Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 4, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 5, 2009

Dave is not back from fishing yet, so I am doing the blog. I got up early to have breakfast with him before he left, but went right back to sleep for three hours. I have been really tired on this trip and just a little depressed feeling. I actually feel as if I have the chemo punies, but I'm not on any chemo drugs. I suppose my blood count could be off, or I could be anemic. I have felt so good most of the summer that I start getting scared when I start feeling less than good. I'll be glad to have the scan done in eleven days so I can put any unfounded fears aside. Sometimes I just forget to BELIEVE.

LaVelle and I watched Revolutionary Road this morning and did a puzzle this afternoon. We went to have pizza this evening with my nieces Laura and Sarah and Sarah's boyfriend. It was another pleasant day today, even if pleasant here is a high of 65 degrees. The guys should be home soon with their catch. Dave will have to tell you about it tomorrow.

Love and gratitude........Linda


Jennifer Saucy said...

Sounds like you are having a great time, but could use a big hug! You have been so strong through all of this, don't get down on yourself if you have a couple bad days. Jim and I are always commenting on how amazing you are. You have the greatest attitude & strength. You are so busy it is no wonder your body is slowing down. It just needs a rest. Enjoy a good book and a cup of tea. Relax, you've earned it. We love you and will see you when you get home. Stay strong!!

Jennifer Saucy said...

Oh ya....Love you!!!