Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday...June 18th...2008

Thanks for the kind comments...

Yes.....yesterday was my short of some social security money for gas...and yes....Linda was wonderful on my birthday...and she is the best gift of all......getting a new laptop was great also, having about worn out the other one working with Champ Car and always having it with me.

Today some "old" friends visited and stayed for dinner and then played cards..we had a great time. They are from California and are working at the fish hatchery near us (to get out of the southern California heat). We ran into Stephanie at the local library the other day as she was using their wifi....what a chance "run in" as hadn't seen them for a few years.

Tomorrow we head to Brasada Ranch east of us to see how our "spec house" is doing which hasn't sold yet....come on buyers!

1 comment:

Cheryl Jones said...

Happy belated birthday, Dave!! Now I know for next year.

Sounds like, other than your birthday, things might actually be a little bit boring up there right now. Hope so. After all you've been through recently, I think a little boredom would be wonderful for the two of you!

Love to you both, as always!