Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday....September 10th...2009

Today Linda did her MRI..which was done with contrast..of course she didn't know that ahead of time and they didn't know how to access her port at the hospital imaging no port used..poked again....

We should get the results tomorrow..our hope is that there is no metastasizing of the cancer to the brain ..our theory we are hopeful for is that the headaches are a result of the primary doctor cutting back on Linda's hormones about a month ago....the timing of all was about the same....we shall see.

Tomorrow we go to see Roger's family to express our condolences...and then on to Portland for dinner with friends...and then a picnic for retired Oregon Education Association staff consultants. Sunday we visit with family and head home.

Check the BLOGGER and BLOGGETT pictures from a day or so ago...a few more have been added...get yours in to avoid "pictures" made up for you.....we have our ways....

The following are examples of pictures we plan on using...and worse!.


Jennifer Saucy said...

you will be in my thoughts today.
Dave, is that Bailey?

Anonymous said...

Why oh why can't the medical profession get things right just once? But you must admit it makes for a more interesting blog..
Linda, you are in my thoughts totally. Hoping for nothing but good news.

Anonymous said...

Whew, glad I got my photo in before the deadline! Hope the test results are good.