Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Life Long Personal Contract

Linda has done a lot of personal growth work over the years...In 1988 she took a life long personal Contract:


When we read these words and think of Linda..we say (outloud in acknowledgement and support): YES!

What a contract to serve her in this phase of her life....!!!!

For more on her personal growth work, please go to

Dave time I'll share with you her "song"....


Anonymous said...

We want you to know, Linda, that we are following your blog and you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. We wish you continued strength - you will beat this! Our love, Cousin Darrell and Shar

Whitehoopster said...

Linda & Dave

We have been traveling and just sat down to review e-mails. What a shock. We are blown away with what you both have been going through. Know we are thinking of you both, and sending lots of positive prayers and thoughts your way.

Linda-YOU ARE A STONG WOMAN, and we are counting on you beat this challenge. We have many, many, many plans with the TWO of you for the future. Afterall, you have had lots of other challenges in your life, look what you have done with Dave!

Dave-we are so proud of you for being so supportive. You are the best! Don't forget to take care of yourself.

We will be checking e-mails somewhat sporatically as we travel, but know we are thinking of you both constantly.

Kim & Ernie

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave: I hope the scope was able to do what it needed to be done..and that the information you get today and on monday will put you on a path to recovery. think of you often and am praying ( don't let that out could, like totally, ruin my persona) that the strength and care you nee will be there for you. Barbara sends her wishes and prayers annd Maxx says hi to sadie. ...talked with arlington yesterday, she,like me' is confident that you will regain your health. love ya both..... john chase

Anonymous said...

I think about you, my Linda-mom, everyday. You are a very strong woman and the best lady I know next to my own mother. Just be you and I know that evrything will br perfect. Love you so much Bret

Anonymous said...

Hey Coz, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.. Love Ya oodles Lady. I'll stay in touch, and sign on for more info. By the way are you two still in Napa?
I am in Sacramento. Need anything
Do Not hesitate to call.


Your cousin, Vicky