Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday Evening....In Florida....November 7th

Another Sunny Day in Florida.....Pictures As Promised

Linda on our back lanai....

Our back yard and lanai

Our back pond with an alligator on the far bank ("Lidi" "lidi-gator"...named by the attorney two doors down ("litigator"..."lidi-gator"...get it?)

Our front

Neighborhood traffic stoppers

Linda continues to improve (my observation)...we are heading out to dinner with friends....



Anonymous said...

Hey have a great time in Florida! You look so good Linda! I wasn't able to check in for a few days but I have been thinking of you. I am so happy to see you got to your son's reception and how awesome you looked! What a turn around! Good news, very good news. I am so proud of you and how well you are doing. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Linda, you're looking terrific!! So relaxed and at ease and comfortable. You have fought a quite a battle with great success! Keep it up.

and while I still wrap you in that golden glow of health -- I don't have to add "warmth" right now -- as a matter of fact, I'll keep the warm for me. My toes and nose are already cold and it's only mid-fall in these east coast parts.

Enjoy the sun and the flora and fauna.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Linda and Dave...I come to Oregon only to find you two have ventured off to Florda....I am jealous! Miss you both and my thoughts are always with you! Looking forward to seeing you in Long Beach early next year and or sooner!

Take care and hope to see you soon!


Julie Miles said...

You look AMAZING...
Is that your car? How cute is that... Yellow.. bright and sunny:)

Thank you Dave for posting...

Love you

Anonymous said...

Linda - you look great! Relaxed and enjoying the sun. You definitely deserve this nice break from everything that you've gone through.

Dave - hope you're relaxing and enjoying the nice warm weather down there too.

You're both always close in thought!

Jim and Swee

Cheryl Jones said...

Oh, Linda! You look absolutely fantastic!! So glad to see you looking happy and healthy!

Hope you both are soaking up plenty of sunshine and warmth. Can't wait to see you again when the racing season starts.

My love to you both, as always.

Wendy Soethe said...

Great pictures! Grandpa Dave and Grandma Linda, Taigen says hi! She saw the pictures and said, "That's the house we used to live in, in Florida!" She also said you better let the birds know they are going to get run over if they stay in the street like that.

It is amazing to see and hear how far you have progressed, Linda, since the radiation treatments ended. Did you get results from your tests right before you left Oregon? I can't remember reading about them in the blog but my memory is not so good at the end of a busy day. :)

Love you, Chris, Wendy and Taigen

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, I have geen thinking of you so much,I speek to Karen a lot and she updates me on your progress. Your in my prayers every nite and I just know that you are going to beat this thing and go on all those great trips soon. I had to laugh at Dave saying about your Christmas Decor , remember when in the snow storm I came up and helped you decorate for the cooks tour thing and we ate candy and junk and had such a good time. It was always fun even if you and I were just hanging border. good memories for me of my life in Bend.Hey we had a housefull for Thanksgivbing and they just left yesterday , I cried a lot about them leaving ,Raquel is 15 months and Rocco is 4 we had a very busy time ,but fun. Now I am cleaning up and having new windows put in starting today sure looks great and it will take about 3 days to complete then the siding is going to be put on ,should make this old house look pretty sharp. We love our neighborhood so much , that I feel it is a good investment for our home. We put in a gas fireplace too and it sure is nice . My Christmas presents to us. I read your christmas letter as soon as I got it and that is how I finally found your blog I was putting it in wrong all this time. Tell Dave how great I think he is for being such a good man a lot of husbands would not stand by and I am so happy for you.
I was so happy that you got to go to Florida do as much as you can do because you deserve it all. Next time you are coming over the mountain let me know I would love to see you even if it is for just a short visit. Don't do to much ,let people spoil you. Happy Holidays and all our love and best wishes . Love Luann and Rick