Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday in Oregon...May 22nd....2008

We arrived home late last night..pretty worn out today and then with food shopping and all.....

Linda's cough is gradually getting worse...she has a hard time clearing her throat and streaks of blood have shown off to the Clinic we went today. Susie...head nurse practitioner had an XRAY done but it is like comparing apples to oranges in comparing it to the CT scan last month.

Susie said it could be the strain on the blood vessels in the throat...the cough could be a form of pneumonia that comes from the radiation two months or more after it is over....she didn't think it was cancer related but will check again next week and then order a CT scan if no improvement. What she did do was place Linda on high dose of steroids which treats the form of pneumonia..if that is what it is. Also Linda has to take high doses of antibiotics (like before) as the steroids affect the immune system. a week we should know more.

In the last couple of days we have had some serious discussions about our, do nothing in terms of changing where we live or what we do...or... in case something happens to Linda.....I objected to this and said I thought we should live normal, live in the "present" and if something does happen...we will deal with it when it we will live normal lives and make normal we agreed and away we go! we both felt better having this discussion.



Anonymous said...

All we really have is the PRESENT. It is a gift and we have to remember to treat is as such.
John and I leave for Indy tomorrow morning. If you tune in to the race, look for us in the 2nd turn(South East Vista). We will be the ones wearing Inner Circle hats.
Thinking of you often....

Cheryl Jones said...

Very smart to have that discussion, as difficult as it may be. You have to live your lives and not worry too much about what may (or may not) come in the future. If you worry too much, you miss an awful lot of life. Go out and live it!

I love you both and I know that you'll take things a day at a time and enjoy each other and all the good that you have (and you have a lot).

Love to you both, as always.

Unknown said...

Welcome home! I don't know if in your discussion, you decided to stay put or move this way, but wanted you to know they are building 2 very nice places right next door to me. I would love to have you as neighbors...
This cough you have may very well be a bug that is going around I know two people with similiar cough. One is Regan, and hers turned to pneumonia. It is not cancer related, so hopefully it will ease your minds some...