Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday....September 16th...2009

She is AT IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Wood went in for her CTSCAN this am ...everything went well...we returned home...and then....

Linda has been experiencing some nausea, abdominal pain and belching....these started to increase in intensity once she got home. Finally she called her Oncologist who was in the Redmond office today....he took a couple of hours to return the call, for as we found out, he wanted to see the CTSCAN to see if there were any clues....there were...

The Oncologist called to report Linda had Cholecystitis an inflammation of the gall bladder. It is usually a pretty severe disease and requires the removal of the gall bladder immediately. The Oncologist called a surgeon...who then referred Linda to another doctor to look at the symptoms.

It was decided that Linda had eaten earlier and that a ultrasound scan was needed..but eating would affect the she was sent home with instructions to take pain medications and to head to the hospital for an ultrasound at 7:15 am.....then she meets with the surgeon at 8am....

What then? She either goes to surgery for one of two types of surgery....laparoscopic surgery which is the least invasive.....traditional incision in the abdomen....or avoidance of surgery....which we will not know till tomorrow.

If Linda doesn't have surgery, we then meet with the Oncologist, as scheduled, at 11:40 to review the CTSCAN results and where she goes from there. The Oncologist did indicate today there was a small increase in the size of the nodules...but no spreading of the cancer......exactly what that means and where we go next will be known tomorrow....we hope.

It is important to note that this new "disease" (the gall bladder) is not was not caused by the the Oncologist said "cancer patients get sick too"....and it's not all cancer.

Finally. Linda threw up big time tonight but seems to be resting well...I am reminded why I suffered from anxiety last is the unknown and the helplessness.

The gallbladder is a sac located under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile produced in the liver. Bile aids in the digestion of fats, and is released from the gallbladder into the upper small intestine (duodenum) in response to food (especially fats). Conditions that slow or obstruct the flow of bile out of the gallbladder result in gallbladder disease.

Cholecystitis is a sudden inflammation of the gallbladder that causes severe abdominal pain, abdominal fullness, fever, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and comes and goes and surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is usually needed.

Under general anesthesia, so the patient is asleep throughout the procedure.
Using a cannula (a narrow tube-like instrument), the surgeon enters the abdomen in the area of the belly-button.
A laparoscope (a tiny telescope) connected to a special camera is inserted through the cannula, giving the surgeon a magnified view of the patient's internal organs on a television screen.
Other cannulas are inserted which allow your surgeon to delicately separate the gallbladder from its attachments and then remove it through one of the openings.
After the surgeon removes the gallbladder, the small incisions are closed with a stitch or two or with surgical tape.

Rather than a five to seven inch incision, the operation requires only four small openings in the abdomen.
Patients usually have minimal post-operative pain.
Patients usually experience faster recovery than open gallbladder surgery patients.
Most patients go home within one day and enjoy a quicker return to normal activities.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my, now I see what happens the day AFTER a "down day" at the Woods' household! At least you have an answer to the indigestion and such.
Now, Linda, you absolutely HAVE to be running out of ideas in that bag-o-tricks! Dave is not the only one to be shaking his head.
Seriously, hope you get resolution on all fronts. Catch a break, will ya!

Anonymous said...

Dang, L, is there anything else? ;-) and :-( ... Got nuthin' else to add here for giggles... So I'll just wrap you real tight in that golden glow of healing love. And I want the news today to be the best possible and for your health to ONLY get better and better from this point forth.


Kim & Ernie said...

I agree with are pulling some tricks from the bottom of your bag.

A gall bladder, what else could go wrong, but glad to hear it is not something else caused by the cancer. My whole family (Mom, Dad, older sister and me) excluding my youngest sister have had our gallbladders removed. We told my youngest sister, before she had her last child, that she should just have the doc reach up and snip out the gall bladder after the baby came out. She ignored us.

Hang in there, love and miss you both.

Ernie & Kim

Vicky said...

And the lady never quits smiling. You are an inspiration dear sweet Linda. My prayers and love are with you while you tackle one more thing. Kick butt sweetie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there amazing continue in our daily prayers. Love, Darrell and Shar

Anonymous said...

Hi Lovebirds -
You will be in my thoughts and prayers today. It's amazing that there are answers to your tummy discomfort and today will reveal them along with some solutions.

You are a beautiful human being with deep wells of strength - do not be discouraged in this new journey.

God is present in your world and in your soul keeping you close.

Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

You will be in our prayers today, as everyday. I agree with Marilyn...stop pulling things from that bag of tricks. Dave you hang in there. Will be waiting to hear how it went today.

Nancy, Jim and Joe

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the gallbladder problem! I'm anxious t0 hear about the results (today?!). Thinking of you and love you dearly.

Love, Jen and The Plots

Anonymous said...

I knew you were very uncomfortable when you were at my house, but you are just like the energizer just keep going and going and smiling the whole time..that beautiful smile. Hope they get you taken care of so you are no longer in pain. And I apologize for giving you a bad time about not getting your medicine while here in the valley.