Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Oncologist Visit...Wednesday evening...July 18th

Late this afternoon we finally met with the Oncologist......the facts as, we understand them, in no particular order:

Linda's cancer started three to five years ago.

He asked the same question each doctor has asked.......did you smoke.

He said it was 90% an environmental cause..10% a hereditary cause.

The cancer grows not by the day or week but by the months...what this means is that even though it was caught by chance, her cough would have eventually sent her to the doctor and there would have been no additional damage....and she wouldn't have known to have caught it earlier.

The doctor said her age and health work in her favor.

The doctor said she has stage 3-B cancer but he is going to consult with a thoracic surgeon to evaluate the situation...there is a chance still of surgery but it is the differerence between a 95% diagnosis and a 100%. And the surgery is invasive.

The doctor plans on being very aggressive in is about curing her.

The doctor said it is curable without her attitiude, etc etc but he was very impressed with her attitude and determination.

Linda will begin radiation treatment and chemotherapy in two weeks.

The radiation treatments will be daily (except weekends) for 6 to 7 weeks. Chemotherapy will take place on the same schedule.

At the end of that time, the radtiation is more forever.

There is then a three to four week gap with no treatment.

Then there is chemotherapy one day every three weeks.

The doctor considers her very curable.

The doctor believes the tumor will go into remission quickly.

The doctor is more than willing to set up a second opinion.

Linda warmed up to the doctor pretty fast...he said the treatment is pretty straight forward no matter where she goes.

The doctor said he can set up treatments in Florida so we can go there this winter.

Linda's information will go before a tumor board of doctors next week for review.

What now:

Linda is going to go wig hunting..I personally prefer red.

Linda and I will be at the San Jose Champ Car Grand Prix in a week.

Linda and I will not be at the California NASCAR race the end of August.

I will be doing the Wings Crossover Seminar in August.

Linda and I will be at Jim's and Jenn's wedding in Mexico the middle of October.

Linda and I will be in Florida the end of October.

Linda and I will be on the Grenada Windjammer cruise the last of November.

Linda and I will be at the Phoenix Grand Prix the first of December.

I plan on getting an RV spot at the hospital in Bend as soon as Linda doesn't have to travel everyday 25+ miles each way to do treatments.

Linda thanks each of you for your support and love...she loves the comments section in this BLOG particularly.....if she hasn't thanked you personally for whatever..please do understand that she is very appreciative.....all of this is part of the cure.

And I thank each of you too.


ps..yes..I am going on blood pressure medicine as soon as the pharmacy sense in busting a vessel....this is very stressful...and my focus needs to be on "my bride"

ps..Linda might add to the above as she understood things..we shall see..


Unknown said...

This is such positive and good news. Prayers are being heard.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear what Linda's Dr had to say.It's sounds positive. Mark asks me every night if I have checked the Blog and wants to know how Linda's day was.

We also will not be going to Calif. in late August. So we will need a new place to meet. I hope it's soon!

Take care and keep up the great attatude.

Mark & Kathy Quijada

Hay Dave........Are you watching Big Brother. Who's going this week.Joe or Dick? HOH...What a wacko. She needs to go next week.