Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday....September 18th...2008

After going to the doctor for a checkup yesterday, Linda "passed"...the doctor thought the pain in her back was due to "scar tissue" in the lung.....Linda was doubtful but has no better answer at this's been 8 weeks with the nagging pain.

And then today...Linda woke with an elevated pulse and an irregular heart rhythm.......where did this come from???????. The pulse has slowed to normal and the irregularity has ceased but it was puzzling......Linda has to throw in some excitement when she can, I guess.

Boy what a busy day....getting the RV cleaned up.....winterized...washed...and then stored for the winter.

Tomorrow its back on the picket line and then off to a smokejumper reunion that goes through the weekend.......

Son Jeff came over last night for dinner and gifts as we missed his birthday while in California...we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and made him wear the birthday sombrero.



Anonymous said...

What a guy! Boy, does he look like his dad. It brought tears. We have one more camping trip with our camping club then we will be putting our camper away for the year also. Slow down, Linda and it was great to hear that good news. Prayers were answered.

Anonymous said...

Linda you look GREAT! I have been catching up on the blog...Sorry I haven't left a message in a while, but I am always thinking about the two of you! So glad to see you out and about!