Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Evening....November 20th

Is the "shoe" going to drop?

Linda woke this morning...went to the kitchen and started baking for the holidays......

Two problems: she had chemo yesterday and is supposed to feel "bad" today and also she hasn't the energy to be a busy baker......did I mention she also was on the tread mill for 14 minutes and did weight exercises prior to that......

She did "calm" down a little and took a big nap......and no signs of nausea yet....we remember each individual reacts differently.....but again this is pretty early in the 21 day cycle.

Now she wants to go out to dinner to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary today......will someone calm this woman down! (the bad news is I thought it was our 29th and we'd already done the 27th...oh well).

Glad to hear from all on the "comments section" in this Blog...happy holidays to all.....hug the one close to you...life is not predictable.....

We most likely will leave tomorrow for the "valley" (west side of the mountains..we live on the east side) to see Linda's brother and sister in law and celebrate the holidays with the kids in Portland.



Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the two of you. :) Good to hear that you've had a great day, Linda... but do remember to take it easy too.

Enjoy your time with your family, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are thankful for your friendship!!

Jim and Swee

Susie said...

Happy Anniversary! and what a wonderful day for both of you. Linda, how great to have such a day with lots of energy. Baking always seems to bring such pleasure -- both in the doing and in the consuming.

I hope today is but the first of a long, long line of wonderful days, each filled with more and more health, more and more healing. I know they will be filled with more and more love.

And now I'm off to hug my nearest and dearest, with you ever-present in my thoughts and meditations.

Got you wrapped in that golden glow of health ... You go enjoy the holidays!!


Julie Miles said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you love birds...:) I wish that everyone had the love that you do...

I wish I were there to enjoy Linda's baking... I miss her homemade goodies and the great smell of her kitcken..

We did make some Lefse and will be sending some with Jillian to share with you... She has ate almost all that we made the other day so I will be making some more tomorrow.. She is a Lefse aholic...:)

I love you both and miss you incredibly. I look forward to seeing you soon...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a good day. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and say hello to Marlin and Joni for us. Hugs to all of you. Darrell and Shar

Anonymous said...

Terrific news! Have a wonderful
Thanksgiving. Julie and Bob Brown
And a Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Awesome to hear she's baking and exercising on supposedly "bad" days. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

Cheryl Jones said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! So glad you're getting along well right now. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Here's hoping that you'll be able to keep in good shape throughout this cycle of treatment.

Love to you both, particularly on this very special day!

Anonymous said...

Have a great Thanksgiving. Hope you eat lots and it doesn't make you sick. Hopefully it will make you FAT. Take care and enjoy all your family. I love you bunches. Judy