Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday....February 13th...2011

Happy Valentines day to all of you tomorrow Valentine is in Heaven.....Happy Valentinea day dear Linda......

Dave is "getting out there"....on the advice of a wise he went to volleyball games and dinner with Jim and Jenn......tomorrow he. Goes to view a trial conclusion and Tuesday to Eugene for some Wings work and then on to Bend to meet with realtors, the accountant and his broker and then some March a Florida coming together ....thanks for the phone calls and messages of support...and supporting my journey....


Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Dave (and to you, Linda). When are you headed down to Florida? Interested in joining us at Sebring? We could use help with the autograph session!! :)
Glad to see that you are "getting out"...
Have a great week!

Jim and Swee

Julie Miles said...

You should take Miss Jillian for Spring Break:) She would love it....
And you know you are always welcome to come down our way for a visit. We would love to have you. Ray could show you around the ship yard:)
We love you lots and Happy Valentines Day...xoxo

shelly paul said...

Happy V-Day, Dave. Just wanted you to know that we're still keeping you and Linda, along with your entire family, in our thoughts and prayers.

shelly & jason paul

Cheryl Jones said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Dave! Sounds like you've got a lot of really great plans coming together. Hope you have plenty of fun. Let me know if you make it down this way sometime. Disneyland might be ready for another visit!

Love to you always.

Anonymous said...

Dave: I have no direct experience with this yet but it seems to me that putting one foot in front of the other, as you are doing, is the best thing you can do. You may not really feel like doing it but it is so much better than the alternative. Thanks from me to the friends and wise ones you have around you that keep you in their loving care.

Anonymous said...

Dave, I have you wrapped in that healing golden glow of love and support and energy -- and I know its strength is doubled, as I am confident Linda is doing the same. I know she showers you with love each and every moment. Keep on keepin' on, and know that no matter what you're feeling or doing (or not doing), you ARE doing just fine.
