Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday....June 30th....2009

Day 4....the Great Nebraskan Adventure....

375 mile day...in Evanston, Wyoming for the night

Linda had an uneventful day.....I mean, lots of sitting and naps. Linda was not (NOT) fired from her navigating duties today...I mean, we got on 84...went a long ways...it turned into 80....went a long ways...turn off to Rv spot...

The only difficulty we had was with Brother Marlin , who kept sneaking out of the rest stops without telling us so he could get ahead of us.....he likes to get to the RV park first to get the best spot....we think. The good news is he turned the wrong way at the RV Park so we got the primo spot..
I think we (I) need to clean the windshield....the bugs are messing up the pictures...

Tuesday....June 30th...2009

Day 4 of the Great Nebraskan Adventure...
It's till very early today but in an RV park, you have to put up with the guy next to you who gets up at 5 am to get an early start...talks loud...slams his door numerous times.....etc...

Day 3....what a great drive down through Idaho from Moscow to Boise.....Linda felt good.....although her navigation skills were suspect again...and she was fired numerous times during the day.....we have a Roadmate (GPS) which saves the marriage though. We met up with Brother Marlin and Sister in law Joni in Boise for a three day (Days 4-6) journey across Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday....June 28th...2009

The Great Nebraskan Adventure...Day 1 and Day 2...

Day 1....WE were up early and on the road....heading to Moscow, Idaho to see 40 years later what the campus looks like where Dave did his undergraduate work...397 miles....Linda is looking at a map saying #&#*@!!#$ which in English means "Where in the _ _ _ _ are we?"

Day 2....We took a great bicycle trip around campus....seeing all the changes and where Dave lived and all. He noted all the girls were very young and cute....and then he was reminded they were college students and he was very old....tomorrow we go south by way of some very scenic Idaho sights and end up in Boise to meet up with brother Marlin and Sister in Law Joni to begin the "Adventure" east.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday...June 25th....2009

Friday...tomorrow morning we head out for Moscow, Idaho.....today has been a day of packing the RV....we are ready! The reason I am reporting this way is to continue the comments of support.....you are all on a team....a team of support....YOU do make a difference....your words of support translate to a strength that is unbelievable.....Linda looked at these comments numerous times today...she draws strength and resolve....thank you...thank you...thank you....again...YOU make a difference.....thanks team!


Linda passed and has a green light for Nebraska!

The Oncologist started by saying she got a "B" on her tests because he doesn't give "A's"..... then reading her tests further, he gave her a "B+" and said he doesn't give "A+'s".

He said the blood tests were fine..Linda had worried about some bruising but he said they were superficial...

He said there was a small mark on the spleen..same as before..nothing different...couldn't tell what it was...so that is discounted for now at least.

The left lung looks the same...no new growth..hard to see if it has diminished further...so stable at least....Right lung looked good...some scarring.

The T1 and T2 vertebrae still show some "metastasic with healing"....whatever that means (could be cancer spreading to the bone)....but no growth....can't tell yet if cancerous for sure...same or better than last scan....could be radiation damage....

After this discussion, he upgraded her to an "A-" but still refused to consider an "A+"....we think another hour of discussion, we could have forced the issue and got the "A+".

What now....Linda has moved to the "maintenance" schedule as discussed in earlier posts....she will receive (started today) Avastin every three weeks. Please remember Avastin is not chemo....as discussed a couple of times, it convinces the body that blood is not needed in the tumor(s) and the capillaries "withdraw" thereby "starving" the tumor. As a safeguard with the bone potential issue, the Oncologist started Linda on Zometa today....it is a medication given by infusion that treats cancer symptoms in the bone....better "safe than sorry".....it will be given every 6 weeks, starting today. It is for "bone building".....

That's about it....Linda was very relieved and excited to get her trip to Nebraska on schedule (we leave Saturday morning....the motorhome is in the driveway).

If you read this you are required to leave a comment....directions are at the top of the page....it is simple....leaving a comment earns you a "BLOG Point"....accumulations of these points gets you "blogging rights" and "yes" you can leave multiple comments......not leaving a comment earns you a "negative BLOG point" which accumulates also and can only be reversed by leaving comments.....how do we know?....we have our ways....

Thanks for your support...this has been another chapter in Linda's Journey...to be continued....

Linda.............................What a great day! I am so fortunate to feel as good as I do for having stage 4 cancer, and to be controlling it as well as I am. If I can just hang on till a cure. They are so close it seems. I look forward to my hair growing back now that the chemo is over. Maybe by the end of summer. I'll be glad to put the hats and wig away. In a week we'll be arriving in Nebraska and seeing some of you which has me really jazzed. May I stay healthy the entire three weeks I am gone. I promised Dave no drama.

Love and gratitude........Linda

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday.....June 24th...2009

Tomorrow is a BIG day!

Tomorrow we find how how Linda is doing ....is she still having MARKED improvement which is what was said after her 3rd cycle in reviewing the scan.....this is what we want....this scan done yesterday after the 6th cycle.....(18 total weeks since the cancer was diagnosed as stage IV).

Linda has had a sense of anticipation....who can blame her.....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday...June 23rd...2009

Not too eventful today...Linda's scan went off without a hitch....the "port" made it so easy! The results will be known Thursday as we meet with the Oncologist then.

We are now starting our Nebraska trip (assuming Thursday's news is good) this Saturday by driving to Moscow, Idaho to see Dave's undergraduate University of Idaho...We then drive to Boise to meet up with Marlin and Joni on Monday and head east to Nebraska...

You liked Linda's glasses from the picture of her in high school ?.....bonus pictures below of Miss Linda:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday....Late.....June 21st...2009

We are back in Sisters...and it is late......

Last Friday we had our house shown.....then went to Portland by way of St. Paul (where we discussed the upcoming Nebraska trip with Linda's brother Marlin and sister in law Joni).

Saturday we went to Linda's 45 high school reunion in St. Paul....we had a wonderful time with great wonderful people. They first toured the high school they had gone to, which had undergone a major renovation this past year. Of course Linda and friends wanted to see the boy's locker room and pictures documented them in the boy's shower (girls will still be girls). We all then went to a dinner at the local bar/pub/restaurant (it's all one place) where the fun continued. The high school cheerleaders got together for an updated shot...see the original too.....a bit more mature now.

Linda did well...seeing old friends and classmates was good for her....we didn't get back to Portland till 1 am.....night owls!

Today was a nice get to gether with daughter Janine, son Jim, daughter in law Jenn (with her dad and step mom) and grand daughter Jillian to celebrate a belated birthday and Father's Day.

Whew...that's the big stuff we did...along with a lot of small stuff in a packed weekend. Tomorrow it's off to Bend for the annual physical and then Tuesday back to Bend for Linda's 6th cycle scan.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday....June 18th...2009

Today we cleaned up after my birthday bash....took hours...."YA RIGHT"!....getting out of bed at 62 is a "bash".....

We met with the realtor today and significantly dropped the price on our personal home...and got a call for a "showing" in the morning....keep your fingers crossed. We are delaying our departure to Portland for the weekend until the showing is over so we can "stage" it....ie., turn on the soft music....have candles lit.....cookies in the oven....etc. etc..

Linda and I took two long walks today and she drove all the way to Bend and back (40 miles)(....she hasn't done that in a very long time ). We drove to bend to get her hearing aid which was being fixed...she was excited to get it back....and we picked up the motorhome after repairs.

We head to Portland for the long weekend to plan our Nebraska trip with Marlin and Joni and to visit with the kids.....birthday and father's day and all....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday....June 17th....2009

Linda is doing well...we have been working at our "spec" house at Brasada Ranch....trying to "spiff" it up...after dropping another $200,000 off the price.....2 days of restaining and weed removal among other things.

Next Tuesday is Linda's scan with results discussed on Thursday....we are looking for a record comment number on this BLOG after the news is reported on Thursday....Linda should get a good report as I can tell from the outside observations that these rounds of multiple chemos, etc have been doing the job as well as she keeping upbeat with a good attitude and exercise.

Linda got a haircut...finally..she has about half the normal hair but it was getting long....

Today is my 62nd birthday..no big deal except I now get SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!!!! At one time I was going to use the SS for motorhome gas but now with the economy it is for subsistence!!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday....June 14th...2009

Nothing much to report...Linda is exercising now...and walking a lot more....getting back into shape...the good news is she has the energy to do it.

We go to Portland later this week....still working on the Nebraska trip details....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday....June 12th....2009

A low key day......

Linda felt good today and was "tasky" most of the day....even walked down to the mailbox and back twice.....finished her "planter planting.....

Dave finally got back the results of his surgery....no cancer.....a bit of concern after smoking as a young man and a user of Copenhagen for many years....anyway the surgeon wants to talk next week but he said not to worry....so I won't....the Dermatologist is doing a recheck in three months for the outside of the lip. I have learned the lower lip is very vulnerable to damage from the sun and all because it hangs down with no protection from the sun....that will be remedied from now on with lip protection.

What are we doing tomorrow? Nothing. the RV is still in the shop so we aren't going anywhere.....some more "puttering" around the yard at most....

What about those Penguins.....great Stanley Cup finals tonight.

What about those Magic.....they "sucked" at the wrong time tonight....that series is "history"....NBA finals over this weekend.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday....June 11th....2009

Today was another "medical" day......

Linda got word the Oncologist wanted to see her prior to her treatment.....he wanted a blood test done (man...what a "whiz" that was with the "Port"....the "Power Port"....Linda has the POWER!!!!!).....the results came in and Linda scored high on her blood test! So the Oncologist put her on a full dose of chemo and there was no need for the Procrit (for red cell production).

Linda "sailed" through the chemo with flying colors...once again, the Port functioned flawlessly.....this is her last chemo....6 cycles have been completed. Now on the 23rd she gets her scan done and then on the 25th, we meet with the Oncologist for the results.

If the scan shows good results.....which we expect.....then Linda is put on an Avastin maintenance in three week cycles (ie., Avastin on day 1 and then after the 21st day, another infusion of Avastin). Avastin is not a chemo....so the toxic side effects of the chemo should be reduced including hair loss, etc. etc. Remember, if you will, Avastin is there to stop the creation of blood vessel systems to feed the tumor(s).....thereby "starving" the tumor(s).

Bevacizumab (Avastin) is a humanized monoclonal antibody, and was the first commercially available angiogenesis inhibitor. It stops tumor growth by preventing the formation of new blood vessels by targeting and inhibiting the function of a natural protein called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that stimulates new blood vessel formation.

This does have its own side effects: Bevacizumab (Avastin) inhibits the growth of blood vessels, which is part of the body's normal healing and maintenance. The body grows new blood vessels in wound healing, and as collateral circulation around blocked or atherosclerotic blood vessels. One concern is that bevacizumab will interfere with these normal processes, and worsen conditions like coronary artery disease or peripheral artery disease. The main side effects are hypertension and heightened risk of bleeding. Bowel perforation has been reported. But, hey, the alternatives are much less desired....so on with the process.

The Oncologist said Linda looked very much different in these past few days.....almost "normal" he said, in look and actions. He asked me what I thought....my direct observation is that Linda has become more concerned with small things around her....things one would focus on if he/she was "normal" .... and I'm not getting away with anything....so, "yes" she is getting "back" to normal...."good news....bad news" (for me at least).

Dave saw the dermatologist today who proceeded to burn away more tissue on the outside of the lip in the area where the surgeon removed tissue on the inside.....I go back in three months to see what all this "stuff" has done for me.....

Linda did some planting in pots on the back patio yesterday....nice looking. We bought more plants today to plant tomorrow (day off from all this medical stuff). We are starting to plan the "Nebraska Trip" as it seems it might happen. (Within a "rough" timeframe, we leave the 28th or 29th of June and meet Linda's brother Marlin and sister in law Joni in Boise. We arrive in Nebraska (Fremont or Lincoln) on the 2nd of July and start home on the 9th or 10th of July, by way of Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday....June 9th....2009

Tonight was the Lance Armstrong Foundation sponsored "Defeat Cancer" dinner in Bend at St. Charles Hospital...always an incredible experience and we ALMOST missed it....our focus has been working through all of the properties we own and how to get something going in the crappy market (Asset rich....cash poor....don't mess with the IRA's more than we have to).

Anyway Linda remembered the dinner and we got an "OK" to attend and off we went.

Once again, it was a most rewarding evening....our hats are off to the ladies putting this together.....there is so much "gold' in terms of dietary recommendations, field trip planning, hiking trips organized, testimonials by cancer survivors , and tonight a guest speaker on fitness (Motion is Lotion).

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and Linda came home energized....even after missing a "nap" today.

One of our favorite "comments" by one of the coordinators (Rosemary) was about overcoming very difficult situations , ie. cancer ....as the impact "knocks you alive". She also talked about "physiology following behavior" or as we learned in Wings, "what you focus on is what you get".....absolutely true for any situation.

The guest speaker (presenter) talked about how the body can be prepared for cancer (and we believe prevent it). She said that "breathing is the foundation of every movement" and that breathing "matches the outside (of the body) to the inside pressure".......I sure learned that when my blood pressure was "out the roof"......breathing was the first step in getting the pressure down.....

We practiced many different "motions" and learned that the body is designed to move in many different ways.....and about the connection to the spine and to our "center". This, we understand is the basics of Pilate's.

Anyway, we came away educated and energized. Tomorrow will be another full day in the office working through the "dollar figures" and all. Linda's surgery has healed nicely....another scar ....but a worthwhile one....Dave's mouth looks like he got in a fight and lost.....another three days and things should look and feel more normal.

During the "testimonial" by a "cancer survivor", "empowerment" was a key word used and somewhere in the discussion a song by Rascal Flatts called "Stand" was mentioned as empowering.....it goes like this:

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright
Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

[Repeat Chorus]

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

[Repeat Chorus]

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday....June 8th....2009

We're home!

Linda is doing well...still a bit worn down....either by the surgery or chemo....she's not sure. We took the bandages off today....tomorrow she gets to shower for the first time.....

Dave had his surgery today....much more than he thought...10 stitches in all....a bit miserable but he isn't the best when things like this happen....hopefully it ends with this.....another trip to the dermatologist on Thursday to look again at the outside of the lip.

Today is grand daughter Taigen's 5th birthday....Happy Birthday!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday.....June 7th....2009

Very nice weather in the "woods" today.....tomorrow we return to Bend after a week "camping" to get some minor RV work done and Dave's lip surgery....then on to Sisters for a few days at home.

We took a long walk today and Linda has rested the rest of the day.....although she is yelling right at the moment at the Magic to "pick it up" and beat LA.......2nd NBA finals game for non professional basketball folks.

Linda's "wounds" are healing nicely and aside from a bit of tiredness from the surgery and all, she is doing well.
Pictures below include our hike today as well as a picture of a "guest" in the lake behind our home in Florida....an 8 to 9 foot alligator.....neighbor Roger send that picture along with another picture of our lanai watering system springing a leak....ok....a "gusher"....Roger gets the "good neighbor award" for stopping the leak or gusher....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday....June 6th...2009

Linda here, hoping I don't fall asleep typing this, as it has been a full day. We drove around Bend, checking out old haunts and checking on some of our properties. Then we went to see the new movie "Star Trek" which Janine had recommended and it was definitely good and different than all the other trek movies. We had dinner at a local Mexican restaurant and drove back to the RV park. No nap for me today.

I'm faring well from my surgery with only a little soreness. I think I'll be glad to have it in.

For all you Nebraska relatives, we are planning to drive the motor coach back around the 26th of June, taking a week, give or take, to get there, travelling with brother Marlin and sister-in-law Joanie. Sister Karen is joining us there. Hope to see my relatives as well as the Emken family. I have been wanting to do it for quite a while, and figure I better do it while my health can handle it. My 6th chemo cycle will be over and I'll have three weeks off between my Avastin maintenance treatments. Of course all this could change, depending on my scan on the 23rd which I will review with my doctor on the 25th. I'm expecting good news of course.

Thanks for all your great support. I am so fortunate to have you all hanging in here with me.

Love and gratitude........Linda..

Some pictures....."RVing"......Linda "Preop".......it's Miss Taigen's birthday Monday!..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday....June 4th....2009

What a day....what a day to be O-V-E-R!

Linda's surgery ran almost 1 and a 1/2 hour late so we were behind on her chemo and my doctor appointment...she now has a port!

The PowerPort* device is a port indicated for power injection. It combines reliable venous access with the unique ability for power-injected Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) scans. Power-injected CECT scans produce superior images to help better manage patient care. Such scans are often used to track tumor markers or perform pulmonary embolism studies.

The PowerPort* devices offer easy, flexible placement and access.

Features & Benefits

Lightweight for patient comfort
Reduced artifact - better imaging capability
Enables Superior Imaging
Withstands 5 ml/s power injection @ 300 psi pressure limit setting
Easily Identifiable
Soft palpation points on septum
Unique triangular port shape
Unique Patient Discharge Packetut by everyone working together it got done...ALL of it!

Linda now has a port identified above...a "power port"!...a fancy one that allows for the infusion of scanning material too. she's got a couple of surgical cuts on her upper left chest from the insertion of the catheter into the pulmonary vein and then to implant the port...but they use glue to close the wounds so she shouldn't see much after a while.

Getting chemo today was a "snap" compared to the last two years...the infusion nurses were even excited.

Because of Linda's difficulties last week, the Oncologist cut her infusions each by 20%....he said it would not compromise the effort. Her blood workup was good...the platelets were quite high (duh!)

So tomorrow she rests...nothing to do except read and sleep....hopefully the weather will be a bit better.

Dave had his lip looked at by the specialist today....Monday it comes off....not the lip but the "thing" or swelling inside the lip....about a 1/2 hour surgery the Doctor said. My hope is that that is the end of it....

Pictures from yesterday when we drove up to the new Newberry National Volcanic Monument with Paulina and East Lakes in a giant caldera and time in the "coach".

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday....June 2nd....2009

Hiding out in the "woods".....rained last night and today....not bad....for Central Oregon....

The motorhome is pretty nice in rainy weather.

Linda's surgery for the port has been rescheduled for Thursday morning with the chemo to follow....one less trip to town so not all that bad....and one more day "off"...