Linda, of course, got up this morning and was like a "busy bee" straightening up this and that and now is doing coverups for the infusion center.....slow this lady down! We had appointments in town and the Defeat Cancer dinner tonight,so no nap for her today......and late this afternoon the lack of rest started to show....and then...the dinner was so inspiring, she got a second wind. She has agreed though to be less energetic in the morning when she has a schedule of events later in the day.....
The dinner tonight was great..many suggestions and ideas that fit right into where we are at. By the way, for more information on the Defeat Cancer program, sponsored by the Lance Armstrong foundation (Livestrong) go to An amazing program led by an amazing group of folks.
The guest speaker was a local psychologist, whose program is "One Can Outrun Depression and Fear: Lessons For Cancer Survivorship". Basically he has found that in the treatment of depression and anxiety that exercise is the most effective solution, above medication, and medication and exercise. He talked about how exercise gets in the way of frustration, irritability and anger. What I got was, at the first sign of anxiety (in my case), get active....get an activity involving exercise going. He also said the exercise must be one you like...if one doesn't like a particular exercise, there is less or no commitment to it...and there are so many forms of exercise. Look for anything that works!
So now, we are committed to rate our well being at the beginning of each day and to get active as a way of creating a state of well being. Wasn't it the song "Man In the Mirror" by Michael Jackson that said "Make a Change"? Anyway, we get it....a great evening to empower us to be active and exercise to create a state of well being. We are glad we went.
I hope your birthday celebration is full of family and fun. Remember if you need a place to park the motor home, I think I have plenty of room...I am not sure what all is required but I have a good spot and there is we need anything more?
I've just returned from an amazing week in Tampa celebrating my mother's 95th birthday. Three parties; 2 dinners; 1 surprise from the folks in the office where she lives (still on her own, I might add).
Today is my day to catch up on what you folks have been doing. I must say, I completely identify with that "one hour to talk myself into it" cartoon.
Should you ever get to the end of the usefulness of Craigslist (that is, no one wants to pay for anything any more) you might want to investigate I have seen "boxes of ribbons" "a batch of old hangars" and things like that snapped up by people who want them. It's a great way to give away anything you don't want. Talk about one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Blessings on you all, especially that remarkable brother of yours, Storman Norman.
Hmmm, it must be jetlag (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) but I realized I forgot to sign the previous post. LOL!
Marjorie (TravelGal)
I can relate to that cartoon! Although, I actually spend all day trying to talk myself out of going to the gym (millions of reasons why it's a bad idea), then go anyway, because I know I should. On each machine I think, "I'll just do 20 minutes on this one today," then do my full 30 minutes on each, anyway. I have an odd way of motivating myself, don't I? Use whatever works, but get going and get that exercise. It really does help the attitude, even if just for a little while.
Can't wait to hear what kinds of exercise you decide to do. Love to you both, as always.
I often think of these Michael Franks lyrics when I check out the blog:
from "On The Inside"
I've wasted a lifetime
Pursuing an image that did not exist
Except in my own mind
Except in my own dream.
My life has convinced me
That happiness never can really be found
Until you remember
The voice of your own heart.
It's all on the inside
To say you can find it elsewhere
Would be wrong.
It's all on the inside
Each soul has its song.
It was here all along
On the inside.
Rest up, L, you've got magnificent things to create and to see and to share and to be!!!!
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