Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday....March 10th...2010

Beautiful day today.....Linda walked a long way today....and yesterday too.....wore her out but she did well...she hopes to get back in the gym by next week and start a toning process too.

Linda had a scare last night when she had "blockage" for the first time in her system....she had severe cramping and one prepared her for this and she had to scramble for information about how to deal with it....they should have prepared her first....with the help of her hospital nurse in Oregon coaching by phone, Linda finally overcame the problem..about an hour away from having to go to the urgent care at the local hospital. Linda is very much aware now that water and fiber are important in her diet and she is going to log what she eats to see what to avoid...etc...

Brother Darron is back in Alaska and in three feet of snow...while we were in the upper 70's finally here in Florida....he found his flight most exhausting.

We are working on our return to Oregon in the latter part of April. Once we fly back we will drive to Bend for last dental and medical matters and pick up the RV....we then go to Wilsonville...south of Portland be "trailer trash" for a month or two...(in a deluxe motorcoach)....

Tomorrow Linda has her Oncologist appointment for blood tests...wouldn't surprise me if they didn't keep her for hydration again...we then plan on wheeling her around a giant mall in the Brandon area by wheel it is suppose to rain tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

Many prayers for tomorrow and a good trip to the docs.

Sorry Darron's trip was so tiring. He does live a continent away. I had a very funny time when a huge guy came down the aisle in Houston offering $20 to anyone who would exchange their aisle seat for his middle seat on the flight to LAX. I am now $20 richer and planning to spend it all in one place. As soon as I decide what that place is. :)

As for the other, I find I depend pretty heavily on Trader Joe's Probiotics these days. They tell me yoghurt does the same thing but I can't even spell it (?) much less think of eating it.

Happy thoughts and good weather,


Julie Miles said...

You are always welcome to come and park your trailer trash in our yard:)... We have hook ups and would love to have you..

hugs and kisses