Friday, February 25, 2011

Dave is taking a time out from the blog for a bit

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday.......February 15th.....2011

Today......the Janines birthday......I thought it was the 15th.......but at least I am thinking.....and valentine cards went to the grand kids in a timely in Central Oregon for business.....went over a very stormy snowy pass today...have not lost the touch......

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday....February 13th...2011

Happy Valentines day to all of you tomorrow Valentine is in Heaven.....Happy Valentinea day dear Linda......

Dave is "getting out there"....on the advice of a wise he went to volleyball games and dinner with Jim and Jenn......tomorrow he. Goes to view a trial conclusion and Tuesday to Eugene for some Wings work and then on to Bend to meet with realtors, the accountant and his broker and then some March a Florida coming together ....thanks for the phone calls and messages of support...and supporting my journey....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday.....February 10th...2011

Dave found Linda's "I'm going to beat this because"...written sometime during her cancer journey...she wrote down 4 things on 4 different pieces of "I'm going to beat this because.....

They were:

1. I'm going to beat this because I want to travel to Nebraska in the motor coach with Marlin and Joni in June.....she did accomplish this and saw her many relatives and was very happy and satisfied she had carried through with this desire.....

2. I'm going to beat this because I want to travel to Egypt and Greece..... not accomplished....she dreamed of going to Europe and specifically the middle eastern countries of Egypt and Greece....towards the end she just wanted to fly to California to see her friend Mary....Mary came to see her instead....

3. I'm going to beat this because I want to be here for Janine's wedding and the grandchild's birth and babyhood....Janine has other ideas like being single....Linda loved babies...and loved dearly her two grand children...she just couldn't figure out why there could only be 2 of them with 5 kids...

4. I'm going to beat this because I want to watch Jeff grow into the life he dreams of with a home and a family....this was the one she carried to the end...she wanted so much for Jeff....she always saw him as very talented and personable and never quite understood the directions he has taken....he still has time...plenty of time...and his Mother IS watching and still dreaming her dream for him....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesay....February 9th....2011....

Tough days trying to get the new Droid phone working right....saving lots over what we had before but not all worked out yet....also working on financilas of which the formulas are not being obvious to me....two days of frustration on the above...Friday is dinner preparation for the Listening Heart Wings team...Linda and I had committed to doing it as she wouldn't be able to do the full seminar like she did in is/was our favorite seminar as it is for couples...dear friend Claudia is going to help me cook and prepare it...I will owe her big....

Nice weather.....maybe some outside work tomorrow... .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday...February 9th...2011

Sorry Dave has been off line...

New computer with no more Verizon internet..but now back to smart phone....and just out of a Wings Seminar....

Trying to catch my breath and get some tax and client stuff done that Linda was unable to complete...having some trouble but trying to stay calm and "eat an elephant one bite at a time".

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday...February 4th...2011

Linda's sister Karen's Service Reading at the Celebration of Linda....

The certain hope of every child of God is that death is not the end but only the gate to greater life. This keeps believers from fearing death. If we gave our heart to Jesus, we can be certain that He prepared a place for us in His Father's house. Death is not a pit but a tunnel leading to a far greater fullness of light than we ever saw before, because we shall then be in the light of God. (Devotional by Corrie ten Boom, world wide missionary evangelist)

Linda also attended St. Olaf College for it's music courses. She sang in the school choir. When Linda and Dave were married, she sang a song to him. She also sang many solo's in church. The hymn "My Redeemer Lives" was inspired by the verse in Job from the devotional.

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And . . . in my flesh shall I see God.
Job 19: 25-26 KJV

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday...February 3rd...2011

We plan on spreading Lindas's ashes this early summer at Pamila Lake in the Mt Jefferson wilderness...the hike is easy..... see below...this is where we hiked with the kids a few times and spent the night when they were brought special meaning to we will honor her in this place...

Season: Summer thru Fall

Permit: Special Pass Required - Detroit Ranger Station

Features: This is one of the most popular hiking destinations in the Mt Jefferson Wilderness area. After one visit, you'll see why. This place is just plain fantastic!

Keep in mind you must obtain a special use permit to hike/camp in the Pamelia Lake / Hunts Cove area of the Mt Jefferson Wilderness. But don't worry, the permits are free, but only a limited number are given out each day. So get to the Detriot Ranger Station early! Or better yet, call ahead. Here is the contact info:

Detroit Ranger District
HC73, Box 320
Mill City, OR 97360
Phone 503-854-3366
FAX 503-854-4239
Summer hours: 7 days a week 8-4:30 Memorial Day - Columbus Day
Regular hours: Monday-Friday 8-4:30

The trail to Pamelia Lake begins fairly gently as it follows Pamelia Creek most of the way to the lake. From time to time you will have excellent opportunities to enjoy the creek and it's beautiful cascades.

At about 2.3 miles you will come to the shore of Pamelia Lake. Your first sight of this gorgeous lake can be overwhelming, depending on the weather and season.

Pamelia Lake Trail is one of the best day hikes in Oregon.

One of the biggest draws of this hike is the wonderful stream that meanders along the right side of the trail. Because the stream is fed by the surrounding mountains snow melt, this stream has a slightly different character and intensity depending upon what time of year you do this hike. This factor makes this a hike that is fun to do a couple times a year.

The trail is around 5 miles in total length. Two and a half miles in to a sweet little lake that is nesseld within the bowl of the surrounding mountains and another two and a half miles back out along the same trail.

Once you get to the lake you can add another mile or so to the hike by hiking around the lake. The trail is not a difficult one and provides many interesting things to look at along the way. There are many areas along the trail with easy access to the stream. You will walk among a nice combination of disiduous and coniferous trees. Trilliums abound on this trail along with many other wild flowers. The lake is quite still and a good place to sit and look for fish, we can almost guarantee that you will see some. This is a very satisfying hike and provides a lot of enjoyment without a lot of work.

Pamelia Lake is located 7 miles north of Detroit, OR.

• From Salem, OR, take Oregon State Highway 22 to milepost 68 turn left onto Pamelia Lake Road..
• The road is a narrow but paved, one lane with turnouts.
• Drive straight for about 3 miles and you will come to the trailhead
• There are limited bathroom facilities and no running water.

Every Oregon great outdoors hiking trail has something unique to offer. Oregon is a good place for backcountry walkers. Here in Oregon backpacking is the perfect thing to do. There are so many backpacking and hiking trails in this area. All through the summertime, highs usually are in the 70's at Pamelia Lake Trail. Once the sun is down it descends down to the 50's. High temperatures during the wintertime are normally in the 40's, and night lows in the 30's

• Pamelia is a 50-acre hike-in lake surrounded by nice fir forests in an alpine setting. Splendid views of Mount Jefferson can be had from many points around the lake. Scenic beauty aside, Pamelia may hold little appeal to serious anglers. Both rainbows and brook trout are abundant, but small. Trout average 7-10 inches with very few bigger fish. Nevertheless, you will catch lots of fish, and there is no limit on brook trout. The lake is open all year, and all fishing methods are permitted, including bait. Bank access is good around the whole lake, and good catches can be made by casting spinners, eggs, worms, or small streamer flies. A float tube may help increase the action, giving anglers access to the deeper, middle section of the lake and brushy shorelines. Consider taking light tackle to increase the sportiness of these fish. Ultralight spinning rods and fly rods in 2- and 3-weights are ideal.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday....February 2nd ...2011

This is the 5th and last piece written and spoken at the Celebration of her special friend. Each of the 5 pieces is so wonderful to read over and over to get a sense of what a person Linda was....and what she left for us as gifts...

I knew Linda best as a Mother and a friend.

We lived just around the corner from each other in Salem.

In 1985 Linda knocked on my door and I was greeted with a loaf of banana bread and a smile. That was 25 years ago. Over the years Linda and I shared many special times together. She was a good mother, who led by example and I so admired that.

One memory I have was in 1986 when Jeff got his first paper route. I remember Linda helping him out for a while. Rain or shine they got up around 4 am and delivered the papers. She called me excited one day describing how Jeff had been just made Carrier of the Year…she was so proud.

The last time I saw Linda; I came out of her hospital room and walked down the hall with tears in my eyes. It was then Jeff appeared, seeing me in distress. He got up and walked to me with outstretched arms and gave me a big hug.

Linda would have been so proud at what a great compassionate man he had turned out to be.
A few years back, my husband and I went out to eat at a restaurant in Salem. We were sitting waiting for our meal and Linda’s son Jim came up and greeted us. He was very friendly and outgoing. He said he was one of the managers at the restaurant.

Linda shred recently that Jim was a good business man and marveled at his ability managing restaurant.

Janine…she makes me smile,

Janine and my daughter Marcy became best friends right after we moved to Salem in 1985.
When Janine was in the 4th grade, Linda made both girls matching outfits. Several weeks later Marcy’s pants were destroyed in a laundry room accident .I told Linda how sorry I was that they were ruined. Less than 24 hours later, Linda showed up on my doorstep with a new pair of pants she had made. That was Linda..... such a caring woman.

Recently Linda described to me a list of Janine’s wonderful qualities…from being a good teacher to a great hostess…and many qualities in between.

I see a little of Linda in each of the children and that is so comforting to me.

Linda is home now…In peace and cancer free. I personally believe she is spending time catching up with Jono who passed before her.

Janine Tells me Linda is smiling down on all of us. Thank you and thanks for her

If cancer has a good side, Linda would say it is the reconnecting with old friends…these friends added to her quality of life in these last few years and months. Today I say to each of you on her behalf….Don’t wait until you are ill or your friends are ill. Reach out and connect and enjoy these friendships now. No one knows how much time each of us has.

In the end, Linda said family and friends were the most important to her …and she is right.

My life has been enriched having Linda as my neighbor…and as my friend , she will always have a special place in my heart…

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday....February 1st....2011

Number 4 Special Linda Friend's presentation at the Celebration of Linda......

"When I shared with Linda some 25 years ago that Roman and I wanted to
get married in just over a month, she jumped right in to help me make it
a special day. She offered their beautiful back yard for the wedding
then made sure every detail was taken care of as only Linda can. It was
the perfect day and Linda made me a beautiful wedding book that I
treasure still today.

As you all know, there really is nothing Linda couldn't do and do well.
She was especially gifted at decorations and colors, what went with this
and that. It was not so many of the beautiful things in my home over
the years were a result of her handiwork.

I was able to work beside her in some of her rentals clear back when she
was in Salem and I learned construction from an expert. She taught me
so much over the years. I was able to completely remodel our West Salem
house and even take on the construction of our new home. Even though
Linda didn't lift a hammer in that house, her design tips are
everywhere. I was blessed to have her stay with me this past summer
while Dave was helping in a Wings Seminar and was able to share with her
all her did to make this house our home. I was able to share with her
my beautiful garden today like she had shared with me her garden some 25
years ago. There will be a new Rose bush in my garden in her memory,
however, she will forever be a Rose in my heart. I love you, Linda. "

Your friend, Judy

"Linda and I became friends in the early 80's. Really don't know why we
connected so well but we did. She had that air of self confidence and
strength that I admired from the very beginning and it drew me to her.
I was single at the time and struggling with a new business venture.
Her words of encouragement kept me going many times but more than that
she showed by example there was nothing a woman couldn't do and be
really good at it besides.

When I think back over the years, of all the time we talked about our
businesses and I would ask for her input on some situation, she never
gave me solutions, instead we would talk thru the problem till the
answers became clear. She had a way about her that always made me feel
special and on my drives back from Bend or Sisters or even Canby, I
Always felt I was so blessed to have her to share with."