Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Evening....January 31st, 2008

Day 9 of 21 Days.....the weather changed things around today.....

Lots of snow today...canceling things...changing priorities around..more changes due to weather tomorrow.

Today Linda officially became a Social Security recipient....her benefits start in April....$184 per month! Not much to shout about but she's in! They even had an armed guard at the entrance to the Social Security office! Everyone was so serious.....we both came to the conclusion that the security guy was the most frightening thing about the whole would have thought that all the Social Security money was stored in that office....

Then I dropped Linda off at the cancer treatment center at the hospital while I went to counceling...which was another good session..we mutually agreed to start the EDMR program upon our return from Florida as anxieties are linked to prior events in one's life and we have spent a bit of time sorting all that out...As I left, the counselor wished me a great trip and said "have a wonderful time living in the present".......a great comment for preventing anxieties about "what might happen"....and my focus...

Whe I returned to the cancer center, Linda had done a Reiki session....because of the weather, our Reiki sessions had been cancelled for the afternoon, but Rosemary...who has been our biggest help through all this "stuff" had decided to personally do a session with Linda...which was great as Linda is in a very emotional state.....and very "thank you's" to Rosemary for taking this time out of her day....she is a very wonderful, nuturing friend.

Rosemary also decided to do the Reiki training today as tomorrow's weather will most likely cancel our support session with her as well as the original plan for the training . We are now level one Reiki practitioners.....with a focus at the moment on treating ourselves....and I can treat Linda...her condition is such that she is the focus....we are excited......

Anyway a good day today....both of our blood pressures are much better (mine down...Linda's up)....tomorrow we get dog Sadie examined again for diet and then on to Bend to have Linda checked by Susie, the Nurse Practitioner at the Clinic.....Linda thinks she will need an infusion of liquids so we will be there a while. this is scheduled to be Linda's last such visit after 7 months...a milestone!

Linda is going to be on the "emotional rollercoaster" for a while....we also figured out that perhaps the heating blanket she has been using has dried her eyes out by the heat radiation up into her no more of that...we are getting "smarter" every day.....


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday Evening....January 30th, 2008

Day 8 of 21 Days......Florida here we come!

A day off today.....we both worked out faithfully......time on the tredmill and then some free weights.....

Linda thought she felt better this morning but that disappeared as the day went along as she most likely is starting to be somewhat neutropenic......her emotions were pretty close to the surface....a nap midafternoon did help a bit. She's currently watching the Trailblazers play basketball on TV...if they do well she will surely feel better (hopefully!)....she is known to yell at the TV when they are not playing well (really!) the moment they are ahead (whew!).

Tomorrow is a busy day...Linda is setting up her social security as I mentioned earlier with with a morning appointment...then I have a counseling session...then Reiki for the two of us....Son Jeff is coming for dinner tomorrow night.......a long day........


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Evening......January 29th, 2008

Day 7 of 21 days....a day of appointments.....

First, Linda met with her internist to discuss particular the heart medications.....once the chemo effects are gone....she got some clear direction as things will change as the chemo effects and their impacts wear off. The internist said things will change including the slowing of her heart Linda feels now as if she has a plan.....she was on heart medication prior to the chemo and radiation so she wants to be prepared....and now she is.

I visited the dermatologist...and got a surprise...the rash and scaly spots I have were caused by the beta blocker medication I was taking (I emphasize "WAS") now I am on a steroid cream for two weeks...glad to get that figured out...I also have a basal or squamous cancerous is now on its way to the "lab' for has to be removed immediately....the other no hurry..

We really emphasize the need for checks by the dermatologist every six months......we have two sons who refuse....the prices one may pay can be severe.

Tomorrow is a day off....Linda can rest her "weary bones"...she is over the "bone pain" for the most part and no nausea this it's just getting over the fatigue....tomorrow....nothing to do for her!


Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Evening.....Janaury 28th, 2008

Cycle 4...Day 6 of 21 Days....

Linda is having a bit less "bone pain" should start tapering off....and she enters the "slide" into neutropenia (by day 10).....that's basically low blood counts for the lay person....time of weakness....infection prone....etc..... Linda still is worn out and has some bothersome heart burn...which comes and goes the past few months.....and she is a "trooper".

Dave got a good report from the internist today...he liked the way I was managing the hypertension....after looking at my blood pressure/heart rate records I's been a lot about my commitment to diet, exercise, counseling, breathing, quiet music, etc, etc. The doctor even wants me to lower the medications to see the effect....if everything stays in control then I can use less meds..which I like. I just want to stay out of the 140's all the time (and absolutely no more 150's or 160's)(thankfully I've not seen any 190's or 200's since the beginning)......

Our plans: head to Florida in two weeks at the end of Linda's last start the healing in earnest....then we return the 8th of April (so two months in the sun) and on the 9th she does a CT scan of the chest and abdomen...on the 10th the results are discussed with both the medical and radiologist we will know where things stand (for at least that period of time)...

We do plan on doing the Long Beach Grand Prix...the program this season will be the same basic program as last year with a few interesting twists here and there.....Because of the closeness of the Houston GP to Long Beach, Marilyn and John will cover that also has so much walking involved, we didn't want to press our luck with Linda. We then will slowly pack the motorhome in preparation for a trip to Laguna Seca (Linda's favorite track).

Champ Car is great in their support (of the program and Linda's health issues) so it will be a good year for the fan program....

Tomorrow Linda meets with her Internist to discuss her blood pressure issues that proceeded the cancer....she wants to know how to manage things as the body starts getting back to normal from the chemo and radiation. I am visiting the dermatologist.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Evening.....Janaury 27th, 2008

Day 5 0f 21 days....Cycle 4....

I had another hard time getting to sleep last night, but once midnight came, I seemed to sleep the rest of the night through. We both stuck close to home, and did our exercises in the work out room. We took our naps, too.

It snowed quite a bit earlier, too. They're predicting more snow over the next two days, which concerns me as son Jim and wife Jenn are driving here over the pass tomorrow.

I'm still having bone pain which will probably continue a couple more days. The nice thing is to realize that when all these side effects are over, I don't have to face them again since this is my last cycle. Another couple of weeks and we'll be packing to recuperate in warm Florida. I can hardly wait.
Love and gratitude.....Linda

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Evening...Janaury 26th, 2008

...Another quiet 4 of 21....

Linda got up for breakfast and then slept again until almost noon.....she has kept a "low profile" today....doing some reading and watching the Rolex 24 (8 hours on TV today..another 8 hours tomorrow) was fun to watch some of our favorite drivers (new and old) in action....

Side effects continue but not severe......we watch the water intake very closely as in the first cycle she passed out from dehydration (so they think).....anyway lots of water....just in case.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Late Evening...January 25th, 2008

Linda checked off another 3 of 21

Linda did pretty good today...some new "bone pain"....dehydrated "eyeballs" and "metallic" taste (from the chemo) not so bad to have made it through that.....

Friends Deb and Don brought dinner tonight and we played "good deal" with Linda's side effects.....she finally lost a game...she usually wins!

Don and Deb...with Sadie and Linda

Linda spent some of the day getting tax materials prepared with financial statements and financial summaries...she did struggle a bit with "chemo brain"..normally she is pretty sharp on the book work stuff.

Linda at the book work...also her new head covering from the hospital..she loves it.....I think it is a bit dorky..but it is warm!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Evening....January 24th, 2008

11 comments on last night's BLOG...a new world's record!

Linda felt pretty good today...we think part of it is due to her heartrate being down below 100...maybe her fast heartrate of the past few weeks added to her not feeling's like she is running a marathon all the time.....the doctor seems to be reluctant to do anything...most likely because the chemo is affecting things and it needs to be behind her to deal with the pulse and pressure. Linda did call the doctor today and scheduled and appointment for next week to discuss it again.

Linda did Reiki today.....a bit different experience as she had difficulty breathing out...I've experienced this same leads to a different perspective...all of which is beneficial in some way....not clear to her yet.

Tomorrow is a "day off" trips to the doctors or...or. Friends are coming over tomorrow night for dinner...we look forward to the visit. Then another weekend...we are usually in Florida attending the Rolex 24 at Daytona.....we'll be watching it on TV rooting for Gainsco #99....Jimmy Vasser!

Last year's pictures from the Rolex 24........


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Evening.....January 23rd, 2008

Hooray! Today I had my FINAL chemo treatment! What an accomplishment. I wasn't sure I'd ever get to this point. Give yourselves a pat on the back, because I recognize how much you all helped to get me here. I know I still have to get through the next three weeks, and there will probably be some challenges, but at least at the end of those three weeks, I will start my recovery. The doctor lowered my dosage a little today as he's concerned about the tingling in my fingers and toes. He was worried that if he kept the dosage full strength, the tingling may be permanent.

I'm going to miss all the gals in the infusion room. Every one of them is special, and so giving to each patient. I had two visitors today which always helps to pass the time. Pastor Paul came and we had a good talk about faith. I told him I still believed in my dream and appreciate so much how much my faith is helping me get through this journey. Son Jeff also came to visit for a while before he had to go to work. I always enjoy any time I can get with family. I don't know what I'd do without their support either. I'm so fortunate!

We are planning on going to Florida as soon as this cycle is over and coming back the 8th of April, have a cat scan on the 9th, and then see the doctor on the 10th. Hopefully, he will have wonderful news for me. Then we plan to see a lot of you at the Long Beach Grand Prix. I'm planning to be in pretty good form by then, although I'll still be pretty bald, so I'll be wearing my wig.

Thanks for sharing this exciting moment with me......Linda

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday Evening...January 22nd, 2008

Dave's day today......

I tried to have Linda do the BLOG tonight.....not successful......she promises tomorrow night.......

Tomorrow Linda does her 4th and final chemo infusion....she is excited to "finally see the end of the tunnel" has been a long, long 7 only hope is that this cycle is easier than this past may be impacted by the tingling in her fingers and toes...which may modify the dosage in this final chemo. Susie, the Nurse Practitioner said the Oncologist would discuss this with Linda as this tingling can be permanent, particularly when it goes down the fingers...causing them to back off the dosage in the last cycle....we shall see....on one hand Linda wants the " full dose" but again she doesn't want the symptoms for the rest of her life.......

Linda was "caregiver" today as I had my colonoscopy.....all was normal....we think the symptoms that gave rise to the recommendation for such a test was the conglomeration of medications I had been receiving for the hypertension....anyway...glad to have that behind me. Tomorrow I do the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which I described earlier as a way to have the brain process trauma and anxiety in a different way...reducing stress and anxiety.....which will assist me in lowering the blood pressure....I do want say though I have been working very hard and the numbers have been significantly down for the most part (sometimes it gets a bit out of control). Reiki, closed eye processes, meditations, affirmations, workshops, counseling, etc, etc are all worth the effort.

Linda is having a number of "guests" in during her chemo which will last 5-6 I will slip out for an hour for my procedure.

I think Linda looked good today..such a change from the last few days...the fear was driving her and to have the blood test yesterday really helped ease her mind.....her emotions aren't as close to the surface as in the past week....and she is looking much stronger...ready for tomorrow!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Evening...Martin Luther King Holiday...January 21st, 2008

Cleared to continue.....

Linda called the Clinic first thing this morning and was scheduled to come in immediately for a blood test...and possible transfusion.....

The good news is that Linda's tests showed she was in good shape...and could have started the fourth chemo cycle immediately.....but all agreed she needed a couple more days to recoup! Why does she feel so bad and emotionally drained...."chemo punies" is the cumulative effect of the cycles so far and time is the "healer".....emotionally she wants it over...and it "ain't over yet".

So there was no need to do anything...she could have done an infusion of liquids but she has been drinking water no need to do that.

So home we came....and Wednesday Linda will start her last chemo cycle....and 21 days later we plan on heading to some warm Florida weather.

I've got some medical tests tomorrow so no eating today....not a lot of fun...that's about all I'm saying.....


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Evening....January 20th, 2008

A weaker day today....

Linda hasn't had a good day today.....she is getting weaker and is going to get things checked in the am tomorrow...we don't know what the holiday will mean in terms of the Clinic being open...or if the doctors are working....we shall see. Linda thinks it is anemia causing the weakness and we are concerned as she is not feeling better as she should within this cycle of chemo.

The weather is supposed to "tank" tonight in terms of temperature....colder for a few days than in at least 4 years. It also snowed all day today.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Evening...January 19th, 2008

A rather quiet day today......

Today Linda's cousin, "Dr. Ron" stopped by on his way from Eugene to a presentation he was making to a group of Physicians tomorrow morning in was good to see him as Linda has a lot of trust and faith in him and uses him from time to time to check in on what is going on for her.....and today was no exception. He has a calming tone that brings comfort to her....

The remainder of the day was a quiet one....with a good nap and good homemade chicken soup for both of us.....we are eagerly looking forward to 8 pm as it will be time to "turn in".

Linda promises to call the clinic Monday to check on getting a "blood check" for fears are if she waits till Wednesday and they find out she is...they might set things back.....better to find out early. It might be part of the reason for the higher pulse. Linda's eyes are improving with the medication.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Evening.......January 18th, 2008

I appreciate the request for me to write more often, and truly I wish I had the energy to, but most evenings I just don't. So I appreciate Dave filling you in on what's happening. Maybe I should write in the morning once in a while, as that seems to be my best time of the day.

Dave and I did another group session today dealing with stress and making positive intentions for the new year. Of course, my most important intention is to become well. After the session, we stopped to get Dave a flu shot. We definitely need to keep him well, too.

Yesterday, after I had my Reiki session, my instructor told me she could see a lot of love coming from the universe in support of me. That is all of you pulling every day for me. I feel so blessed to have you all in my support. Thanks for all your prayers and the cards that continue to come in the mail. Believe me, it all helps to get me through my darker hours.

Love and gratitude.....Linda

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Evening.......January 17th, 2008

An interesting day today......

Linda went to the eye doctor....opthamologist.....after much testing...he indicated her eyes were like a windshield with the wiper blades screeching across with no other words because of the chemo...there is not enough fluid produced to have the blinking working without the painful results.

So Linda is on a 7 day anti inflammatory program.....drops three times a day....and also further drops of a non anti inflammatory as needed.

We then went and did a session of Reiki was most restful and healing. Tomorrow we discuss whether to do more sessions or focus on learning how to do Reiki on each other....

Tomorrow it's also back to the hospital for another workshop on stress management and relaxation.....

Linda is having a better day...she's not "back all the way" but doing much better...this round was much more difficult in terms of wearing her down.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday Evening.....January 16th, 2008

Somewhat of a quiet day..........

Today we went to the Doctor and to the Doctor...Linda to the Dentist..........

When we came home we both took a long nap.......

And that was our day......boring...Linda is feeling a bit more energized but one can tell this cycle has her more worn's that cumulative effect they talk more to go....

BUT..I finally got the IPOD working I bought for Linda (for meditations and soothing music).....the problem...I didn't have the newest version of ITUNES on the computer...DUH!...tomorrow I will load some great stuff for her on HER IPOD!

Tomorrow Linda goes to the eye doctor and we both do Reiki at the hospital..


That's about it

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Evening......January 15th, 2008

A long day today..but a pretty good one.....

Linda seems to have some energy back although her eyes are bothering her (doctor on Thursday to deal with that)......the signal was when I found her in the kitchen baking for tonight's get to gether..a sure sign she is feeling a bit more energized.

I did my counseling session today...we didn't start on the program as intended as we spent the time trying to figure out where to was more about diving into the anxieties and how they show up and all. Next week we start.....

I actually had a pretty good day too....exercised....stayed low key....napped....breathed...etc....etc.

Tonight we went to the cancer support dinner and mixed with other cancer folks and caregivers...we wish there had been more of them there but it takes a while to get the information out..see how long it took us....Linda thought is was productive but came home plenty tired...

Talk about tired..we have a doctor's appointment early and Linda has a dentist this is what there is for tonight...good night!


Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Evening.....January 14th, 2008

Today was our only all day home day for the week. I'm actually glad to be having places to go, as I admit to getting a little bored and lonely, just hanging out at home. It was warmer than usual out but very windy, so we didn't venture outside. We both worked out on the treadmill to get our exercise.

My eyes starting burning yesterday, so I called to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist on Thursday. I sure hope it is something simple, as I don't need another problem in my life right now.

I feel like my blood levels are finally on the rise, so I should start feeling more energy (which will probably help rid me of my boredom).

Thanks again for hanging in here with me. Love and gratitude.....Linda

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Evening....January 13th, 2008

...All the underdogs won today in football....we are still moaning the loss by Seattle though...and the Trailblazers lost in double overtime in basketball in Toronto....

Linda is feeling a bit better today...which is a great sign that she is moving up from the hope is that in a couple of days she will be back on top for the last week of this third cycle....her blood pressures haven't been too bad either.

This week will be a busy week with our first meeting in support groups..we have dinner and then split into discussions among caregivers and discussions among cancer patients. We also are doing more Reiki this week as well as my therapy sessions...and then Friday it will be another session on breathing and stress reduction for both of us.

My blood pressure seemed pretty high today...and accelerated when I became active in any way. I have a meeting with my primary Doctor on Wednesday and hope to get some things squared away. Today I laid down and listened to some affirmations and imagery...and woke up two hours later...even Linda had to come up and see if I was alright..what a role reversal. She is so caring. My intention for yesterday was to let go of doubt (actually self doubt holding me back) and creating peace for my self today. Today I didn't really come up with anything (is there such a thing as off on Sundays...I guess not) was a day of creating "quietness" for was letting go of "having to do something"...I think Linda adopted the same idea....she's been pretty quiet today.....napping...reading...napping...

We look forward to a better week and some of the planned activities lined up for us....we feel at the end of the week we will be so much wiser and healthier.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday Evening...January 12th, 2008

....Not a good day for the Seahawks......

Linda has had a pretty quiet day today...she's feeling only "fractionally" better...still pretty weak...we hope to avoid any infections while she is this neutropenic....I went and got the antibiotics just in case from the druggist....hopefully by Monday she will have bounced back.

I've spent a very "low key" day...seems like all my phone calls today were bad I took extra efforts not to get the blood pressure out of control....took a walk around and around the culdesac.....couldn't walk down the street as it is still icy......the fresh air was wonderful.

Linda's friend, Debbie, sent dinner over again....very nice....and tasty....makes my cooking look pretty weak...thanks again!


Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday Evening....January 11th, 2008

Yesterday was a day of learning..."ah ha's" was a tender day

Linda and I had to get up early for the Clinic laying around this morning.....during the blood tests and fluids infusion, Linda became very emotional...and it didn't take long to figure out what was causing that...she is clearly neutropenic....very much so...the fluid infusions actually work on the blood pressure issues but also add to the neutropenia....and when one has those blood counts...emotions are not far away.

As Linda was getting the fluids, I met my commitment to walk for 15 minutes.....a start on some meaningful exercise...I found many "paths" within the clinic to travel, getting in the time. I also this morning had adopted an "intention statement" like we do in an affirmation....mine today was: "I am letting go of worry and creating trust for myself today"...and it worked!

I was being supportive without fusing..not stressing...trusting that what Linda was going through was normal and expected and her care would be what she needs.

I also took a nap for the first time...wrapped in blankets with gentle music....that was great too.

Linda has had a low key day...understanding where she is at in the process and that this is "day 10"...which is her "low point"....tomorrow hopefully she will start working her way "back up the hill" and by Monday she should be on the mend within this cycle. She is suffering from tingling and numbness in her has gone down the fingers which is something they pay attention the finger tips is expected but they cannot guarantee it will go away..particularly if it goes down the might affect the chemo in the last she will be discussing it with the Oncologist on the 23rd......on one hand, one wants to complete the treatment..on the other hand the "tingling and numbness".....she will make the right decision..whatever it is.

Tonight she is doing much better....calm and quiet.....I made her some homemade soup today...I did...I did...and she liked it. And my pressure seems to be ok...I am not measuring it yet as that by itself creates a bit of anxiety.

The challenge is now the weekend...we feel disconnected from our support system on weekends.....although some have given their home numbers (what a great group of caring people)...we'll just get into all the football games (can you see Linda doing that?) and it'll be over quickly....and a few affirmations and breathing will help.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday evening....January 10th, 2008

....a different day.....

Today Linda woke with a low blood pressure and a high we called her doctor (who wasn't in yet) and the Oncology folks.....they had us come in to do a blood test and perhaps an infusion of liquids....we then found out Linda's doctor was going to be at the main clinic in the afternoon.

So off we went.

Linda's blood makeup wasn't too bad but her pressure was low...she got faint as they were doing the needle insertion which caused a momentary stir. Anyway they then put her in the infusion room and administered intravenous liquids. and her doctor checked on her through her nurse.

We were scheduled for Reiki sessions at the hospital so I went over to participate...Linda stayed at the clinic because of the infusion.

My experience in Reiki was much different than the first took quite a while for my jaw to relax and my fingers to straighten breathing never did get smooth, etc. etc. The practitioner spoke to her visions during the session, one of which was whether I had a separate hobby as she saw me working with which my response was that Linda and I did pretty much everything together...from there it was clear to me that Linda and I are "fused"..that is, what affects her affects me which affects her which affects me. Her experience in the morning I found scary and it affected my health. Anyway there is much more but that's the basic idea.

We went home and will go back tomorrow am for another checkup for Linda and more fluids if needed.

Tonight my blood pressure exploded upward...why I don't has now settled down but scary....and a headache all day hasn't helped...and I don't get headaches...these headaches have come and gone for a few weeks now..but today's was pretty significant...and started before we got up this morning.

So not such a good day...


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday Evening....January 9th, 2008

We laid low today with no meetings, doctor visits, etc., etc......

Linda laid low with a high pulse and fatigue...I laid low with high blood pressure....what a couple we make. Linda is calling her doctor again tomorrow if the pulse stays scares me a bit which is not good for the blood pressure. The fatigue can be attributed to being in the early part of this chemo cycle...Friday is a visit to the nurse practitioner (Susie) to see how things are going.

Tomorrow we look forward to another relaxing and healing Reiki session for each of us.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday Evening....January 8th, 2008

A slow day today but a quick trip to Bend tonight.....

Both Linda and I wrestled with high blood pressure issues we started out pretty slow...her doctor wanted to let things be for a couple of days...mine immediately put me back on one of my previous blood pressure medicines...mine was a bit higher and not influenced by cancer.

The good news today is we tackled the medical bills....and got most all handled....we have good insurance but still there are co pays and this got paid wrong...and...and.

Tonight we went to Bend and St. Charles hospital for the dinner presentation on diet and cancer. We almost stayed home as the weather report in Bend was bad...but we had "good" weather in we decided to was a bit dicey in Bend itself...but with a little care it was alright.

The dinner was very nutritious....a good chili and a good salad with plenty of fixings.....that was the idea. A nationally known nutritionist spoke and presented some very interesting stuff...even for non cancer folks....

Such as......

3/4 of your plate should be covered with plant food.

Eat a "rainbow" of plant food.

Focus on adding healthy foods rather than cutting out unhealthy foods.

Be creative in adding plant foods...vegetables....fruit...whole grains....legumes (beans)....nuts...seeds.

Take it one step at a time...don't try to change it all overnight.

Choose foods that nourish both your body and your spirit.

And there is much more...we did enjoy the presentation and plan on following up on the many web sites for recipes, etc etc.

This is Linda being very "studious" at the presentation.

Linda got a bit tired tonight so we got home and immediately to bed. I found this picture in my camera of granddaughter Jillian and Grandma Linda taken just before Jillian left after Christmas...Jillian turned 10 yesterday...Happy Birthday to you!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Monday Evening....January 7th, 2008

A different kind of day.......

We didn't get up too early today....Linda slept hard and long...good for her. She wrestled with a high pulse today but stayed ahead of the bone pain til late in the day....tonight her blood pressure is up a bit but her pulse is fine.....Friday she gets her mid cycle checkup.

I seemed to have an off day..high blood pressure for most of the day..couldn't get it to stay down. ...also had some bothersome side issues to worry about.....

We spent time with the counselor today...and are scheduled back next week. She is going to use a method of psychotherapy called EMDR ......Eye Movement Desensitization and is a method to relieve distresses including anxiety and stress. EDMR is hard to explain but it basically has an effect on the way the brain processes information. .....where anxiety and stress causes the brain to not process information as it would do ordinarily, EDMR sets up for normal information processing by the brain. Another way of stating it is after therapy, the person sees disturbing things in a new and less distressing way.

That's about what we understand at this point.....hey.... if it works....we're in!

Tomorrow night we go to St. Charles for a dinner and a presentation on diet and cancer....

Linda's brother Marlin had a surgical procedure today as he had chest pains....his blood pressure has caused parts of his heart to enlarge and damaged his kidneys....they hope to have him on proper medications to prevent further damage.......our thoughts are with him.....but again, he is cranky enough to outlast us all. As he says...with age, you're going to get "something"......looks like he found his "something".

Our Oregon neighbors have been enjoying our Florida home as we were not able to be down there as we normally would...they are having a good time and called us today....we are just not used to this cold weather....we can't wait till cleared to travel to Florida...hopefully by February 12th.....


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday Evening...January 6th, 2008

Not a bad day again.......

Of course we "laid low" again today....Linda stayed ahead of the "bone pain" and I watched my blood pressure....

Our neighbors from across the creek came over for dinner tonight and we had a pleasant visit....

Tomorrow we work with the counselor to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the whole cancer regimen.....we are looking forward to it...each new experience will help reduce the arduous journey this has been......

What about those Tampa Buccaneers today?.......What?????? They lost???????


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday Evening...January 5th, 2008

No much new to report.......

Today we have been "low key"'s the weekend and we want no excitement on weekends. Linda is doing pretty good today...a bit of the expected "bone pain" has started today but the steroids have been terrific and she has taken pain pills only once. She has had no nausea either.

Linda's friend Debbie brought over some great home made vegetable soup......terrific!. We had a nice visit too.

Please note the Seahawks won today.......

Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Evening....January 4th, 2008

Not a bad day.......

We went to the St. Charles IMPROVE YOUR LIFE! workshop today...we spent the time learning about stress management and the use of relaxation techniques. for a sense of well being. This workshop continues every other week on Fridays. We learned a lot about breathing as the key to the process in a one on one last week...but today brought it all together.

So yesterday's Reiki and today's session on stress management are building blocks to improve our well being. Next week will bring counseling on anxiety and a dinner evening with the theme of diet and exercise.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday Evening.......January 3rd

Much done today.....

Today started with the dog's (Sadie's) turn at the doctor for a follow up check up..she did well...BUT.....because she has the crystals/stones problem and a skin allergy problem, we had to go back to the EXPENSIVE dog food......maybe we will have her work it off...somehow (but she's a bad watchdog)....

Linda and I did our first Reiki session at the was very relaxing..we are signed up for two more sessions in the next two weeks and then they are going to show us how to do it for each lowered my blood pressure for sure....

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Tomorrow Linda and I are attending a Stress Management and Relaxation Session at the hospital...we are jumping into an assortment of classes and sessions to support what is going on..we need all the help we can get.

Monday we are back into anxiety counseling..and we'll be doing that for a while.....and we also are joining the support group of cancer patients and caregivers at the hospital.

Linda is holding up pretty good day after her chemo....a bit of a rash (more like a flush)....expected but hasn't shown up previously....treated with antihistamines.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wednesday Evening.....January 2nd, 2008

It's Linda checking in to tell you about my third infusion cycle.

First I must admit I've been a little melancholy lately and losing faith in my dream. I've been coughing alot and it has made me fear that the tumor is not shrinking and that is why I'm coughing. Last night I apologized to God for my lapse in faith, but would he please give me a sign that my dream is to be believed.

Today, when I told my doctor about my fears, he said the tumor shouldn't be causing my cough, but we would do an X-ray to see if the cause is in the lung. When the X-rays came back he put the new one on the screen next to the last one taken. The old one definitely showed the tumor, but the new one showed no sign of it, only scarring from the radiation. My prayer (and yours) was answered. I feel so much better. I believe again. Thank you all for your prayers. God does listen.

Dave continues to work on his anxiety disorder with his doctor, hoping to get back to his high care giver status with the help of counselors, medication, etc. I look forward to having him back. The lesson in this is all caregivers and cancer patients should get help early on to help them through this tough journey.

Love and gratitude.....Linda

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Day Evening...January 1st ,2007

We didn't make it to New Year's (New York time)......

Linda and I folded and went to bed at 8 pm and were asleep by 8:30...this morning she wanted to see the recording of the dropping of the ball in Time's Square on the DVR......oops...forgot to record it...

Quiet day today...Rose Bowl Parade...lopsided Rose Bowl...Remember please Oregon beat USC and if quarterback Dixon hadn't been hurt, Oregon might have played for the national title and Dixon might have won the Heisman Trophy...oh well......"if"

"If"...I always learned that "if" frogs had wings.....they wouldn't bump their butts on the ground all day. There's a message in there somewhere, I've been told.

Tomorrow is a big day...Linda and I both have some tests..she then gets the 3rd cycle of chemo it will be a long "clinic " day. Wish us a good day and a good third cycle for Linda....she is a bit "tired" of it all....
