Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday In Oregon...November 19th

Today was a big day.....

Linda was a bit nervous after what she has gone through..then feeling finally much better and now back in to "feel worse to get better".....

It actually went "ok"....we first met with the nurse practitioner ..."Suzie"....who went though what things would look like....there are 4 cycles to this round of chemo...each 21 days....there are two "chemos" given on day 1 after some preliminary medicines (all intravenously).....on days 2 and 3 Linda should expect nausea...on days 3 through 5 it looks like "bone pain"....on days 9 through 12 low immunity and she should feel at her best on days 17 though 21......and then it all starts again (for 4 cycles of 21 days).

We went through other side effects including loss of hair again and the medications Linda will need to take.

We also discussed the possibility of finishing things in Florida if the side effects were manageable..everyone has a different we have a "green light" if all goes well....we shall see.

So Linda proceeded with her first took a total of 6 and a half hours....she approached things with great confidence and sense is she will be on top of all this...this time around.....look to the following pictures for a sense of how her day went.....


ps..Our luggage showed up at 1 am this morning..the dog heard the car show up and she woke us up...the guy delivering it then broke one of his car windows with our was none worse the wear and then he drove off...this morning there was a pile of car glass in the driveway...what a day it was....


Anonymous said...

Hi Honeys.....I guess I should have waited til morning to write this as I've written twice already and, for some reason, have "lost" both messages when I clicked to "Preview" them.

S-o-o-o-o, I'm going to quit trying tonight and see if I can, maybe, do better tomorrow.

In the meantime, remember I love you both more than all the world and I'm so very proud of you.... the way you've held up under all you've been through is truly amazing.

All my love til the end of time.

P.S......I'm not going to Preview this one so if there are mistakes they'll just have to stay there!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Glad you had a wonderful vacation. Much deserved...Linda you look fabulous, and I love that shirt..Anyway I am still checkin on your lifes journey.. You are truly an amazing Lady.. Now that you have more of an idea as to what to expect, I hope things goes more smoothly for you. Not that this could be a easy process, but the not knowing can be the worst. Hnag in there Lil Lady.. Lots of Love, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Linda, For a gal who has gone thru what you have gone thru, you look
dynamite! I have a feeling this chemo session will be a lot easier for you to tolerate. And no radiation--that's good. Enjoy your Thanksgiving as best you can.
Our thoughts and prayers are still with you and Dave. Julie and Bob Brown