Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday July 6th

We're in Portland visiting with relatives...a nice escape.

Linda stopped in Salem to visit with her sister who is in the hospital having back surgery...then on to Portland to visit/stay with son Jim....daughter-in-law-to-be Jen and granddaughter Jillian. Early Monday daughter Janine arrives back from New York.

Linda plans on calling the doctor early Monday to see if the PET scan was scheduled...and if not then it if could be done in Portland as she is already there....we shall see.

Today both of us were just plain worn out...things were catching up with is what we're looking for...

We are blown away by the folks we are hearing from by in the BLOG....Linda says she hears there are gifts in each illness and hearing from all these incredible people might be one of those (she then clarified that she's not saying it's worth getting sick for though (she still has a bit of humor)). Seriously she does thank each of you for your kind thoughts...prayers...and comments.


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