Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday After Turkey Day...November 23rd

A tough day.......

First the good stuff.....see pictures of the family get to gether.....

And then the bad stuff.......

Linda awoke this morning with some "bone pain"...she had it most of the night and had gotten up for more pain medication....she spent 12 hours in bed...having gone to bed at 8 pm.

She appeared tired this morning and slept on and off...sitting next to me.....

And then.......

She seemed to fall away from me....and appeared very tired and worn down...Janine took her blood pressure and it was 55 over 35 with a pulse of unbelievable low set of "vitals".....and then she became unresponsive...she didn't pass out..but rather looked "glazed over" and "glassy eyed" one point her eyes rolled back.....I was unable to get her to respond...several times and efforts....Janine called 9-1-1 immediately.

The good news is that the fire and EMT folks were very close and there within minutes......Linda came back around and they immediately set up and IV and stabilized her. The hospital is very close also and Linda was transported make a long story short, it appears Linda had become dehydrated and this set up the above.....even though she had juice and all for wasn't enough.

After a long period in the ER, Linda was released....having had infusions of hydration. We have learned that she must really get the liquids down..much beyond what she had been doing...and "yes" she had been carrying a water bottle and drinking from it...still not enough....

We came home tonight...she is experiencing some more "bone pain" which we are trying to manage.....we hope the "scary times" are behind us...we have been through too much of that. This lady deserves better...we got two weeks of peace in Florida...we are looking for more.



Anonymous said...

Good morning, you guys. Boy, did you ever give me a scare. I can't imagine what it did to you guys. I could see Linda's water bottle in the picture so I know she has been doing her job but now it more is needed eh?
The picture of the family was great. Again, you have that beautiful smile. Well, thank you God for being with Linda and the family. Dave, again thank you for being such a blessing to everyone.
Janet and Ken

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Linda got to spend Thanksgiving with the family!!! It probably seems a long time ago the relaxing in Florida but it WILL happen again!! I know Linda will do her best to keep hydrated now and TAKE IT EASY Please!!! Love to see the pictures!!

Mindy & Dave