Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday...July 19th....2008

Yesterday we had lunch, with friend Mary, at MO'S which is the most famous seafood restaraunt on the Oregon coast...Barb, our server, was so struck with how much fun we were having that she wanted a picture...and then she sent it to us.....what can we say.....we are stars!...and we "made the day" for another....


Anonymous said...

Okay, what kind of fun were you guys having? I wish I could had been there. Sounds like you guys are really taking in the northwest. That is great.

Cheryl Jones said...

I've had some waiters and waitresses say they've enjoyed our group, but goodness, I've never had anyone ask to take a photo!! You must have been having a REALLY good time! Way to go!

Love to you both, as always.