Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday...December 26th...2008

All company has left..just the two of us to run around the house (ok, limp). today we went to bend to visit a deal friend of Linda's, Deb, who is doing chemo in the same place Linda did was good to see nurses and Susie, nurse practitioner, who took so good care of Linda.

Mrs. Wood got her new hearing aid turned down a bit by COSTCO, where she bought it, as it was getting too much noise (go figure..I have the same issue...too much information for the brain, through noise).

We plan on 4 or 5 days of quiet time before traveling to Portland for a few days prior to our flight back to sunny (and warm!) Florida.

Linda's surgery is healing up....her cough persists.


Cheryl Jones said...

Glad you get to have a bit of quiet time now.

Sure, Florida is sunny and warm... until I show up! Long range forecasts say it's going to get very cold as soon as I arrive. Should be fun for those early mornings while my friend and I run our races. Brrrrrr.

Anyway, glad you're both doing well. Not long to go now until you're out of the snow!

Love to you both, as always.

Anonymous said...

Loved the New Year's jokes. It is hard to believe that we are looking at the New Year! It feels strange to be without the anticipation of a new racing planning to do this year. Have a great year, you two. I am sure you will find pleanty of fun and adventure.