Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Evening (Florida Time)......November 3rd

Hello from Florida!

It took us all day to get here....but well worth it.....warm.....warm.....warm!

Linda says to tell everybody she feels great! She is loving the warmth and the bright colors and all. She even ate pretty good on the airplane getting here. I think this two weeks "off" will be wonderful for her.....seeing old friends...sitting by the pool....going to the beaches...maybe a hockey game or two...

Linda said to tell everyone that we were on vacation and the Blog would be on vacation too...but I said "no way"...look for some pictures. and stuff daily.....

Our villa looked as if we had never left it.....the water tastes a bit sulfurous...but everything else looks in good shape.

More tomorrow....



Anonymous said...

Enjoy your very well deserved vacation. :)

Jim and Swee

Julie Miles said...

We love you so much... I am so hapy you are in some well deserved sunshine... You are the best and thank you Dave for saying no to the blog vacation.. I want details and pictures of her enjoying herself...
It is very cold here this morning. Please soak up some SUN for me.


Anonymous said...

I have been in Vegas since last Monday and could hardly wait to hear how things were going. It was so nice there, weather wise and I am so glad to hear you made the trip to Florida. The sunshine will be just the healing you need right now plus getting away from everything. Take care of yourselves, I love you both so. Judy

PTRacing said...

The warm temperatures and the beauiful sunshine is the best medicine for you Linda. Dave I'm glad you always don't listen to Linda, It'll be nice to hear her progress in this relaxing environment.

Enjoy your vacation