Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday PM....October...2nd...2010

Saturday, Blog is posted by a new person in Linda's life. At this time she lays upon a pile of blankets cared for by a very Loving Husband. I just met Linda and Dave just 48 hours ago, it was at that time, I was reminded of what true love, marriage and friendship really look like. Not just described but a true living example. Linda, shines with a bright spiritual light. She is taken care of by a equal that no other can compare to. As I type this I am reminded that we live, love and share with the world around us in service always. And in the last 48 hours, I met a couple the world could use as an example of all those things. Blessings from Chris Elliott, not the Actor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading the comments of those who have just met Linda as a person, and Linda and Dave as a couple. I have known Linda since we were in High School and even then there was a special soul in that teenage body.
Life and family and other obligations meant that we would not be in each other's lives for many years between then and now, but often over the years I would think of Linda and hope that at some point our lives would reconnect. That wish did come true a while back and I feel blessed that I now have my friend back in my life where she belongs.
She and Dave are truely an amazing couple every day of their lives, not just on seminar weeks.
Whn I go visit, it is hard for me to leave, becaause they make me feel so good. Linda and Dave share their "real" selves with everyone they meet and everyone goes on from that point with something very precious.
I love you guys.