Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday AM...July 23rd

Got home from the Champ Car race in Edmonton at 1am somewhat of a late start today...pretty exhausted.... especially not having Linda there...others pitched in and it was a good event all the way around.

Linda is coughing a lot..we're trying to get a hold of the new doctor...the see if he can prescribe something that will work...Linda has gone through bottles of the cough medication the other doctors prescribed..without much relief. We hope to get a call back soon.

Linda also has yet to hear when her treatments she is in a bit of a holding pattern......wanting to get on with it.

Tomorrow we go into the Clinic where the chemo is done to learn how the process occurs and what the regemin will be.

Linda is also still struggling with blood pressure issues....this whole thing is causing broad fluctuations in her blood pressure...sometimes very low...which results in low energy ...which she doesn't need right now....she's been chasing this pressure thing all over the seems time to get a grip on she can focus on the main medical issues.

Many many wishes of success and good health continue to come her way....and she is very appreciative....daughter Janine was here this weekend as was Linda's friend Judy...good supporters. This afternoon..after her nap....we go to Black Butte Resort to visit with her niece and have is such a beautiful place ...and will be good for her.

Thank you for visiting this site and supporting Linda

Below was taken last she is looking pretty good (amazingly good that day)

Above is Linda's million and a half dollar project just completed and on the Brasada Ranch in Central equestrian and golf community.



Anonymous said...

I had a GREAT time with you this weekend Mom and look forward to years and years and years more of them. thinking you you always.

Love you tons, Janine

Anonymous said...

Linda, look into Dr. Weil's stuff. The issue of his newsletter I got today had both info re: ginseng easing cancer fatigue and breath work for lowering blood pressure. And so I had to share with you...esp. after today's entry.

Wrapping you in a golden glow of health with a nice extra boost of energy.


Julie Miles said...

We love you lots and look forward to seeing you at Jim's this week.... I want to give you the biggest hug with lots and lots of kisses... :)

Dave I am glad you are home and enjoyed your trip. I am sure it was hard for the two of you to be apart. Your love for each other is such an amazing example to all of us. I have always been in AWWWW... You both are always in my heart, and my thoughts everyday!

I love you , Julie & Family

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to check in and let you know we're still thinking about you and praying for you, Dave and Linda. Sometimes it seems the obstacles we encounter in life remind us why life is worth living in the first place.


Shelly & Jason Paul
Green Bay, WI