Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday...November 28th...2009

Unbelievable that we will be leaving for Oregon in little over a week....we are not ready....the cold weather will be a shock for sure...and then Linda goes nuts with decorating, baking for Christmas, etc., etc..

Linda did well for her second round of infusion according to her Oncologist yesterday....and she received her third infusion of Alimta yesterday...she is a bit tired, but today we dedicated to cleaning....not too tough in a 1400 sq. ft. place.....

When we return on the 8th of December, Linda has some dental cosmetic work done on the 9th...and a scan and Oregon Oncologist visit on the 10th....


Anonymous said...

Well... hope it stays beautiful and sunny for the rest of the time you're in FL, and maybe you'll end up taking some of that warm weather back to Oregon with you (I know... it's wishful thinking... but anything can happen, right?.

Glad to know all went well with the infusion. Take care, and have a simply wonderful week!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to seeing lights on across the creek. Hope you have an easy trip home.

Jack and Lix

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda & Dave,

Dennie & I are both glad that you both had such a wonderful time in Florida & on your entire vacation. We can only imagine how togh it will be to leave the sun for the cold weather in Bend. However, just remember as you are doing your Christmas prep in Bend, that all your memories surrounding Christmas were no doubt to do with Oregon. We don't associate Christmas with sun & palm trees! We associate Christmas with stockings by a warm crackling fire, & cold weather outside. Searching for our trees, while bundled up in scarves, & mittens, followed by hot cocoa, while decorating our native Nobles, Douglas, or Fir trees.
Think on those memories as you fly home. Love, Rhody & Dennie