Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday...May 14th...2010

Dave's back..well....what's left of him...anyway....

A rough three days...still not feeling that will take a few days to stabilize.

Slept until 12:45 today.....getting up only to attend a Memorial to a Oregon Education Association staff colleague....Don Satchel...the Political Education consultant for the OEA. someone said today....should be honored by all teachers...and all should say "Thanks Don"....for what he did in the political arena for teachers....

Don was an early supporter and mentor for Dave...was of great support in forming Dave's career....and Dave honors him for his service and his support....

Tonight we went to look at a house in Canby...great neighbors...we like it when several come out to ask if they could help eye on's great....anyway it has real possibilities....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are also sleeping in and getting your rest.
Canby is one of my favorite places. I know a few Canby people and really like all of them. They still have the ole..small town, lend a hand, mentality that I love.