Thursday, July 5, 2007

Post Procedure Thursday PM July 5th

Linda made it through the procedure at the hospital today..not too happy afterwards with the way her throat felt and the coughing..but it's over.....

To describe the she put's it...think of a colonoscopy..but from the other end (she still has some humor)

The Pulmonologist thought he had gotten a sample of the mass....we shall see.

He thought it might be back from the lab as early as late tomorow afternoon (Friday) or then Monday afternoon. We plan on driving into Bend and meeting with him when the results are in.

This stage will provide the story what it is....and some clues as to what our lives will be like from this point on. We are being positive and ready to address things for a cure.

Linda says hi..particularly to all those Toronto folks (we were supposed to be there this weekend). She thanks all for their thoughts and prayers.

Linda's blood pressure has been low...almost to the point where she is lathargic..the doctor is having her cut her meds in she can function. One good thing she says...when she suffers brings her blood pressure back to normal!

Anyway...hopefully more tomorrow.

Linda is currently on the couch ...sleeping to some great "new age" soothing music. Being a good husband, I'm going out and wash her car so it looks nice for her.



Anonymous said...

I love you Linda! You are an amazing and wonderful woman. I am thinking of you everyday...
I went to the beach the other day and put some flowers in the ocean with a little prayer for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave & Linda,

Our prayers and thoughts are with you during this time. Please make sure you rest. That is the most important thing at this time. When Chris and Wendy let us know what you are going to be facing we just wanted you to know you are in our prayers everyday.
God Bless,
Kathleen & Brad Bliven

Anonymous said...

Hi earthquke-Mom,

This is Crystal in Seattle and I am so glad to here things went well. You are in my prayers!


P.S. You're going to be an earthquake-grandma :)

aw said...

Hi, Linda -
My husband, Dan, and I are friends with Chris and Wendy, who shared this blog with us. You sure sound like a strong, sassy woman. We're going to kick this cancer's butt. :) Know that there are quite a few people up here in Seattle praying for you.
God bless you and your husband,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave & Linda,
Wendy's been keeping us posted on how you're doing. We're definately praying for you, & the rest of the family. We're glad to hear the procedure went fine and you may not have to have surgery. You'll be in our thoughts. Love the pictures.
Tim,Tanya,Katelyn,& Wyatt McDonald