Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday....December 13th....2009....708th Post

Attitude of Gratitude

We came upon a piece from our Defeat Cancer program and wish to share it during this holiday season...we have "lifted" from the piece to fit what message we wish to convey to the world (you being the world).

Developing an "attitude of gratitude" is an excellent tool to take care of one's self. It helps relax our bodies and strengthens our immune system. As Linda would say..."your glass is half full instead of half empty....using positive words instead of negative words".....

As she was saying to one of our sons the other day..."be outfocused.....on other people.... give them joy and you will be joyful yourself during this holiday period".

Track your gratitude....

Awaken in the morning...setting an intention..."Today I will notice 3 people or things that touch my life in a special way".

Write them down....each you can track them over time....

Take a bit of time...from time to time....reflecting on the things that have touched you....reflecting on the abundance of gratitude and appreciation you have in your life.

Notice how having that intention each day of seeing gratitude will bring awareness of a sense of inner peace and well being.....

Remember.....our attitudes towards our experiences in life are a direct reflection of what we focus on.....what you notice and focus on will grow. In Wings, they say "what you focus on is what you get".

It's time to fill the glass!

PS.....I used to have a friend (used to because he has since passed away)....he kept a journal of 3 things he would do to help other people each day...big or small......another way to creat gratitude...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all about what we focus on. :-) And learning that what we focus on materializes into our lives in so many large and small ways. So is the focus positive or negative?

May this season fill you and yours with moments of positive reflection and peaceful meditations. May you rest and rejoice and renew. And may each tomorrow find each of us ever more in the Joyous Now.

Wrapping you in that glorious golden glow of healing love and peace,