Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday...November 26th...2010

Another "line in the sand" crossed...Linda is on O2 now..and will be on it...whenever and wherever...a bit of a shock for her....she has a machine that creates O2 which is her main source...she also has a big emergency tank should there be a power failure..etc...etc...and she has several small tanks (well kind of small) for will take a bit getting used to but she has what it takes to prevail and she will......


Anonymous said...

Glad you are approved for oxygen Linda but sorry you have to use it. It should help in many ways though. You will find the oxygen company people very helpful. (At least that was my experience with my Mom). Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. It is a good time to remember all we have to be thankful for - friends and family are at the top of my list along with Linda Lou and Dave. Love you, Ginnie

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave, another step forward. Oxygen is ALWAYS good!! Keep up the great work, and by informing all of us, we get to see how someone goes through all of this. It'll make 'our time' a lot easier, in some ways, as we'll know what we're up against. Worse in some ways, too, cuz we'll have to measure up to the standard you've set! Less complaining on my part for little aches and pains, lol!! Now tell me what you know about MaryBeth and her latest?? Are you in contact? Last time we spoke, she asked me about you two. I'd lost touch, and will now be sure to let her know about your blog and FB. Dave--thanks for your input on the site. Teachers need 'expert' advice, as always! Both of you---Take care--ongoing task! enjoy the snow! Jeann Harder

Anonymous said...

Linda, you have been OUR oxygen, breathing into us your courageous spirit. As you get relief from using those 02 tanks, breath in the Peanut Gallery's love and gratitude sent back to you.

Anonymous said...

Relax, breathe. Slowly, surely you'll find yourself in a calmness which comes with the relaxation of the coughing and getting your breath. It's a good thing sweetheart, it's all good. This will give you more strength each day.

Miss Marilyn has said it best for all of us. You have been our oxygen all these years, infusing us with your lively spirit. I feel it every single day - now let us breathe some of that back for you as we hug and appreciate you with our hearts full of love.

We love you!

Kim & Ernie said...

The pix are great...glad to hear you have the oxygen for a little extra help. My Dad was on oxygen for a long time, and it really helped.

Whosh! Here's a little Florida love & gratitude coming your way. It's still warm and wonderful...can you feel it?

Lot's of Love
Kim & Ernie