Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday Evening...November 24th

Today Linda focused on getting as much liquid down as reasonable...the doctor wanted 12 glasses of 8 oz per day...that's a whole lot.....but Linda is making a good stab at it.

The pain in her legs was quite significant during the night and has tapered off a bit during the day today but still present.

Lastly, she threw up pretty forcefully after dinner tonight.....she wasn't on the nausea medication but will now return to it as it indicates to go back on it if the nausea returns.

We did go to the library for a short exercise stint..but not much else to report...watched the Oregon Ducks for the first time...they were awful!....surely not a top ten team....surely they will disappear from the charts now...and my alma mater Oregon State will handle them next!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys, Sorry to here about your recent problems.. I really wish I could help someway. What I know about pain is it is always more intense in the nite time. God has made nites for people to relax and let the body heal during their sleeping hours, at least that is what we always tell our children. So why would that not be true with adults. Your body is trying to rejuvenate itself. It is fighting to get back to normal. Whatever that is at this time. Pain is horrible, especially day in and day out, but honey it also tells you, you are alive...And that is what all this is about, isnt it.. To keep you here with us forever. If this sounds like a lecture, it is.. I care about you and I do not want you to give up. I realize you are getting worn down. That is human nature. But do not let the devil get the better of you. We all love you and want you here with us. Hang in there Lil Lady, Love Ya, Lil Sis