Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday....November 9th...2009

Well...side effects have set in...Missy Wood is not feeling well...flu like symptoms....bloated.... etc...etc. These are the side effects stated on the information sheet for Alimta. Linda thought last night it was something she it is coming clear that it is the infusion side effects....

Hopefully this will not last more than a day or two......she doesn't remember feeling this way the first time although I remember things not being quite right until about the 8th day...and today is the 4th day....

The "good news" is that it is overcast with windy conditions...with rain tonight and tomorrow.... side effects of the storm down south.....we need the rain so no big deal to be out of the sun for a day or two....

Dave has a couple of projects to complete so a day or two of "down time" isn't so bad...


Deb Bruce said...

Dear Dave and Linda,

I hope you feel better really soon. It is cold and dreary here. Tomorrow we are supposed to have sun. Ive been walking and working out with weights too. I hope it works quick. How long are you going to be in Florida? Matt and Wendy may come there in Feb. I want to come.
thinking of you


Jennifer Saucy said...

I hope you are feeling better very soon. It is nice to cuddle up during the storm. Jillian and I did that all weekend. We both needed some down time. You are in my thoughts. Please get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Oh, fooey, sorry to hear about the side affects. I was thinking of you while watching Brothers and Sisters on ABC, Sunday. Cancer and dealing with it for various members of the family was the theme. Linda, you continue to amaze. Good thoughts are being sent your way.

Cheryl Jones said...

Feel better, Linda. I'll send some positive vibes your way.

Love to you both, as always.