Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday....November 14th...2010

Better day today..still a cough and high pulse....tomorrow the last radiation and then a CTScan to give answers to some stuff...

Linda's sister Karen and husband Ray came today and brought dinner.....we had a nice time..son Jim stopped by and had dinner with us...


Wendy Soethe said...

Looking forward to the event - 6 more days! Let us know if we can bring anything or stop on the way to run any errands for you, etc. We're driving down Friday after work so have the space and time to do whatever. We love you and will see you soon.

Love, Chris, Wendy and Taigen

Anonymous said...

We think of you both and pray for you daily. We love you! Darrell and Shar

Anonymous said...

Let's think that the body is getting rid of the old, getting rid of that which no longer serves it (the cancer) and it's making room for the new healthy cells. With every breath, you are repairing and rebuilding and strengthening your health, your body, your soul. Perhaps the journey, for right now, is one where progress is marked by each step, not by each week or each month. That the progress may seem small in the larger picture, but is progress of great amounts at a cellular level. And with love and laughs around you, and shoulders to lean on, hands to hold, you'll move through this into a glorious joyful state of perfect and always-improving good health. So hold fast to your faith and your beliefs.

Wrapping you in a golden glow of healing love and peace and health,


Anonymous said...

thinking of you always. you guys are tough. love you both very much. john. barabra and maxx

ps i haven't prayed this much since the forth grade when Sister Mary of Perpetual Pain had me in forth grade, not 'had' in the biblical sense, i mean in class as a student ..i was one of her favorites so imagine what Tony Taddoinio was going throug. but the prayer always worked i looked at a word map of a place where we sent money to feed people and we must have sent so much it is no longer on any map,,,,,go figure.