Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday...PM...July 28th

Today was a busy day for us at the track with everything from a dinner..a tour...a forum..pace cars...invites to hand out..etc etc. . The good news is Linda got some rest in the morning and this afternoon...with the hotel in the middle of the sure makes it nice for her....and the hotel is allowing her to keep the room till 6 pm tomorrow.....well after the race is over and we head to the airport and she can rest tomorrow.

We don't have many duties tomorrow so it will be nice to relax back a bit after two days of pretty constant work.

The fans here have been great for and to Linda as have the Champ Car was a good decision to come and for her to experience everyone...I believe she believes there are a lot of folks on her team...

Yes..she has been eating ok...we have stockpiled some things in the room for her including some nutitional drinks.....which she has been that has gone well.

Except for Friday morning when her blood pressure was low and her feelings followed in the same direction....Linda has done quite well.....

We get home late tomorrow night..I'll do the driving after we land in Portland so she can she has been warned that the day being"mapped" for radiation will be most uncomforatable.....the table she is to lay on has no pad and she will remain in one spot for a half hour or more...the total time will be an hour and a half or more. Linda was actually advised by the doctor to take pain killers before she arrives. What a delightful experience this should be.

It's late......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and am sending you lots of energy today at the races. YOU CAN DO IT MOM!!!!

love you,