancer..the first..where it is limited to the lung and is taken out by surgery...the second where it is in the lung and nodes between the lungs...and then surgery, chemo and radiation are used...the third where it has spread and chemo and raditation are used..and the fourth....very drastic.

We know there is some nodes between the lungs that showed up in the CAT scan..but the doctor said it might be for a variety of reasons.

What now.....we just might run away for the weekend and focus on something else..might visit some family....keep Linda's energy up.

Scared...YES Determined...YES

Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers..they do work.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Post Procedure Thursday PM July 5th

Linda made it through the procedure at the hospital today..not too happy afterwards with the way her throat felt and the coughing..but it's over.....

To describe the procedure...as she put's it...think of a colonoscopy..but from the other end (she still has some humor)

The Pulmonologist thought he had gotten a sample of the mass....we shall see.

He thought it might be back from the lab as early as late tomorow afternoon (Friday) or then Monday afternoon. We plan on driving into Bend and meeting with him when the results are in.

This stage will provide the story ..ie. what it is....and some clues as to what our lives will be like from this point on. We are being positive and ready to address things for a cure.

Linda says hi..particularly to all those Toronto folks (we were supposed to be there this weekend). She thanks all for their thoughts and prayers.

Linda's blood pressure has been low...almost to the point where she is lathargic..the doctor is having her cut her meds in half.....so she can function. One good thing she says...when she suffers anxiety...it brings her blood pressure back to normal!

Anyway...hopefully more tomorrow.

Linda is currently on the couch ...sleeping to some great "new age" soothing music. Being a good husband, I'm going out and wash her car so it looks nice for her.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Life Long Personal Contract

Linda has done a lot of personal growth work over the years...In 1988 she took a life long personal Contract:


When we read these words and think of Linda..we say (outloud in acknowledgement and support): YES!

What a contract to serve her in this phase of her life....!!!!

For more on her personal growth work, please go to


ps..next time I'll share with you her "song"....

Wednesday July 4th

No big day of doing much today..but of course we've never been big "4th of July" people.

Linda is resting today in anticipation of tomorrow. We took a neighborhood walk..but with the temperature so high here today, she wore out pretty fast..as did the dog...Sadie.

Linda's attitude and spirit remain strong.....her blood pressure is quite low again today. Her internist who had manged her prescriptions for her blood pressure and hormones decided recently..without notice to anyone...( it was said she sent out a letter but Linda didn't get one)..quit practicing...so one of Linda's goals is to get another internist to manage the medications for blood pressure, etc while this other thing is going on...

She worries a bit about her sister who had a back operation yesterday and she has been unable to find out how things went..maybe tonight she will know and can relax more.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Some Additional Thoughts Tuesday Evening July 3

Today was a tough day but a step closer in this journey. The test Linda is doing Thursday will have a predicted success rate of 80%. As she indicated they will not be able to touch the mass..they will get close and hope the cells provide the clues they need. If they are successful, then next Monday afternoon we should know..... at the latest, what it is and what the next steps will be.

If they aren't successful, then it will be a surgical means to obtain the needed cells.We did not question the Doctor beyond that..we did not wish to hear a speculation or a worse care scenario...we are looking for the facts so that she can address them.

Our neighbors continue to be an incredible asset to this journey. The healings continue and the offer to continue is on the table. Linda suffered from low blood pressure last evening and after a session, it was normal. Linda does believe that with this help, she can be the determiner to her final healing.

Thank you for your support..as I told a few of you today, Linda's focus has to be and is on herself..she is not looking to take care of anyone else..this is the time she is turning attention to her personal healing. I too have a heightening awareness of this and support her in her effort to get well.



It has been a long day, as I had an 8:00 dental cleaning, came back home and then back into Bend for the 2:15 appointment with the pulmonologist. They gave me an extensive breathing test first which showed them I have 100% breathing capacity. The doctor then showed us the CAT scan which showed us the 3cm.x4cm. mass in the upper left lung. Because of the location, he is not able to do a needle biopsy and still only has an 80% chance of the broncoscopy picking up some of the cells. The scope apparently can't go down and then turn back up to get into the upper lung. It also showed inflammation of the lymph glands in front of the lungs. He'll talk to us after the procedure Thursday, but won't have any real results until probably Monday. If they can't get enough tissue for a good biopsy, they will have to surgically open up the lung to remove some which is a much more invasive procedure.

I just want to thank you all again for your prayers and support. I can't tell you how much it means to me. It definitely helps keep my spirits uplifted knowing all of that love is out there in the universe pulling for me.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday Morning July 2nd

"Yesterday was my best day..the day before..my worst"

What a difference a day makes....emotions...anticipation...anxiety...fear....peace....

Tomorrow is the first step..by meeting with the Pulmonologist...we hope to get insights into what she is up against...it's been the fear of the unknown that has taken its toll.

Yesterday we drove up the McKenzie Pass just west of us ...it sits between two wilderness areas...Linda did some deep breathing...taking in that fresh mountain air...filling her lungs and feeling its healing...she is focusing on healing....it was good.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday AM July 1st

Tough evening last night......this waiting and waiting is difficult......doesn't take much to "fall in the pits"......Linda gained an instant awareness as to how impactful different things can have on her attitude and state of being.....this is much a roller coaster ride.....

Today her commitment is to be more active and spend time "spiffing up".....

Champ Car is racing today so that will raise her spirits.

We plan on some more time outside too.
