Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Evening...November 25th

It's calmed down a bit around here......and here's Linda to talk about it:

I'm sorry for scaring you guys with my drama this week, especially my David. It's not easy for him to accompany me on this journey with all it's scary moments. I'll try to take better care of myself from now on.

My pain has finally let up today, so that I didn't need to take any pain meds. It's been a tough week and hopefully before my next treatment, we can figure how to make it a little easier. I might have decided not to sign up for it had I known it would be so hard. No, that's not true. I'm willing to go through whatever I have to to beat this disease. I'm so lucky to have so many people rooting for me. It definitely helps me get through the hard times. Thanks again for hanging in there with me.

Love and gratitude.....Linda

Dave again.....

I find my self very sensitive to music these days...some Garth Brooks stuff as well as Vince Gill and Trisha I was thinking of Linda and I attending many Listening Heart seminars for couples in Wings (which many of you know we support and partipate in)....couples are given a song which in part represents much about them as seen by others....Linda and I have had a few songs over time as we have worked with this seminar many times.

Anyway, the one that sticks out today was a song by Placido Domingo called "Time After Time" (Carly Simon has done it too) which was given to us a number of goes like this:

Time after Time
I tell myself that I'm
So lucky to be loving you
So lucky to be the one you run to see
In the evening, when the day is through
I only know, what I know
the passing years will show
you kept my love so young
so new and Time after Time
You'll hear me say that I'm
So lucky, to be loving you



Jenn said...

Your love and committment are amazing! It was great to spend the holiday with you.
Love you both,

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. My Condo Association involvement has consumed a lot of my time recently - budget time and all. Anyway, I hope you begin feeling better real soon. My experience is that five years from now, you'll barely remember much of what you're going through now!!! Remember always that you are in my prayers and that I love you a world full. If I don't see you before, I look forward to seeing you in February for the Daytona 500. Hpoe you were able to enjoy some of Thanksgiving and look forward to Christmas and a healthy New Year.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that you're close in thought... Hope this week is a much better one! :)

Hang in there... we're all here for you if you need us. Take care...

Jim and Swee

PTRacing said...

It's good to hear that things have settled down a bit. Wow those were some pretty low blood pressure #'s. Prayers are coming your way again. Take Care Linda. Keep up the good work Dave.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I can't imagine what you have and what are going through with all of this.Thank you for showing us that it can be done with prayer and a strong sense of believing that miracles can and do happen.
Dave, thank you for being beside Linda.